Victor Sharpe
"FBI director warns that Chinese spies are embedded in American universities"
Red-Green Alliance: What it portends for America
By Victor Sharpe
The distinguished journalist, Daniel Greenfield, recently reported upon the increasing funding from Islamic countries to our universities and colleges and the growing preponderance of both Muslim and Communist Chinese students. Both issues are creating grave threats to our national security, FBI director, Christopher Wray, warned.
China's desire to surpass the U.S. as a superpower posed, he said, "not just a whole of government threat, but a whole of society threat as well." He went on to add that academia was a particularly rife area for intelligence "collectors," be it professors, scientists or students.
Federal law requires U.S. colleges to report contracts and donations from foreign sources totaling $250,000 or more. Qatar, pronounced gutter, is an oil-rich nation in the Mideast that particularly provides significant funds to U.S. universities.
Of primary concern is this funding by Islamic countries – especially by the pro-Iranian regime in oil rich Qatar – to Georgetown University and Texas A&M University. According to Daniel Greenfield, Georgetown is particularly notorious for being a wide funnel for money from various Islamic countries.
In the article, Mr. Greenfield reported that, "the records being sought by investigators also target China, Russia and Saudi Arabia, and specific companies in those nations. Investigators have ordered both Georgetown University and Texas A&M University to disclose funding from Huawei or ZTE, the Chinese tech giants that are increasingly seen as a threat to national security. Georgetown is being asked to detail money it received from any sources in Saudi Arabia or Russia, including from the Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity company."
As Mr. Greenfield points out, "... foreign governments, including enemy states, have been able to buy influence with "generous donations" to major schools, turning them into echo chambers and propaganda machines."
I recently myself attended a graduation ceremony at an Oregon University. A startling fact was immediately obvious to me as I entered the auditorium where the ceremony was to take place. A significant number of students were from Islamic countries as well as from China.
This was a graduation ceremony for students in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. These technologies include those containing sensitive security issues, especially when transferred to students from nations that have at best a dubious relationship with the United States.
It was distressing to find how many of the Arab graduates chose to mark the occasion with overt political and Islamist slogans. One graduate from Qatar wore a gown emblazoned with the Islamic crescent moon and star symbol. Muslim girls chose, or were forced, to wear the hijab; at least one female Muslim graduate covering her face completely. Here was a troubling sight to witness in an American university where wearing such discriminatory garb is a blatant expression of Islamic female degradation, which ought not to be accepted or tolerated in an American college of higher learning.
But excuses are made for these Arab students in America. Our politicians and academics say correctly that everyone has the right to practice their own religion, but it is nauseating to see the university grandees smiling as they confer degrees upon Muslim women, who often are either forced to cover themselves by the men in their families or decide to wear hijabs and niqabs as a pro-Sharia and Islamic political statement (as per Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar ad nauseam). The problems arise when politicians and academics know little if anything about Muslims in Western countries who are enforcing Sharia law, including barbaric female genital mutilation (FGM).
Now we are at the point where the Muslims are becoming more and more blatant in the things they do, including overt expressions of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian bigotry.
Very nearly every single politician, academic and leftist journalist knows full well what Muslims practice, but as always are too scared of their own shadows to do anything about it. The politicians and media wonder why there has been a rise in the number of people in various countries across Europe and here in the U.S. choosing conservative over liberal policies. Incredibly they are blind, in particular, to the reasons why people in particular have had enough of Muslim immigration.
For far too long politicians have been hiding behind the shield of political correctness and it's about time that shield was smashed to pieces and the Muslims challenged and ultimately stopped from carrying out their barbarous cultural practices or choosing to force Sharia law incrementally upon U.S society. If they don't want to abide by the Constitution, but place Sharia law above all else, then they should be given the choice to leave for any Sharia controlled country of their choice!
On a website called, Islam questions and answers, Muslim students are told how they must avoid what they call the "Christian clothing" worn at graduation ceremonies.
"It is haraam (forbidden) for the Muslims to imitate the kafirs (non-Muslims) in the clothing that is uniquely theirs, whether the kafirs in question are Christians, Jews or anything else, because the Qur'aan and Sunnah forbids imitating them. It is not permissible to wear what is known as the "gown" when graduating from a school, institute or college, because it is the clothing of the Christians, and the Muslim should be proud of his religion and follow his Prophet. He should not pay any attention to the customs of those with whom Allah is angry and who have gone astray such as the Christians, Jews and others." Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah (24/26, 27)
Such then are the graduating Islamist students from an American university who are offended by the cap and gown, yet who take back vital information to Islamic states who hate our Judeo-Christian civilization and culture. Along with them are the Chinese students who return to an ascendant Communist China armed with technological know-how, which potentially could one day be used against us.
As one person mentioned to me upon leaving the University:
"Communist China has thousands of students in American Universities and has been on an endowment spree among major U.S Universities for too long. They pay top dollars for their students, who are spies, to attend classes here.
"What is happening is corrupt to the core. Our own students in college now hear wonderful things about Communist China from Chinese students while at the same time our leftwing professors run our country down and often support Islamist speakers."
He left with the following question hanging in the air. "Why then do you think most of our own students support Socialism and pro-Islamist ideologies?"
And so I saw at that graduation ceremony what makes the malign influence of the Red (Communist) and Green (Islamist) alliance so perilous to today's America.
