Michael Oberndorf
Independence - - God's great gift
By Michael Oberndorf
It's been 243 years since the group of men – yes, men, white men of European ancestry, businessmen and landowners – pledged their lives, their fortunes, and something that has become a scarce commodity in the "post-modern" world, their sacred honor, to the formation of a country ruled not by a king, but by the people themselves, exercising our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Despite overwhelming odds, the united States of America grew and prospered, becoming a magnet for people from around the world in search of liberty and the freedom to achieve a better life for themselves and their generations to come.
America became the "Shining beacon on the hill" for millions. They came, learned English, learned our history and about our Constitution, and became Americans. Not hyphenated Americans. Americans. And very justifiably proud of it. They worked hard, got educated, and made America great.
Unfortunately, with freedom there are also responsibilities. Our freedom of speech and freedom of the press assume that people will not abuse them. However, as omniscient as the Founders were, they apparently did not anticipate the treacherous, treasonous, seditious, and ultimately totalitarian nature of what we know today as Leftism – Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, progressivism, fascism, socialism, liberalism. Nor did they anticipate that these would come to openly form the core of one of our two major political parties: the Democrats.
Since the election in 1992 of crypto-communist Bill Clinton, followed in 2008 by the election of blatant communist, Barack Hussein Obama, we have seen the Democrats become more and more open about who and what they really are. They still try to conceal facts, such as that they are the Party of Wall Street, with most of the donations from the banks, hedge funds, and brokerage houses going to them. They also are still trying to conceal the fact that they support totally open borders. However, this is becoming harder and harder as the 21 big mouthed, low-IQ, wackos and losers that are vying for the party's nomination to run for president, and a group of America-hating Democrat members of Congress make it undeniably clear that they support the millions of non-citizens who have illegally invaded America, over our own citizens.
In their "debates," every one of them unequivocally supported, among other odious things, free healthcare for the criminal invaders, paid for with our tax money. However, not a peep out of them re: the millions of homeless Americans they are normally hysterical about. Could it be that they don't want to deal with the FACT that nearly every Democrat-run urban area, and especially "sanctuary" cities, has become a filthy, crime-, disease-, and vermin-ridden hell hole, full of the homeless living on the streets, with housing, healthcare, education, and other safety-net programs collapsing right and left, ala Cloward and Piven? Cognitive dissonance, indeed.
Today, we still see "...your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore..." in greater numbers than ever, risking life and limb to get to America. However, unlike my grandparents and nearly everyone else who came to America prior to about 1970, they are entering illegally and have been recruited by shadowy leftist groups, most of which appear to be lavishly funded from clandestine sources in the U.S. They arrive waving not the American flag, but the flags of the sh*thole countries they are fleeing from. Far too many of them are violent career criminals, human traffickers, and drug dealers. And upon arrival, they are openly embraced, aided, and abetted by...wait for it...can you guess... Marxists, Leninists, Maoists, progressives, fascists, socialists, liberals. In other words, Democrats.
Democrats don't just support the invasion of America by people with no concept of what our constitutional republic is, and an obvious distain for our laws, but people who openly and actively call for our physical destruction. They support Muslims, exempting them from their otherwise sacrosanct "separation of church and state," in spite of their refusal to place obedience to the Constitution over obedience to the Koran and Sharia law, their subjugation of women, their raging anti-Semitism, and their historical alliance with/practice of fascism. In addition, they support terrorist groups (https://legaldictionary.thefreedictionary.com/terrorism; https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2331) like ANTIFA (serious misnomer), Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, just to name a few.
We have allowed the left to completely take over the Democrat Party, to transform it into the Hate Party, a party out to destroy not just our duly, legally elected president, but us, the people who still believe in One Nation Under God, who hold the Constitution to be the Law of the Land, and who remember and take seriously the words of the Declaration of Independence:
© Michael Oberndorf
July 4, 2019
It's been 243 years since the group of men – yes, men, white men of European ancestry, businessmen and landowners – pledged their lives, their fortunes, and something that has become a scarce commodity in the "post-modern" world, their sacred honor, to the formation of a country ruled not by a king, but by the people themselves, exercising our God-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Despite overwhelming odds, the united States of America grew and prospered, becoming a magnet for people from around the world in search of liberty and the freedom to achieve a better life for themselves and their generations to come.
America became the "Shining beacon on the hill" for millions. They came, learned English, learned our history and about our Constitution, and became Americans. Not hyphenated Americans. Americans. And very justifiably proud of it. They worked hard, got educated, and made America great.
Unfortunately, with freedom there are also responsibilities. Our freedom of speech and freedom of the press assume that people will not abuse them. However, as omniscient as the Founders were, they apparently did not anticipate the treacherous, treasonous, seditious, and ultimately totalitarian nature of what we know today as Leftism – Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, progressivism, fascism, socialism, liberalism. Nor did they anticipate that these would come to openly form the core of one of our two major political parties: the Democrats.
Since the election in 1992 of crypto-communist Bill Clinton, followed in 2008 by the election of blatant communist, Barack Hussein Obama, we have seen the Democrats become more and more open about who and what they really are. They still try to conceal facts, such as that they are the Party of Wall Street, with most of the donations from the banks, hedge funds, and brokerage houses going to them. They also are still trying to conceal the fact that they support totally open borders. However, this is becoming harder and harder as the 21 big mouthed, low-IQ, wackos and losers that are vying for the party's nomination to run for president, and a group of America-hating Democrat members of Congress make it undeniably clear that they support the millions of non-citizens who have illegally invaded America, over our own citizens.
In their "debates," every one of them unequivocally supported, among other odious things, free healthcare for the criminal invaders, paid for with our tax money. However, not a peep out of them re: the millions of homeless Americans they are normally hysterical about. Could it be that they don't want to deal with the FACT that nearly every Democrat-run urban area, and especially "sanctuary" cities, has become a filthy, crime-, disease-, and vermin-ridden hell hole, full of the homeless living on the streets, with housing, healthcare, education, and other safety-net programs collapsing right and left, ala Cloward and Piven? Cognitive dissonance, indeed.
Today, we still see "...your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore..." in greater numbers than ever, risking life and limb to get to America. However, unlike my grandparents and nearly everyone else who came to America prior to about 1970, they are entering illegally and have been recruited by shadowy leftist groups, most of which appear to be lavishly funded from clandestine sources in the U.S. They arrive waving not the American flag, but the flags of the sh*thole countries they are fleeing from. Far too many of them are violent career criminals, human traffickers, and drug dealers. And upon arrival, they are openly embraced, aided, and abetted by...wait for it...can you guess... Marxists, Leninists, Maoists, progressives, fascists, socialists, liberals. In other words, Democrats.
Democrats don't just support the invasion of America by people with no concept of what our constitutional republic is, and an obvious distain for our laws, but people who openly and actively call for our physical destruction. They support Muslims, exempting them from their otherwise sacrosanct "separation of church and state," in spite of their refusal to place obedience to the Constitution over obedience to the Koran and Sharia law, their subjugation of women, their raging anti-Semitism, and their historical alliance with/practice of fascism. In addition, they support terrorist groups (https://legaldictionary.thefreedictionary.com/terrorism; https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2331) like ANTIFA (serious misnomer), Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, just to name a few.
We have allowed the left to completely take over the Democrat Party, to transform it into the Hate Party, a party out to destroy not just our duly, legally elected president, but us, the people who still believe in One Nation Under God, who hold the Constitution to be the Law of the Land, and who remember and take seriously the words of the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
© Michael Oberndorf
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