Maureen Scott
Hateful hands are poisoning the pot
By Maureen Scott
August 26, 2013

Now that Paula Deen has been exonerated from any and all charges and the case for racial prejudice made against her has been thrown out of court...maybe people will think about how they willingly and easily fell for the self-serving lie made by one white ex-employee, Lisa Jackson. It is obvious that Ms. Jackson, (who has since retracted her claim) was just trying to extort money from Deen. But this phony story, before the complete truth was known, was eagerly gobbled up by Liberals/Progressives and the Liberal media who rushed to "eat it all" and then spit out a negative reaction about a successful cook, TV personality, and restaurateur. All in order to advance racial tensions in our country, and all long before Jackson's claim was fully investigated and digested.

First, Paula did not hire people to portray slaves, per se, at a party. They were not dressed as slaves working the fields of a plantation (that is, they were not wearing rags, head scarves, straw hats, old clothes with patches, etc. as some have thought), but as waiters in white jackets, black pants, black ties and with tea-towels over their arms. That is hardly degrading. It might have been something that slaves wore when serving dinners but this dress was typical of waiters (both in homes and restaurants) during the pre-and post-Civil War period, not specific to plantations, and even recently in many classy and themed restaurants. The picture of a waiter dressed this way is still used to indicate fine service, good food, and cleanliness at a restaurant, not to depict slavery.

Deen stated that the idea of dressing wait staff in period attire came to her when she visited one such eatery years ago where she saw some others dressed in uniforms that inspired what she used for a client's wedding party. Presently, there are millions of Americans who can still recall dining at Morrison's, once known throughout the Southeast for its good food and the impeccable attention offered by its wait staff, as recently as the 1980's. Morrison's, waiters black and white alike, were usually dressed the same as Paula duplicated for the event of mention. As for that party, which had a plantation theme, did the people who were married complain about the dress of the waiters? Did they object to the theme, or did they pick the theme? Have any of the guests complained? And, more importantly, have any of the people hired for the job complained? The staff was asked to depict waiters of the period – just as many have played similar roles in movies or the theatre and no one has criticized them.

The Deen attackers seem to have forgotten what must be stated – the people dressed in this period attire were HIRED FOR THE JOB and PAID. Paula gave them work. They DID NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE JOB IF THEY FELT OFFENDED by what they wore, or by the role they had to play! If they were not upset, then why should anyone else be upset? They were not forced to work for Paula. The Libs out there need to get real and stop their phony concern about how some people were dressed at a themed party long ago, when no one else connected with the event had any problem. I am sure those who were hired were very happy to get their paychecks.

To all those who are still faulting Paula – if you are truly concerned about the feelings of black people, then why not be really pro-active and give a black person a job and a paycheck instead of spewing empty words to instigate unrest? Certainly many of the unemployed would rather feel happy about being paid for work now, than hearing people complain about something that happened long ago that had no effect on any of them. How many salaries are you paying to people in the African-American community? Or are you just jumping on the Liberal bandwagon and condemning Deen, while you enjoy your comfy life but do nothing constructive that really helps any of them because you don't want to dig into your own pocketbook? How many black people have you truly helped, hired, or shown real, tangible support for? Words do not feed them, or clothe them, or pay their expenses. If you have TRUE concern – hire them and/or help them to build a better life.

All these non-productive, hateful hands in the kitchen have only brought the pot of anger to burn and boil over for no avail. No one has been served by the hyped-up heated reaction to this, especially since the whole premise of the issue against Deen has been debunked and denied by her accuser who now, hopefully, will receive her "just desserts" for perpetrating a fraud.

As for Paula using the "N" word, she admitted to that and that it was said over 30 years ago. She was asked, under oath, if she ever used that word. She stated "Yes" because once, in response to being held up at gun point by a black man when she worked at a bank, that was how she reacted. No, her use of that slang was not PC, but in those days being PC was not "in vogue." She used that word out of her anger and fear at the time of the hold-up. Years later she did not have to admit it, did she? She could have lied and saved herself a lot of trouble and kept her businesses flourishing. But she was honest and said that she slipped that one time, and has since never used the term.

