Michael Oberndorf
Enemies domestic
By Michael Oberndorf
A whole lot of us Deplorables, who had the unmitigated temerity to vote for the interloper, Donald Trump, have served in capacities which required us to take an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect it not only from foreign enemies, but domestic ones as well. Over the 229 years that have elapsed since the Constitution was ratified in June of 1788, we have endured and overcome numerous attempts by foreign nations to defeat us militarily, and some economically. However, domestic threats have been rare. Other than the occasional traitor, we have had no serious, well organized threats internally, the Civil War being the obvious exception, until the communists. However, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the "mainstream" media declared the Cold War over and communism defeated, and thus, all the communists in the U.S.A., aka, Stalin's Useful Idiots, magically disappeared. Poof.
However, there is a problem with this. As more and more organizations are springing up espousing classic, radical communist ideology and tactics, we who make up the unenlightened, unwashed masses are becoming more and more aware that something is deeply and dangerously wrong in America, and that our Constitution is, indeed, under attack by well-funded, well-organized enemies domestic. We are learning that it's not just corrupt unions like the SEIU that have become openly communist, it's Academia, Hollywood (which includes most TV), a significant portion of the Democrat Party, and perhaps most dangerous of all, the "mainstream" media.
Communist strategist Antonio Gramsci (pronounced gram-shee) wrote extensively in the 1930s about how to attain communist revolution without war, in other words, by subversion. This could be achieved, he said, by taking over education, entertainment, and the news media. Hmmmm...Gramsci has been required reading for hard-core (rather than knee-jerk) leftists ever since, and we can see that they've done a damn fine job of putting his theories into practice.
As bad as it is that public "schools" and institutions of "higher education" are churning out an endless stream of brainwashed, intolerant, often violent Marx-bots, with no understanding of our nation's history or culture, and that the entertainment industry's constant underlying message is that traditional American culture, capitalism, and white people are all evil things to be vanquished by any means necessary, and that drugs, unbridled promiscuity, and gun violence are all just A-OK, we find that the media today make sure that as few as possible critical or dissenting voices are allowed to be heard.
It's true that we Bitter Clingers have Internet news sites and some talk radio programs we can access that provide alternatives to the "mainstream" liars. However, on the Internet, leftist sites like MSN and Yahoo dwarf the online presence of conservative sites, as the network TV news programs do with Fox News. They ignore, spin, and distort, and in the last few years, outright lie about just about everything, convincing the gullible and the intellectually lazy that conservative white people are responsible for ALL the problems in the entire world. This needs to change.
For decades, We, the People, have sat quietly and endured rule by these fascists and communists. A sort of exception to this was the Silent Majority, which rose up and elected Ronald Reagan, twice, but then settled silently once more into the background. This again began to change with the rise of the Tea Party and then the election of The Donald. Outspoken and adamant about what We, the People, want for America, not fooled by the lies that gush on a daily basis from the left, Americans in the mold of the Patriots of 1776 are ready to stand fast against the Enemies Domestic.
I, and a lot of others like me, am sick to death of watching the left, especially those in elected office, relentlessly attack and undermine our country, the Constitution, Christianity, Judaism, our morals, our values, the way we live and work. It's time to get active – very active – and throw out the trash, using whatever means are available. We can start recall drives, press for impeachment of judges and corrupt congressmen and senators, and get genuine constitutional conservatives to run. We can donate time and money to all of these activities. We can also support conservative student organizations – there are lots of them, but most people have never heard of them since the "mainstream" media never covers them.
Each of us needs to think of something, no matter how small it might seem to us, that we can do or contribute. The Enemies Domestic have begun what can only be seen as a Second Civil War for control of America. I took an oath, and I will NEVER give up, NEVER surrender. How about you?
© Michael Oberndorf
January 1, 2018
A whole lot of us Deplorables, who had the unmitigated temerity to vote for the interloper, Donald Trump, have served in capacities which required us to take an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect it not only from foreign enemies, but domestic ones as well. Over the 229 years that have elapsed since the Constitution was ratified in June of 1788, we have endured and overcome numerous attempts by foreign nations to defeat us militarily, and some economically. However, domestic threats have been rare. Other than the occasional traitor, we have had no serious, well organized threats internally, the Civil War being the obvious exception, until the communists. However, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the "mainstream" media declared the Cold War over and communism defeated, and thus, all the communists in the U.S.A., aka, Stalin's Useful Idiots, magically disappeared. Poof.
However, there is a problem with this. As more and more organizations are springing up espousing classic, radical communist ideology and tactics, we who make up the unenlightened, unwashed masses are becoming more and more aware that something is deeply and dangerously wrong in America, and that our Constitution is, indeed, under attack by well-funded, well-organized enemies domestic. We are learning that it's not just corrupt unions like the SEIU that have become openly communist, it's Academia, Hollywood (which includes most TV), a significant portion of the Democrat Party, and perhaps most dangerous of all, the "mainstream" media.
Communist strategist Antonio Gramsci (pronounced gram-shee) wrote extensively in the 1930s about how to attain communist revolution without war, in other words, by subversion. This could be achieved, he said, by taking over education, entertainment, and the news media. Hmmmm...Gramsci has been required reading for hard-core (rather than knee-jerk) leftists ever since, and we can see that they've done a damn fine job of putting his theories into practice.
As bad as it is that public "schools" and institutions of "higher education" are churning out an endless stream of brainwashed, intolerant, often violent Marx-bots, with no understanding of our nation's history or culture, and that the entertainment industry's constant underlying message is that traditional American culture, capitalism, and white people are all evil things to be vanquished by any means necessary, and that drugs, unbridled promiscuity, and gun violence are all just A-OK, we find that the media today make sure that as few as possible critical or dissenting voices are allowed to be heard.
It's true that we Bitter Clingers have Internet news sites and some talk radio programs we can access that provide alternatives to the "mainstream" liars. However, on the Internet, leftist sites like MSN and Yahoo dwarf the online presence of conservative sites, as the network TV news programs do with Fox News. They ignore, spin, and distort, and in the last few years, outright lie about just about everything, convincing the gullible and the intellectually lazy that conservative white people are responsible for ALL the problems in the entire world. This needs to change.
For decades, We, the People, have sat quietly and endured rule by these fascists and communists. A sort of exception to this was the Silent Majority, which rose up and elected Ronald Reagan, twice, but then settled silently once more into the background. This again began to change with the rise of the Tea Party and then the election of The Donald. Outspoken and adamant about what We, the People, want for America, not fooled by the lies that gush on a daily basis from the left, Americans in the mold of the Patriots of 1776 are ready to stand fast against the Enemies Domestic.
I, and a lot of others like me, am sick to death of watching the left, especially those in elected office, relentlessly attack and undermine our country, the Constitution, Christianity, Judaism, our morals, our values, the way we live and work. It's time to get active – very active – and throw out the trash, using whatever means are available. We can start recall drives, press for impeachment of judges and corrupt congressmen and senators, and get genuine constitutional conservatives to run. We can donate time and money to all of these activities. We can also support conservative student organizations – there are lots of them, but most people have never heard of them since the "mainstream" media never covers them.
Each of us needs to think of something, no matter how small it might seem to us, that we can do or contribute. The Enemies Domestic have begun what can only be seen as a Second Civil War for control of America. I took an oath, and I will NEVER give up, NEVER surrender. How about you?
© Michael Oberndorf
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