Laurie Roth
Our government is talking yet again about another lockdown.
If Poser Biden and his crooked minions plan again to have a national lockdown due to the fake news variant of Covid-19 (followed by all kinds of variant versions), it is time to stop talking, being grumpy together over coffee, and letting your rights be crushed. If we are to keep our fragile freedom, here is what must be done. Resist.
Churches and Christians. Don’t shut down. Attend and praise God. Pray for Psalm 91 Covenant protection over your family, congregation, and pastor. No one has the right to order you not to worship.
Too many doctors to even mention now have told of the uselessness of the masks and even the danger of 20% restricted oxygen you have when wearing them. Don’t believe the "fact checker" – Google rubbish about there being no danger or concern at all with wearing masks. It is the liberal tech fake news machine, remember. You must now dig for the truth. It is time to stop wearing them. If you must wear a mask, wear a Batman and Robin type mask over your eyes, but keep your mouth and nose free so you can breathe. Again, common sense says if you feel sick, cough into your sleeve, look away, and cover your mouth. If you have a fever, stay home until you feel better.
Do any of you understand yet the Communist, evil, controlling slippery slope millions have allowed themselves to be put on. If you choose to stay there, sliding downward, don’t be surprised when at the bottom there is lava and pain. Wake up, America!
Gather, organize, and march in the streets if you have to. Keep your businesses open and talk to your local sheriff about your rights and plans to stay open. Go to church and stop wearing masks. If Biden decides to push forced vaccines and forced health cards (he is talking fiercely about this already, so get ready), it is really time to fight. If someone comes to your door to talk you into being vaccinated, don’t open it. Keep your doors locked. Whatever you do, don’t get the dangerous vaccine, and be courageous.
We are in a battle for America, good against stark evil and total control put on us by the ruling and satanic elite. This is not the time to submit to unconstitutional crimes from our government or state authorities!!! Only those of us who know and protect our constitutional and legal rights will survive. The world population is being pushed over fake news pandemic cliffs as they wait now for the deadly vaccines to take effect.
Is it going to be that easy to literally take out the world, turn us into vaccinated slaves, and kill us? So far, most of us are responding like crippled ballerina dancers, obeying what evil daddy government demands.
Soon, the attack will be forced lockdown again, forced vaccines coming to a door near you, and then a national health card to buy, work, sell, or attend anything. Don’t fight like hell. That is what our enemy is doing. Fight like Heaven and put your trust in God. Stand, pray, trust, fight, and win. Nobody is taking away my rights or forcing anything in my body or there will be huge trouble, not for me but for them.
We may soon be deemed criminals or domestic terrorists if we go to church, want to breathe, or not get a deadly and unneeded vaccine forced in us. Jesus was called a criminal also, worthy of death. Don’t give up hope. Your real hope is in the Lord Jesus. As we trust Him, He will give us strength to stand against evil and survive.
© Laurie RothThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.