Victor Sharpe
Wake up, wake up
By Victor Sharpe
It may be merely profound ignorance that politicians like New York's Mayor Bloomberg, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and a legion of liberal talking heads in the mainstream media defend the indefensible victory mosque, planned to tower over where once the iconic twin towers stood. Forever repeating the forlorn mantra of freedom of religion and that Muslims in America can build a mosque wherever they wish, they miss the point to a level of inanity and absurdity.
The mosque, to be known as the Cordoba Mosque, will be a towering symbol of Islam's superiority over America and all that it stands for. But one has to wonder if there are other murky reasons that motivate some politicians in their adamant support for the mosque's construction on such a hallowed site as Ground Zero — the very place that Muslim terrorists committed the worst atrocity ever inflicted by foreigners upon American soil.
I doubt whether Ms. Pelosi or Mayor Bloomberg have fully read the Koran or have any inkling of Islam's abiding hatred towards non-Muslims or the religious imperative to dominate, subjugate and ultimately convert the infidel upon pain of death. So let me share just twelve of the 123 verses from the Koran that call upon the Muslim faithful to fight and conquer non-Muslims in the name of Allah..
If a Muslim does not go to war, Allah will kill him (Sura 9:39). He is to be told, "the heat of war is fierce, but more fierce is the heat of Hell-fire" (Sura 9:81).
Muslims must make war on the infidels (unbelievers) who live around them (Sura 9:123).
Allah loves those who "fight for his cause" (Sura 61:3).
I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips of them. (Koran 8:12)
Anyone who fights against Allah or renounces Islam in favor of another religion shall be "put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off alternative sides" (Sura 5:34).
Muslims are to be "ruthless to unbelievers" (Sura 48:29).
O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. [al-Ma'idah 5:51.11]
Fight them until Islam reigns supreme" (Sura 2:193).
Muslims are encouraged to be wholly occupied (Sura 2:273) with fighting for Allah's cause.
A Muslim can kill any person he wishes if it be a "just cause" (Sura 6:152).
And on and on it goes.
The question also arises. What about the 'moderate' Muslims? The reality is there are no moderate Muslims any more than there are radical Muslims. That is the fatal ignorance of so many in the West and the United States. There are simply Muslims and all must obey what is written in the Koran and the Hadith. That is why we do not see great numbers of Muslims protesting in the streets against the atrocities committed by fellow Muslims in the name of Islam and Allah. A brave few do protest but their numbers are pitiful.
A stark reflection on the hate that fills the minds of so many Muslims was revealed on the streets of New York last weekend where an 82 year old Holocaust survivor who was protesting near Ground Zero at the planned building of the Cordoba victory mosque was verbally abused by Muslims and leftists who accused him of denying freedom of religion.
We are entering a veritable Theater of the Absurd where everything that is held dear in America is being turned upside down in this era of Barak Obama; where wrong is now considered right, lies are truth, and darkness is light.
Finally, the Muslim suicide bomber, murdering his victims with a smile, does so because his indoctrinated Islamic belief promises him in return for committing his hideous deed the following: " ... Know that the gardens of paradise are waiting for you in all their beauty, and the women of paradise are waiting, calling out, "Come hither, friend of Allah."
Mayor Bloomberg, Nancy Pelosi, the leftists, the so-called 'progressives' and all the dhimmis of the mainstream media, apparently have no inkling of any of this? If they do and still dismiss it as mere scare mongering from the right they are consigning this wondrous civilization that is America to a hell on earth.
Many in America and the West cannot take seriously the eternal war against 'infidels' that Islam pursues. They believe it is irrational in the 21st century to give it serious thought. In doing so, they make a terrible mistake. Maybe the following Islamic verse may wake some from their deadly slumber:
Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. (Koran 69:30-37)
© Victor Sharpe
August 27, 2010
It may be merely profound ignorance that politicians like New York's Mayor Bloomberg, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and a legion of liberal talking heads in the mainstream media defend the indefensible victory mosque, planned to tower over where once the iconic twin towers stood. Forever repeating the forlorn mantra of freedom of religion and that Muslims in America can build a mosque wherever they wish, they miss the point to a level of inanity and absurdity.
The mosque, to be known as the Cordoba Mosque, will be a towering symbol of Islam's superiority over America and all that it stands for. But one has to wonder if there are other murky reasons that motivate some politicians in their adamant support for the mosque's construction on such a hallowed site as Ground Zero — the very place that Muslim terrorists committed the worst atrocity ever inflicted by foreigners upon American soil.
I doubt whether Ms. Pelosi or Mayor Bloomberg have fully read the Koran or have any inkling of Islam's abiding hatred towards non-Muslims or the religious imperative to dominate, subjugate and ultimately convert the infidel upon pain of death. So let me share just twelve of the 123 verses from the Koran that call upon the Muslim faithful to fight and conquer non-Muslims in the name of Allah..
If a Muslim does not go to war, Allah will kill him (Sura 9:39). He is to be told, "the heat of war is fierce, but more fierce is the heat of Hell-fire" (Sura 9:81).
Muslims must make war on the infidels (unbelievers) who live around them (Sura 9:123).
Allah loves those who "fight for his cause" (Sura 61:3).
I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips of them. (Koran 8:12)
Anyone who fights against Allah or renounces Islam in favor of another religion shall be "put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off alternative sides" (Sura 5:34).
Muslims are to be "ruthless to unbelievers" (Sura 48:29).
O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. [al-Ma'idah 5:51.11]
Fight them until Islam reigns supreme" (Sura 2:193).
Muslims are encouraged to be wholly occupied (Sura 2:273) with fighting for Allah's cause.
A Muslim can kill any person he wishes if it be a "just cause" (Sura 6:152).
And on and on it goes.
The question also arises. What about the 'moderate' Muslims? The reality is there are no moderate Muslims any more than there are radical Muslims. That is the fatal ignorance of so many in the West and the United States. There are simply Muslims and all must obey what is written in the Koran and the Hadith. That is why we do not see great numbers of Muslims protesting in the streets against the atrocities committed by fellow Muslims in the name of Islam and Allah. A brave few do protest but their numbers are pitiful.
A stark reflection on the hate that fills the minds of so many Muslims was revealed on the streets of New York last weekend where an 82 year old Holocaust survivor who was protesting near Ground Zero at the planned building of the Cordoba victory mosque was verbally abused by Muslims and leftists who accused him of denying freedom of religion.
We are entering a veritable Theater of the Absurd where everything that is held dear in America is being turned upside down in this era of Barak Obama; where wrong is now considered right, lies are truth, and darkness is light.
Finally, the Muslim suicide bomber, murdering his victims with a smile, does so because his indoctrinated Islamic belief promises him in return for committing his hideous deed the following: " ... Know that the gardens of paradise are waiting for you in all their beauty, and the women of paradise are waiting, calling out, "Come hither, friend of Allah."
Mayor Bloomberg, Nancy Pelosi, the leftists, the so-called 'progressives' and all the dhimmis of the mainstream media, apparently have no inkling of any of this? If they do and still dismiss it as mere scare mongering from the right they are consigning this wondrous civilization that is America to a hell on earth.
Many in America and the West cannot take seriously the eternal war against 'infidels' that Islam pursues. They believe it is irrational in the 21st century to give it serious thought. In doing so, they make a terrible mistake. Maybe the following Islamic verse may wake some from their deadly slumber:
Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. (Koran 69:30-37)
© Victor Sharpe
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