Michael Oberndorf
The violent totalitarians
By Michael Oberndorf
We are constantly subjected to preaching from the self-righteous left – the Democrats, the "mainstream" media, the "education" system and the mindless Marxbots it produces – about ending violence in America. They mount their moral high horses and look down on us, the deplorable, bitter clingers, and demand an end to the right-wing inspired violence that they claim white America commits on our minorities and oh-so-innocent leftists on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the facts don't even come close to this leftist-generated narrative.
For example, the fascist publisher of the yellow leftist propaganda rag, the New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger, complained on Sunday that President Donald Trump's criticism of the "press" is creating a "potential" for violence against "journalists." I put press and journalists in quotes because both have long since given up reporting news, and have become an integral part of the propaganda and indoctrination machine of the collectivist, totalitarian left. And then Sulzberger has the unabashed gall to whine about "potential" violence, violence that has not occurred, that exists only in the fevered minds of these leftist zealots, hell-bent on inciting more real violence against We, the People, the majority, the Americans who elected Donald Trump their president.
Wait...did I just say "more"?
More, indeed. The Gateway Pundit reports that the violent attacks on Trump supporters has now reached more than 500 (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/07/nyt-publisher-complains-to-trump-about-potential-violence-against-journalists-ignores-over-500-violent-attacks-on-trump-supporters/). How many have you seen reported on in the "mainstream" media? Two? Maybe three? And usually in the context of calling the Trump supporters white supremacists or Nazis, who by their mere presence inflamed their attackers and deserved what they got.
The truth is that the attacks have been unprovoked, and many clearly have been planned in advance, with the attackers armed with clubs and other weapons, and in the case of Antifa, wearing masks to hide their identity. Antifa, by the way, illustrates perfectly how the left accuses us of being what they are. Antifa is short for anti-fascist. Yet these violent thugs are modern day clones of Hitler's Nazi Brown Shirts, using violence to silence any opposition. The only difference is that the Antifa cowards cover their faces, like the criminals they are.
The media are not the only ones, though, inciting violence against Trump supporters. Black millionaire congressman, Maxine Waters, has been publicly ranting and raving against Trump and his supporters on an almost daily basis since his election. Most recently, she has called on her radical leftist constituency to "harass" Trump administration officials and staffers, and presumably anyone they perceive as a Trump supporter. And of course, harass can easily be taken to mean spitting on, shoving, hitting, kicking, bashing with clubs and baseball bats, stabbing with knives, shooting with guns...See how this works? This is obviously "dog whistle" talk of the sort they constantly accuse us of using.
The aimed for result of this violence is the silencing of opposing viewpoints and the suppression of open support for anything other than strict fascist, collectivist dogma. The left claims to demand tolerance, but it will only accept tolerance of its ideas. Disagreement is punishable by verbal and physical violence. Destroying the lives and livelihoods of dissenters is part and parcel of their modus operandi. And so far, they have counted on the fact that We, the People are law abiding and behave peacefully and nonviolently. It's time, perhaps, for that to stop.
In far too many of the violent attacks on us, the police, apparently under orders from the leftist Democrats who run most urban areas, do almost nothing. Few, if any, of the attackers are arrested. Thus, it appears that if we don't want to end up maimed or killed for exercising our God-given, constitutional rights of free speech and assembly, we need to start protecting ourselves.
Many of us are well past the age where we can physically engage an attacker in their 20s, 30s or even 40s. Nor can (or should) we run away from them. Thus, when attacked, we are in a life-threatening situation, one that is clearly covered by stand your ground and self defense laws. Lethal force against such attacks is justified. I suggest that, where legal, folks, especially older ones, carry a sidearm and be prepared to use it in a worst case scenario.
There is no reasoning with these fanatics and zealots. They have created a divide on our fundamental beliefs so wide that there is no longer an achievable middle ground. While fighting back this way will be hysterically condemned by the fascists, eventually we must do so or see the Constitution and the America that we love and have worked so hard these past two-and-a-half centuries to create, be destroyed and turned into a totalitarian police state.
