Michael Oberndorf
America's domestic terrorists
By Michael Oberndorf
Since September, 2015, well over 600 acts of violence against Trump supporters and Republicans have been documented (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/07/05/rap-sheet-acts-of-media-approved-violence-and-harassment-against-trump-supporters/). These have included verbal threats and abuse, death threats, beatings with clubs, chains, fists, and kicking, and shootings. As the midterm elections have approached, the number of incidents has escalated significantly, with at least 48 reported in October alone. Clearly, unequivocally and without the tiniest shadow of a doubt, this violence is intended to keep people from voting for Republicans. Let me help you – and the Department of Justice and left wing judges – understand exactly what the laws of the United States have to say about such actions.
U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 113B § 2331 (5) states: the term "domestic terrorism" means activities that –
Harassment, threats, and actual physical acts of violence are all violations of criminal law, either federal or state. All of the acts have been perpetrated by avowed leftist groups – ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter come immediately to mind – often with direct connections to, or are actively supported by, the Democrat Party, the DNC, or specific Democrat politicians or candidates. Since the targets have all been Trump supporters, Republican candidates and/or their supporters, or Republican Party workers or offices, there can be no doubt whatsoever that political and social intimidation and coercion were the objective of the attacks. Thus, all of the over 600 acts of violence committed by groups and individuals are undeniably domestic terrorism and the perpetrators are domestic terrorists.
Add to this the fact that numerous Democrat politicians have regularly not just condoned and justified the violence, but actively encouraged it (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/ten-times-democrats-glorified-violence-republicans-since-election-day/) (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/eric-holder-calls-for-violence-when-republicans-go-low-we-kick-them-video/) (https://menrec.com/5-times-obama-encouraged-violence-republicans/). Lots more could be cited, but you get the idea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not a crime to incite others to break the law? By encouraging others to commit a crime, are you not complicit? Hmmmm...
Again, as has happened all too often and with increasing frequency, the laws of the United States and of the various States, themselves, are being ignored and violated with apparent impunity by Democrat politicians and leftist activists (often the same thing). The Department of Justice, including the once-respected FBI, seems to be totally sunk in the rotting depravity of the Swamp. Bad enough that blatant, clear cut violations of myriad federal laws by Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, senior executives of the FBI, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and numerous others, including state and city politicians who have defied immigration laws, have been treated to a conspiracy of blindness by supposed Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his minions. But now we have several years of the same for the obvious morphing of the Democrat Party into what can arguably be described as a domestic terrorist organization, at worst, or a supporter of domestic terrorism, at best.
As patriotic Americans, supporters of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, there are two immediate actions we must take, if we are to save the country from being taken over by barbaric, far left, totalitarians for whom the ends justify the means, and whose slogan is "Whatever it takes."
First, VOTE!!! Repeat: VOTE!!!
Second, telephone (202-456-1414), email (https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/), or write a letter (President Donald J. Trump, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500), telling the President to remove Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, immediately after the election. Be polite, but feel free to tell him exactly why this must be done. Repeat: exactly why.
We, as a free, constitutional republic and a sovereign nation living under the Rule of (OUR) Law, cannot survive if we fail to act, now and with determination. We are the majority in America, despite the lies, distortion, and outright sedition spewed out by the Ministry of Leftist Propaganda, aka, the "mainstream" media. We need to start acting like it.
© Michael Oberndorf
October 31, 2018
Since September, 2015, well over 600 acts of violence against Trump supporters and Republicans have been documented (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/07/05/rap-sheet-acts-of-media-approved-violence-and-harassment-against-trump-supporters/). These have included verbal threats and abuse, death threats, beatings with clubs, chains, fists, and kicking, and shootings. As the midterm elections have approached, the number of incidents has escalated significantly, with at least 48 reported in October alone. Clearly, unequivocally and without the tiniest shadow of a doubt, this violence is intended to keep people from voting for Republicans. Let me help you – and the Department of Justice and left wing judges – understand exactly what the laws of the United States have to say about such actions.
U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 113B § 2331 (5) states: the term "domestic terrorism" means activities that –
(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
(B) appear to be intended –
(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
(C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
Harassment, threats, and actual physical acts of violence are all violations of criminal law, either federal or state. All of the acts have been perpetrated by avowed leftist groups – ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter come immediately to mind – often with direct connections to, or are actively supported by, the Democrat Party, the DNC, or specific Democrat politicians or candidates. Since the targets have all been Trump supporters, Republican candidates and/or their supporters, or Republican Party workers or offices, there can be no doubt whatsoever that political and social intimidation and coercion were the objective of the attacks. Thus, all of the over 600 acts of violence committed by groups and individuals are undeniably domestic terrorism and the perpetrators are domestic terrorists.
Add to this the fact that numerous Democrat politicians have regularly not just condoned and justified the violence, but actively encouraged it (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/ten-times-democrats-glorified-violence-republicans-since-election-day/) (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/10/eric-holder-calls-for-violence-when-republicans-go-low-we-kick-them-video/) (https://menrec.com/5-times-obama-encouraged-violence-republicans/). Lots more could be cited, but you get the idea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it not a crime to incite others to break the law? By encouraging others to commit a crime, are you not complicit? Hmmmm...
Again, as has happened all too often and with increasing frequency, the laws of the United States and of the various States, themselves, are being ignored and violated with apparent impunity by Democrat politicians and leftist activists (often the same thing). The Department of Justice, including the once-respected FBI, seems to be totally sunk in the rotting depravity of the Swamp. Bad enough that blatant, clear cut violations of myriad federal laws by Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, senior executives of the FBI, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, and numerous others, including state and city politicians who have defied immigration laws, have been treated to a conspiracy of blindness by supposed Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his minions. But now we have several years of the same for the obvious morphing of the Democrat Party into what can arguably be described as a domestic terrorist organization, at worst, or a supporter of domestic terrorism, at best.
As patriotic Americans, supporters of the Constitution and the Rule of Law, there are two immediate actions we must take, if we are to save the country from being taken over by barbaric, far left, totalitarians for whom the ends justify the means, and whose slogan is "Whatever it takes."
First, VOTE!!! Repeat: VOTE!!!
Second, telephone (202-456-1414), email (https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/), or write a letter (President Donald J. Trump, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500), telling the President to remove Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, immediately after the election. Be polite, but feel free to tell him exactly why this must be done. Repeat: exactly why.
We, as a free, constitutional republic and a sovereign nation living under the Rule of (OUR) Law, cannot survive if we fail to act, now and with determination. We are the majority in America, despite the lies, distortion, and outright sedition spewed out by the Ministry of Leftist Propaganda, aka, the "mainstream" media. We need to start acting like it.
© Michael Oberndorf
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