Kevin Price
When the problems of Greece hit close to home
By Kevin Price
Americans have been in shock watching the images of buildings — and even people — in flames as the government of Greece implements austerity measures to stop the bleeding caused by decades of irresponsible fiscal policies and socialism. We Americans naturally think, "thank God I still live in the US. That could not happen here."
Recently Dale Hurd of CBNNews.com has painted a dark future of our own republic if we do not change our spending priorities. Furthermore, he points out several scenarios — none of them pleasant — if we fail to fundamentally change the direction our country is going.
Hurd points out in his column that the "federal debt as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product now stands officially at around 60 percent. But with the course the country is on, it will hit 150 percent in 10 years, and 300 percent by 2050" (emphasis added). He goes on to compare our situation with the one in Greece, which began to spiral when its debt reached 115 percent of GDP. We will reach and surpass that number in less than ten years. Because Greece is a member of the European Community and its currency is tied to the Euro like most member countries, other countries have (at least) a short term incentive to bail the country out in order to protect the value of their money. Those countries are, in fact, doing just that. Who will bail out the United States? Considering the disdain by other countries towards the US, one should not have any hope that others will come to the rescue.
The columnist quotes Anne Vorce of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, who said she is not sure when America will enter economic crisis, but noted that "The problem is you don't know when you reach a tipping point until you reach it, but we're well beyond normal peacetime historical experience already." If the US entered into any additional major national security conflicts or faced any series of natural (or other disasters), we could find our situation deteriorate rapidly.
What I found most disconcerting about the article was the words by Hurd about the future of the United States of America. He said we only have to look to our friends in Argentina to find a disturbing window of the future. "Before World War II, Argentina was one of the most prosperous nations in the world. With a strong industrial base and thriving middle class, it attracted immigrants much like America. But within 15 years, Argentina went one of the richest nations to one of the poorest. Argentina President Juan Peron, who some historians say was a fascist, fomented class warfare and bashed business, banks and the wealthy. He made labor unions his allies and unleashed massive social spending that the nation couldn't afford." This sounds eerily familiar as we have a sitting President with certain obvious "corporatist" inclinations and disdain for those in the entrepreneurial (most of whom are middle income) class.
So what does the future hold? Experts point to several possible scenarios, none of which offer much to be optimistic.
© Kevin Price
June 4, 2010
Americans have been in shock watching the images of buildings — and even people — in flames as the government of Greece implements austerity measures to stop the bleeding caused by decades of irresponsible fiscal policies and socialism. We Americans naturally think, "thank God I still live in the US. That could not happen here."
Recently Dale Hurd of CBNNews.com has painted a dark future of our own republic if we do not change our spending priorities. Furthermore, he points out several scenarios — none of them pleasant — if we fail to fundamentally change the direction our country is going.
Hurd points out in his column that the "federal debt as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product now stands officially at around 60 percent. But with the course the country is on, it will hit 150 percent in 10 years, and 300 percent by 2050" (emphasis added). He goes on to compare our situation with the one in Greece, which began to spiral when its debt reached 115 percent of GDP. We will reach and surpass that number in less than ten years. Because Greece is a member of the European Community and its currency is tied to the Euro like most member countries, other countries have (at least) a short term incentive to bail the country out in order to protect the value of their money. Those countries are, in fact, doing just that. Who will bail out the United States? Considering the disdain by other countries towards the US, one should not have any hope that others will come to the rescue.
The columnist quotes Anne Vorce of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, who said she is not sure when America will enter economic crisis, but noted that "The problem is you don't know when you reach a tipping point until you reach it, but we're well beyond normal peacetime historical experience already." If the US entered into any additional major national security conflicts or faced any series of natural (or other disasters), we could find our situation deteriorate rapidly.
What I found most disconcerting about the article was the words by Hurd about the future of the United States of America. He said we only have to look to our friends in Argentina to find a disturbing window of the future. "Before World War II, Argentina was one of the most prosperous nations in the world. With a strong industrial base and thriving middle class, it attracted immigrants much like America. But within 15 years, Argentina went one of the richest nations to one of the poorest. Argentina President Juan Peron, who some historians say was a fascist, fomented class warfare and bashed business, banks and the wealthy. He made labor unions his allies and unleashed massive social spending that the nation couldn't afford." This sounds eerily familiar as we have a sitting President with certain obvious "corporatist" inclinations and disdain for those in the entrepreneurial (most of whom are middle income) class.
So what does the future hold? Experts point to several possible scenarios, none of which offer much to be optimistic.
- Long term economic stagnation. We as a nation simply get use to doing without. High unemployment becomes the rule rather than the exception and the idea of an expanding economy and growing opportunities becomes something for the history books. Many experts see this as one of the better scenarios.
- On the opposite end — and the worst case scenario — we have a government that goes into default. This means it cannot fulfill financial obligations, pay its bills, and it leads to a rush on the dumping of its Treasury bonds as countries no longer see us as a good investment.
- Another possibility is hyperinflation. On a single day last year the US Government pumped $1.4 trillion into the money supply in order to offset the high cost of bailouts. This "funny money" has the potential of devaluing all dollars that are out there and it appears this approach to monetary policy could become a permanent part of our economic strategy.
© Kevin Price
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