From this experience, however, she learned a sad lesson. Now that she lost so much simply because she was truthful, she has discovered that there are people who will fault someone, even when the truth is being told. Would any of her detractors be so moral, brave, and open to admit something that could destroy them, their business, their families and the lives of their employees? And if the rap singers and members of the black community itself would stop using the "N" word, it would soon be forgotten. The most flagrant, irritating, and derogatory use of that term is still being used today, regularly, by the very people who complain about others using it.

We have seen that regularly, the Liberals/Progressives/Left-wingers and those in the Liberal media are always anxious rush to the defense of and forgive their favorite politicians, entertainers, athletes, and prominent people who repeatedly commit adultery, perverted sexual acts, or steal, lie, and cheat. They want everyone to overlook and forget the serious crimes that have been perpetrated by their "heroes." While they whine and feel sorry for them and proclaim..."Oh, that person just made A MISTAKE." Really? Everyone knows that those immoral or criminal acts were committed on purpose and were people who know the difference between right and wrong. When a person truly makes a "mistake" it is because they have either forgotten something, or they never knew any better. Stealing, lying, cheating, adultery, and engaging in perverted acts by adults – are not "mistakes" by people who accidently forgot what it means to have integrity, nor are they done by "accident."

Yet, these same Liberal cry-babies, so ready to excuse their favorites of the planned offenses they have made, cannot bring themselves to forgive or be understanding of Paula Deen for her one indiscretion of simply using a derogatory word long ago? Goodness, what a horrible crime! No, the Deen detractors would rather just keep hating and spreading their venom, keep calling her a "racist," and condemning her simply because it fits their "poison the pot for race relations in America" narrative and menu. They can never allow themselves to admire the fact that Paula had the moral fortitude to the truth – unlike the immoral and deceitful politicians, sports figures, and entertainers of today who continue to set bad examples for our children.

Those who are so upset and hyped-up about Paula Deen's one time use of the "N" word are, obviously, just jealous of this woman who has worked diligently and has done so much on her own to become wealthy and successful, and employ hundreds of others – without government help! What is particularly ironic and amusing is that Deen is a Democrat who fully supported Obama and contributed to his campaign. One would think that the Dems would want her to be an example for other single mothers who are raising children on their own.

In their fervor to destroy Deen they seem to forget that their claim is that they are the only ones strongly supporting pro-women's rights and independence. Is this what they do to their women who have achieved so much? Is this Deen's be cut down and defamed; her business destroyed while Liberals lie about what she did and did not do and take relish in the resulting loss she has suffered? And what about all the people she once employed – who now do not have jobs since she has lost her ability to pay their salaries? Who is going to help those people? Will the words cast by Deen's detractors feed those who no longer have an income?

The Libs/Progressives/Left-wingers behind this attack on Paula Deen, especially the women on the program "The View" who started all this on their show by condemning her in the beginning, and all those who have supported these attacks on her...shame on you! You have put many on unemployment and out of work! More importantly, you have made every woman leery of striving for independent success for fear that someday, some phony righteous person will attempt to find one little something to publically condemn her for, and, subsequently, destroy what she worked hard to build.

And get ready, the negative attacks on Paula Deen continue: In an upcoming episode of Law and Order SVU, a "famous southern female chef guns down an unarmed, hoodie-wearing black teen she thought was following her." Notice the ridiculous use of two non-related incidents tied together to try and infer Deen's racial prejudice to the low-information voters. Almost unbelievable.

It seems hard to comprehend that supposedly intelligent, supposedly caring people could be so truly unthinking and just plain mean and nonchalant about the great injustice and detrimental impact this attack on Deen has caused her, her family, and so many she employed. And for what purpose? The eager, vindictive attempt these Libs have made by adding the burning pepper of hate to the pot of racial tensions, with no apology about how feeding this lie has contaminated our country is disingenuous, devious, and disgusting. These unfounded accusations and fictional stories that should have been trashed before they were served are sickening and "transparently" hypocritical. The people who cook-up these garbage filled assault meals need to stop producing such poison. Their recipe is old; their menu of hatred is distasteful and boring and the "service" they provide our country is caustic.

© Maureen Scott


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Maureen Scott

P. Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions... (more)


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