Michael Oberndorf
By Michael Oberndorf
November 9, 2015

Traditionally – and I use this term, even though tradition has become a dirty word to the left – traditionally, when your economy is going south on you, or there is political unrest at home that threatens to remove you from power, traditionally, those in power start a war. We have seen this happen time and time again throughout history, all over the world. We are very likely to see it again. Soon.

The Ayatollah al Obozo and his unindicted co-conspirators in his administration and the corrupt, parasitic institution that is Congress, have managed to set the world back, peacewise, to a time that resembles the days leading up to damn near every war in recorded history. Their meddling in the Middle East has created massive instability that has allowed insanely zealous barbarians like ISIS to arise and metastasize in an epidemic worse than Ebola. Meanwhile, as both Russia and China have thrown caution to the wind and have been going full speed ahead with military improvement and expansion, al Obozo has been hell-bent on cutting and demoralizing ours. Traditionally, Obozo's actions are called treason, but as the late, great Barry Goldwater said, none dare call it that.

So, while the Chinese make public statements that they are not afraid of having a war with us, and have their subs shadowing our aircraft carriers, and while the Russians hurl snarky insults at al Obozo as they violate the arms treaty and execute new tests of their nuke delivery missiles, and their nuclear bombers buzz our ships and cruise our coastlines, how does the Fraud in the Rainbow House react? By proving himself to be the Great Prevaricator, the Liar-in-Chief, and putting boots on the ground again in Iraq. Yikes!

The treasonous deal with Iran, brokered by the traitor John F. Kerry – who speaks French, by the way – and Ayatollah al Obozo – who can barely speak English, if it's not written for him on a teleprompter – appears too, to have gone the traditional way of such sucker scams. As soon as it was signed, the $157 billion freed up to fund terrorists once again, and the crippling sanctions lifted, the Islamist Iranian rulers made it crystal clear that they have no intention of honoring any part of the deal. As it turns out, they have been responsible for at least 14% of the American deaths in Iraq, so al Obozo sending more American troops there seems to be icing on the cake for the Terrorists of Tehran.

Traditionally, Nobel Peace Prize winners don't go around starting or abetting or getting their countries involved in wars. Not so with America's Instant Peace Prize Laureate. Al Obozo has been responsible for tens of thousands of deaths of our troops and innocent civilians all over the world. As noted above, this has added immensely to the probability of a major war – World War III? – breaking out. It has also given the impetus and the excuse for the massive invasion of Europe by "refugees," some 80% of whom are military age, single Muslim males, traditionally the core of jihadist armies. Though it failed in 732, thanks to Charles "The Hammer" Martel – the last great French military man – and again in 1492, when the last Muslims were run out of Spain, it seems indisputable that Europe is in imminent danger of falling to Islamic jihad. The Propaganda Ministry, aka, the "mainstream" media, love to gush about al Obozo's "unprecedented" accomplishments. Bringing on the potential destruction of the world by all-consuming war leading to a nuclear holocaust, by a Nobel Peace Prize winner is decidedly unprecedented, and certainly not traditional.

Traditionally, elected representatives of We, the People, pay attention to our wants and needs if for no other reason, traditionally, that if they don't, they'll get booted out of office. However, this seems to be another of those traditions that has gone by the wayside. On issue after issue, from the disastrous ObamaCare to amnesty to IRS and EPA abuses of authority to taxes and spending to defunding, demoralizing, and downsizing of our military to job-killing complicity with the "environmental" movement, Congress has blatantly ignored the wishes of 65 to 90% of We, the People. Instead, they do the bidding of huge-money "donors" – traditionally referred to as "criminal bribe givers" – the "special interests" of the not-so-distant past. We, the People, are no longer feared by those who would use positions of power, privilege, and influence in government for their own benefit. Frankly, the only thing – repeat: the only thing – that stands between us and totalitarian domination by a far left elitist minority is the Second Amendment. And when the house of cards built by this bought-and-paid-for "government" collapses, and the circling Russian, Chinese and jihadist wolves move in for the kill, it will be the tradition of a freedom-loving armed citizenry, the "gun behind every blade of grass" that the Japanese so feared, that will ultimately be our salvation.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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