Maureen Scott
And the chair the man in the room!
By Maureen Scott
October 24, 2012

In analyzing the last Presidential Debate between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama one could see the distinct difference in how these men visualize the role of governing and being a leader. We have seen Obama's style — to forcefully push through his policies, and...when he finds ignore Congress and go it alone, criticizing and chastising anyone who disapproves of his decisions. With Romney we saw a man who approaches controversy confidently and calmly and believes in teamwork and harmony as the foremost ingredients in accomplishing what needs to be done.

Mitt showed us his talent as a man who has a cool head, who can disagree with respect, and who is capable of uniting those of differing opinions. However, there was more revealed than that.

Through his effort to convince the American people, Romney also sent a clear signal to the Democrat politicians. By remaining tactful and even, at times, complimentary, he demonstrated that he will govern with an understanding of their view points, might even agree sometimes, but will not mock them or make them objects of ridicule. Nor will he try to make them feel uncomfortable by injecting sarcasm, sneering looks, or condescending remarks. Those are Obama-type tactics and he has become a practiced professional at slinging caustic comments. That approach has resulted in the extreme division, discord and divisiveness among politicians in Washington over the past four years. That attitude has created an environment in America where bullying and attacking others has become more important than settling differences in a respectable, respectful manner. That has been what Americans have disliked and felt most frustrated about when realizing that we are paying our representatives to figure out how to solve problems without destroying each other and our country in the process.

Romney's performance in the debate demonstrated why, even as a Republican, he was a successful Governor of Massachusetts. Mitt didn't just claim he will work with the American people and Washington politicians because it sounded noble to say so. His record shows that he did that — skillfully. As he debated Obama it was easy to see how, in a state where Democrats enjoyed a majority in the government; Romney was more focused on encouraging and formulating a cohesive governing body than he was on getting their dander up. His basic persona, that of a confident gentleman guided by balanced concern, exemplified his capabilities for, as he said, "reaching across the aisle" to resolve issues and find ways to benefit all the citizens, rather than take hard, unbending positions just for the sake of playing politics. Did he have his detractors — yes. But did he serve all interests, not just those of his own Party supporters? Most in Massachusetts have agreed in his favor.

When Obama campaigned in 2007 said he would welcome opposition, but he has continually rejected attempts for opposing views to be considered. The dynamics of his administration have been to ignore calls and requests from the Republicans, openly faulting and lying about their intentions and offerings, shutting them out of meetings, and continually blaming them (and Bush, of course) for his own failures. Yet, many of those failures happened when he had a majority in Congress for the first two years of his administration. And his biggest flop of all was his inability to get his own party to pass the budget he submitted. Their votes for Obama's budget totaled — Zero. Obama has hardly been an inspiring, trustworthy force.

America needs a cool-headed, mature, prudent, and an open-minded person at the helm. Now — more than ever. We do not need another four years of an overly sensitive, arrogant, street fighting little boy who still hasn't grown into his big-boy suit. Nor do we need someone who either disregards or argues hotly with those here who he feels are personally threatening to him, while he is less concerned with our enemies and the threats they represent to our country. As Obama bows and kowtows to unfriendly leaders he reveals weakness, not dignity...and they laugh behind his back while doing, planning, and saying just as they please. .

Additionally, Romney showed clear understanding of the major issues that affect our national status: foreign policy, economics, and our security via military strength. He laid out his plans. He did not just state objectives. Obama, as usual, sang his song of objectives. For four years he has spouted words without the wisdom of how to make his theories and ideas work. He has never given Americans a clear plan that shows he understands how to reach what he has promised them. It seems that Obama believes that if he just says what he wants to do, somehow others will work hard to make it all get done and he doesn't need to point the way to achieve the Utopia he has convinced his followers will exist under his rule. Evidently plan making is just "above his pay grade," (or maybe he considers it beneath him. Who knows?).

Objectives are great...but they cannot be achieved without a clear, concise, strategy and blueprint. As a successful businessman and politician, Romney not only knows the value of creating a road map to follow, he has applied that principle time after time. It works. Every manufacturer, entrepreneur, and leader knows it is necessary to build and grow a company, or a community. Every mother and father knows they need a plan for their family to thrive, meet their financial obligations, and provide for the future of their children. Just living day-to-day and talking about ideals, dreams, and hopes will not make a family comfortable, or a business profitable, or a nation secure and stable.

America needs a man with Romney's experience, foresight, disciplined and organized methodology that will prove to be far more productive and sustaining than just expecting people to cling to "hope and change," as Obama has tried to convince us to do for four more years while the country is stagnant and hardly moving "Forward" as a result of his impractical and dysfunctional policies.

Obviously, Romney is truly a betterr builder and a bonder. He brings people together, rather than putting them in opposing corners as Obama has done every day since he began his "on-the-job training" in the Oval Office. Obama came into the White House with no experience in governing, administration or significant leadership skills. Rather than develop those qualities, he buckled under the chore, dug in his heels to oppose disagreement, alienated most of Congress and crippled the country.

Mitt might not be the hardline/straight line Conservative some want. He might not represent every special-interest group to its full satisfaction. But it appears, both from his record, and his face-to-face confrontation with a man who displayed anger, aggression and hostility, that he will govern with dignity, composure and a sincere, judicious concern for the good of all.

This time we need a man who understands the mechanisms of creating a winning team out of many players, each of whom have their own strong egos and agendas. Our country does not need an Obama who is still out there trying to figure out who he is, fighting for his own space on the playground, taking his ball home when he doesn't get his way; and keeping those with whom he disagrees out of the game. Americans, whether they voted for Obama or not, are tired of waiting for him to show that he has learned how formulate a viable, mutually agreeable strategy and enable people of conflicting interests and philosophies to work and live together and move our Nation in a positive direction. Americans are not impatient — they are drowning in debt as a result of unemployment, begging for a life preserver, and anxious to be on terra firma again. We need an environment where Obama's nondescript, non-delineated "hope " is changed into the tangible satisfaction that we once had as a thriving, productive, respected United States of America.

It is time to hand the chair to Mitt Romney who will fill it like a grown up.

© Maureen Scott


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Maureen Scott

P. Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA, and retired to Richmond, VA, in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions... (more)


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