Victor Sharpe
The mastermind of the 9/11 Islamic atrocity perpetrated against the United States, Khaled Sheikh Mohammed, once told his CIA interrogator words of consummate evil. The blind sheikh said:
“While the United States may enjoy some fleeting battlefield successes, in the end we will win because Americans don’t realize that we do not need to defeat you militarily; we only need to fight long enough for you to defeat yourself by quitting.”
Two decades after September 9, 2011, and almost on the anniversary of that hideous act of Islamic barbarism which destroyed the iconic Twin Towers in New York City, Joe Biden may well have made KSM’s evil prophecy come true. Ironically the day after Biden rarlier announced that he was taking U.S. troops from Afghanistan, his handlers in the Administration announced that the U.S. was increasing the number of troops in Germany. In other words, here was Joe Biden removing U.S. forces from a country in which a major terrorist threat exists and sending them to a country where a once Soviet threat no longer exists. But it gets worse – much worse.
According to Anni Cyrus in her highly acclaimed video, President Biden is literally begging the Taliban not to occupy or destroy the American Embassy in Kabul. He is doing this by offering US tax payer aid to an Islamic enemy of the United States, of the West and of Judeo-Christian civilization itself. Let us not forget that since the Biden administration assumed power, the Gitmo Islamic terrorist detainees were transferred to Afghan prisons and have now all been released by the Taliban as they swallow up city after city in Afghanistan. All of the ISIS Islamic terrorists whom we had captured and put into those prisons are also now free to commit their horrific acts upon women and young girls within Afghanistan.
Acts of frenzied terror already are being unleashed in Taliban occupied areas and mirror the summary executions of Christians, of women and children buried alive, of people crucified, of American journalists beheaded and of the enslavement and mass rape of Yazidi women that occurred throughout Iraq and Syria by the Islamic State – all committed to the sound of the Arabic war cry, Allahu Akbar, (Allah is Greater).
Biden admits that when he was Vice President during the Obama regime, the complete U.S. withdrawal from Iraq he supervised was a mistake. But worst of all, Joe Biden incredibly has since tied the U.S. retreat from Afghanistan to occur on the exact 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks – turning that solemn day of remembrance into a victory celebration for the Muslim terrorists. It is a victory Khaled Sheikh Mohammed predicted from the start. We will tragically see on the TV news, Islam triumphant on the very anniversary of 9/11. Thank you, Joe!
As China, Russia, Iran and others now gleefully watch America’s humiliation in Afghanistan they are rising to the occasion like circling sharks sensing blood in the water. The grotesque and shameful policy failures of the Biden/Harris administration and by its malignant handlers may now signal a post-American world order which imperils America’s loyal allies: Taiwan, Israel and others.
It is easy to see who is driving this growing and disastrous collapse of American power throughout the world in which America was once respected but which the U.S. is now humiliated. The disaster is fomented by the growing and malign influence of the Islamo-Marxist Squad and the so-called Progressive Democrats whom I prefer to now call the Democrat Marxist Party.
As columnist Yoram Ettinger suggests: “They advocate a Third World-oriented policy, while ignoring and oversimplifying the 14-centuries-old violent, despotic and war torn Arab and Muslim history. Thus, they criticize pro-Western nations such as Israel, while ignoring Israel’s historic and moral record and Israel’s contribution to the U.S. economy and defense.”
At the same time, they embrace anti-Western rogue entities such as Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Palestinian Authority, irrespective of their fanatical and despotic ideology and Muslim Arab history of barbaric terrorism, hate-education, repression and demonic aspirations of world conquest.
Writing in the Jerusalem Post, Seth J. Frantzman,opines that the Taliban appear to have planned a massive offensive, unlike anything seen in the past, likely with foreign intelligence and other support, after having sent delegations to Russia, China, Iran, Qatar and Pakistan – countries hardly friendly to the United States.
He ends by suggesting that there may be unforeseen consequences of Biden’s policies in Afghanistan. Insurgent and proxy groups backed by Iran, Turkey or others may increase global chaos in some places and quietly eat away at liberal international structures. That is why Iran feels it has free rein to attack ships off the coast of Oman. These incidents may be linked to the rise of the Taliban again in Afghanistan.
In conclusion, many of you may have seen the appalling crime against history and civilization perpetrated in March of 2001 by the Taliban when they destroyes 2,500 year old archaeological and religious monuments. This was a similar
Buddhist missionaries when traveling the Silk Road millennia ago had carved two giant Buddha statues into the soaring mountain cliffs of the Bamian Valley about 70 miles northwest of Kabul. The two standing Buddhas, 180 and 121 feet tall, survived invading armies for 1,500 years. The statues stood the barbarism of Genghis Khan but couldn't stand the modern barbarism of the Taliban. In March 2001, the Muslim Taliban used artillery to destroy them for what they said was violating their “Islamic order.”
Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer and published author. His seven books include two of his collected short stories, a delightful children’s story and coloring book, and his acclaimed four volume work titled, Politicide, which details the 1,400 year old threat against the West and Judeo Christian civilization by Islamist supremacism.
© Victor SharpeThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.