© Michael Oberndorf
July 30, 2018
We are constantly subjected to preaching from the self-righteous left – the Democrats, the "mainstream" media, the "education" system and the mindless Marxbots it produces – about ending violence in America. They mount their moral high horses and look down on us, the deplorable, bitter clingers, and demand an end to the right-wing inspired violence that they claim white America commits on our minorities and oh-so-innocent leftists on a daily basis. Unfortunately, the facts don't even come close to this leftist-generated narrative.
For example, the fascist publisher of the yellow leftist propaganda rag, the New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger, complained on Sunday that President Donald Trump's criticism of the "press" is creating a "potential" for violence against "journalists." I put press and journalists in quotes because both have long since given up reporting news, and have become an integral part of the propaganda and indoctrination machine of the collectivist, totalitarian left. And then Sulzberger has the unabashed gall to whine about "potential" violence, violence that has not occurred, that exists only in the fevered minds of these leftist zealots, hell-bent on inciting more real violence against We, the People, the majority, the Americans who elected Donald Trump their president.
Wait...did I just say "more"?
More, indeed. The Gateway Pundit reports that the violent attacks on Trump supporters has now reached more than 500 (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/07/nyt-publisher-complains-to-trump-about-potential-violence-against-journalists-ignores-over-500-violent-attacks-on-trump-supporters/). How many have you seen reported on in the "mainstream" media? Two? Maybe three? And usually in the context of calling the Trump supporters white supremacists or Nazis, who by their mere presence inflamed their attackers and deserved what they got.
The truth is that the attacks have been unprovoked, and many clearly have been planned in advance, with the attackers armed with clubs and other weapons, and in the case of Antifa, wearing masks to hide their identity. Antifa, by the way, illustrates perfectly how the left accuses us of being what they are. Antifa is short for anti-fascist. Yet these violent thugs are modern day clones of Hitler's Nazi Brown Shirts, using violence to silence any opposition. The only difference is that the Antifa cowards cover their faces, like the criminals they are.
The media are not the only ones, though, inciting violence against Trump supporters. Black millionaire congressman, Maxine Waters, has been publicly ranting and raving against Trump and his supporters on an almost daily basis since his election. Most recently, she has called on her radical leftist constituency to "harass" Trump administration officials and staffers, and presumably anyone they perceive as a Trump supporter. And of course, harass can easily be taken to mean spitting on, shoving, hitting, kicking, bashing with clubs and baseball bats, stabbing with knives, shooting with guns...See how this works? This is obviously "dog whistle" talk of the sort they constantly accuse us of using.
The aimed for result of this violence is the silencing of opposing viewpoints and the suppression of open support for anything other than strict fascist, collectivist dogma. The left claims to demand tolerance, but it will only accept tolerance of its ideas. Disagreement is punishable by verbal and physical violence. Destroying the lives and livelihoods of dissenters is part and parcel of their modus operandi. And so far, they have counted on the fact that We, the People are law abiding and behave peacefully and nonviolently. It's time, perhaps, for that to stop.
In far too many of the violent attacks on us, the police, apparently under orders from the leftist Democrats who run most urban areas, do almost nothing. Few, if any, of the attackers are arrested. Thus, it appears that if we don't want to end up maimed or killed for exercising our God-given, constitutional rights of free speech and assembly, we need to start protecting ourselves.
Many of us are well past the age where we can physically engage an attacker in their 20s, 30s or even 40s. Nor can (or should) we run away from them. Thus, when attacked, we are in a life-threatening situation, one that is clearly covered by stand your ground and self defense laws. Lethal force against such attacks is justified. I suggest that, where legal, folks, especially older ones, carry a sidearm and be prepared to use it in a worst case scenario.
There is no reasoning with these fanatics and zealots. They have created a divide on our fundamental beliefs so wide that there is no longer an achievable middle ground. While fighting back this way will be hysterically condemned by the fascists, eventually we must do so or see the Constitution and the America that we love and have worked so hard these past two-and-a-half centuries to create, be destroyed and turned into a totalitarian police state.
© Michael Oberndorf
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