Victor Sharpe
October 7, 2023. That was the day when the depraved men of Hamas, the monsters who call themselves Palestinians, swarmed into Israel in their thousands and exulted in raping Jewish women relentlessly until their victims bled to death.
That was the day when these Palestinian ghouls wallowed in glee as they tore little babies from tormented Jewish mothers’ arms and beheaded the doomed infants or baked them alive in ovens.
That was the day when the Hamas myrmidons gleefully took pictures and videos of their dead and mutilated Jewish victims to send to their adoring families in Gaza.
That was the day when the Hamas Muslim occupiers of Gaza rallied the Islamic world in a hate fest against their Israeli victims; this as they screamed Allahu Akbar, meaning Allah is greater than the God of the Christians and the Jews.
And these Arab creatures of deepest evil are now lauded and supported by students in America’s colleges of shame and ignorance, from sea to shining sea.
The world and the national and international mainstream media are eerily silent when Israel and her civilian population are attacked from Gaza or Lebanon or Syria or Iran and her people slaughtered by Palestinian terrorists.
But if she retaliates, oh my, the same immoral world and mass media scream and condemn her for daring to resist and a predictable anti-Israel censure is issued from that ultimate temple of hypocrisy: the United Nations, or tragically by the Biden regime. Israel is like the rape victim who never receives justice from a series of biased judges.
But it is now even worse for the embattled Jewish state. The most hostile anti-Israel President, Joe Biden, and a State Department, which is perennially anti-Israel to its core, will never give Israel the green light to finally finish the job by destroying once and for all the murderous terrorists of the Arab and Muslim world: Hamas. The honorable exception to this ignominy was that of President Donald J. Trump and his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo.
Did the world care about the tormented Israeli town of Sderot, which was battered relentlessly for years by lethal missiles from the pitiless Hamas occupied and terrorist infested Gaza Strip? O little town of Sderot, her suffering people live a mere three kilometers from the Gaza Strip. They still have only 15 seconds warning from the next incoming barrage of deadly missiles deliberately fired at them by these pitiless Arabs who call themselves Palestinians.
Ashkelon, a large city of over 100,000 souls is another nearby target of Palestinian Hamas aggression. Rockets have slammed into her civilian areas routinely and again the world remains silent. If the execrable Joe Biden and his Obama hold outs who occupy the regime remain in power, the missiles and the Hamas creatures of death will swarm again into embattled Israel.
Ashdod and Beersheba, all major southern Israeli cities, have come under heavy rocket offensives from Gaza in the past. Jewish victims died, babies and toddlers were wounded, synagogues hit by Grad missiles and a school all but destroyed. Towns and villages were struck, their civilians terrorized.
Did you ever hear that on the TV news or read it in the New York Times or Washington Post? If you did it was reported in the fashion that afflicts all news about Israeli suffering: The sin of moral equivalence. In other words, it is a perverse editorial mechanism which presents the Israeli victim as equal to the Arab victimizer.
Let me quote partially from a recent article by Giulio Meotti, a journalist with Il Foglio, and the author of the book, A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel's Victims of Terrorism.
"Sderot represents the siege on the Jewish people and the resistance of Israel, but it also reveals the rest of the world's indifference to the genocidal hatred that is Jihadism. Some 70% of Israeli children in the Negev show symptoms of trauma, while thousands of children carry physical disabilities from Palestinian bombs.
"There are children who want to constantly stay inside the bunkers, or in the secured rooms of their homes. There are children who don't get out of bed anymore.
"Little is said or written about the incredible courage being shown by the civilian population of Israel, but it is reminiscent of events 70 plus years ago, Londoners, who had endured the blitz stoically... the people of Israel are equally valiant, going about their daily lives knowing that Arab killers might explode a bomb or rocket in any public place at any time.
"For Israel, more alarming than the rocket escalation is an eventual Islamist takeover of the mere six miles that separate Netanya on the Israeli coast from the Palestinian settlement of Tulkarem. There is an Arab saying about Netanya as the narrowest and most exposed throat of Israel: 'When we hang you, we will hang you from Netanya.'"
If Israel, heaven forbid, should ever succumb to the relentless and genocidal evil that is the Arab and Islamic world, cheered on by the despicable and terminally misguided Amen chorus from much of the morally degraded West, then the world as we know it will forever end and a new and terrible dark age will descend.
When we see how the mainstream media and the international corridors of power are silent in the face of the crimes of the Palestinian terror machine we should hearken to the fateful words from the ancient Jewish Ethics of the Fathers: "He who is kind to the cruel ends by being cruel to the kind."
© Victor SharpeThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.