© Victor Sharpe
June 22, 2019
The distinguished journalist, Daniel Greenfield, recently reported upon the increasing funding from Islamic countries to our universities and colleges and the growing preponderance of both Muslim and Communist Chinese students. Both issues are creating grave threats to our national security, FBI director, Christopher Wray, warned.
China's desire to surpass the U.S. as a superpower posed, he said, "not just a whole of government threat, but a whole of society threat as well." He went on to add that academia was a particularly rife area for intelligence "collectors," be it professors, scientists or students.
Federal law requires U.S. colleges to report contracts and donations from foreign sources totaling $250,000 or more. Qatar, pronounced gutter, is an oil-rich nation in the Mideast that particularly provides significant funds to U.S. universities.
Of primary concern is this funding by Islamic countries – especially by the pro-Iranian regime in oil rich Qatar – to Georgetown University and Texas A&M University. According to Daniel Greenfield, Georgetown is particularly notorious for being a wide funnel for money from various Islamic countries.
In the article, Mr. Greenfield reported that, "the records being sought by investigators also target China, Russia and Saudi Arabia, and specific companies in those nations. Investigators have ordered both Georgetown University and Texas A&M University to disclose funding from Huawei or ZTE, the Chinese tech giants that are increasingly seen as a threat to national security. Georgetown is being asked to detail money it received from any sources in Saudi Arabia or Russia, including from the Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity company."
As Mr. Greenfield points out, "... foreign governments, including enemy states, have been able to buy influence with "generous donations" to major schools, turning them into echo chambers and propaganda machines."
I recently myself attended a graduation ceremony at an Oregon University. A startling fact was immediately obvious to me as I entered the auditorium where the ceremony was to take place. A significant number of students were from Islamic countries as well as from China.
This was a graduation ceremony for students in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. These technologies include those containing sensitive security issues, especially when transferred to students from nations that have at best a dubious relationship with the United States.
It was distressing to find how many of the Arab graduates chose to mark the occasion with overt political and Islamist slogans. One graduate from Qatar wore a gown emblazoned with the Islamic crescent moon and star symbol. Muslim girls chose, or were forced, to wear the hijab; at least one female Muslim graduate covering her face completely. Here was a troubling sight to witness in an American university where wearing such discriminatory garb is a blatant expression of Islamic female degradation, which ought not to be accepted or tolerated in an American college of higher learning.
But excuses are made for these Arab students in America. Our politicians and academics say correctly that everyone has the right to practice their own religion, but it is nauseating to see the university grandees smiling as they confer degrees upon Muslim women, who often are either forced to cover themselves by the men in their families or decide to wear hijabs and niqabs as a pro-Sharia and Islamic political statement (as per Linda Sarsour, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar ad nauseam). The problems arise when politicians and academics know little if anything about Muslims in Western countries who are enforcing Sharia law, including barbaric female genital mutilation (FGM).
Now we are at the point where the Muslims are becoming more and more blatant in the things they do, including overt expressions of anti-Jewish and anti-Christian bigotry.
Very nearly every single politician, academic and leftist journalist knows full well what Muslims practice, but as always are too scared of their own shadows to do anything about it. The politicians and media wonder why there has been a rise in the number of people in various countries across Europe and here in the U.S. choosing conservative over liberal policies. Incredibly they are blind, in particular, to the reasons why people in particular have had enough of Muslim immigration.
For far too long politicians have been hiding behind the shield of political correctness and it's about time that shield was smashed to pieces and the Muslims challenged and ultimately stopped from carrying out their barbarous cultural practices or choosing to force Sharia law incrementally upon U.S society. If they don't want to abide by the Constitution, but place Sharia law above all else, then they should be given the choice to leave for any Sharia controlled country of their choice!
On a website called, Islam questions and answers, Muslim students are told how they must avoid what they call the "Christian clothing" worn at graduation ceremonies.
"It is haraam (forbidden) for the Muslims to imitate the kafirs (non-Muslims) in the clothing that is uniquely theirs, whether the kafirs in question are Christians, Jews or anything else, because the Qur'aan and Sunnah forbids imitating them. It is not permissible to wear what is known as the "gown" when graduating from a school, institute or college, because it is the clothing of the Christians, and the Muslim should be proud of his religion and follow his Prophet. He should not pay any attention to the customs of those with whom Allah is angry and who have gone astray such as the Christians, Jews and others." Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa'imah (24/26, 27)
Such then are the graduating Islamist students from an American university who are offended by the cap and gown, yet who take back vital information to Islamic states who hate our Judeo-Christian civilization and culture. Along with them are the Chinese students who return to an ascendant Communist China armed with technological know-how, which potentially could one day be used against us.
As one person mentioned to me upon leaving the University:
"Communist China has thousands of students in American Universities and has been on an endowment spree among major U.S Universities for too long. They pay top dollars for their students, who are spies, to attend classes here.
"What is happening is corrupt to the core. Our own students in college now hear wonderful things about Communist China from Chinese students while at the same time our leftwing professors run our country down and often support Islamist speakers."
He left with the following question hanging in the air. "Why then do you think most of our own students support Socialism and pro-Islamist ideologies?"
And so I saw at that graduation ceremony what makes the malign influence of the Red (Communist) and Green (Islamist) alliance so perilous to today's America.
© Victor Sharpe
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