Michael Oberndorf
The revolution is over
By Michael Oberndorf
News flash from the gummint and the Republican Party Establishment (aka, the Misleadership): "Ladies and gentlemen, the Revolution is over, and so as not to inconvenience anyone, nothing has been changed." And so it would seem. Despite an historic landslide victory for supposed conservative Republicans in both houses of Congress, Obamacare has not been repealed or defunded; Obama's illegal Executive Amnesty has not been defunded nor has anyone been indicted for defying court orders to end it; the butchers at Planned Parenthood will continue to be funded with taxpayer money; tens of thousands of Muslim "refugees" are being forced on the country, despite the opposition of the vast majority of Americans; the unconstitutional EPA is still operating as a Democrat political sledgehammer, killing jobs and extending federal control over all land use; the dismantling of our military continues apace and unimpeded; the Middle East, and thus the world, has been brought to the brink of WWIII, thanks to the ineptness or intentional machinations, supported by the Republican Establishment, of Obama and the globalist Council on Foreign Relations-dominated State Department; and though the traitor Boehner has been pressured into quitting, it appears likely he'll be replaced by a business-as-usual political clone; etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseam.
The mess Obama and the State of Confusion Department have made in their dealings with Putin, too, should be of extreme concern to thinking conservatives. Putin's airstrikes against ISIS seem to be doing in a few days what the Obama-controlled ones of ours failed to do in months. Putin is looking like what a real world leader should look like, and Obama, and thus America, are looking like totally incompetent fools. And trust me, the world is watching very closely, much like wolves watching a crippled sheep.
China, in particular, is not just watching, but gathering its strength, getting ready to pounce. Comments by Chinese leader Xi Jinping indicate that the recent talks with Obama left him totally unimpressed and not the least inclined to alter their present aggressive policies with their Asian neighbors and in the South China Sea. Obama's weakening of our military and the massive strengthening of China's, particularly its navy, and Putin's show of strength in Syria with the tail-between-his-legs-rollover submission there by Obama (and this ignores the glaring fact that we should never have gotten involved in Syria in the first place), make it very likely that China will also escalate its aggressive moves on its smaller, weaker neighbors.
The really despicable part of all this is the acquiescence of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and the Republican Establishment. They have sat passively, or voted to allow Obama to create unmitigated chaos, at home and abroad. They could, and should, have impeached Obama years ago, but instead have aided and abetted him at every turn, all the while publicly pretending to be opposed to all his unconstitutional and illegal actions. If there were a law that any elected official who violated his oath of office would be summarily removed from that office, tried, and if found guilty of doing so intentionally, imprisoned for, say, one-to-five years, there wouldn't be anyone left in Congress or the White House, and ¾ of the judiciary would be gone, too. Perhaps if we elect Trump or Carson or Cruz, we can get such a law.
Washington and our once (relatively) honest political system have been fatally corrupted in the past 25 years. Money has indisputably become King there, the driving force in all our politics, and all of the current gaggle of politicians, Republicans and Democrats, have, to some extent at least, been bought and paid for by special interests. It's been a long time since they have acted in the interests of America or We, the People. We are inches away from being a totalitarian state, ruled by a self-serving, wealthy, globalist elite who see us as cash cows to be milked until we are dry.
It seems crystal clear that We, the People, are fed up and finally ready to fight back. The popularity of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz is no some passing fad, no flash in the pan. It's a genuine reflection of the feelings of the majority of Americans who are done standing quietly in the background while radical leftists and neo-fascists dismantle and loot the country.
And woe be unto the fools who doubt this.
© Michael Oberndorf
October 7, 2015
News flash from the gummint and the Republican Party Establishment (aka, the Misleadership): "Ladies and gentlemen, the Revolution is over, and so as not to inconvenience anyone, nothing has been changed." And so it would seem. Despite an historic landslide victory for supposed conservative Republicans in both houses of Congress, Obamacare has not been repealed or defunded; Obama's illegal Executive Amnesty has not been defunded nor has anyone been indicted for defying court orders to end it; the butchers at Planned Parenthood will continue to be funded with taxpayer money; tens of thousands of Muslim "refugees" are being forced on the country, despite the opposition of the vast majority of Americans; the unconstitutional EPA is still operating as a Democrat political sledgehammer, killing jobs and extending federal control over all land use; the dismantling of our military continues apace and unimpeded; the Middle East, and thus the world, has been brought to the brink of WWIII, thanks to the ineptness or intentional machinations, supported by the Republican Establishment, of Obama and the globalist Council on Foreign Relations-dominated State Department; and though the traitor Boehner has been pressured into quitting, it appears likely he'll be replaced by a business-as-usual political clone; etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseam.
The mess Obama and the State of Confusion Department have made in their dealings with Putin, too, should be of extreme concern to thinking conservatives. Putin's airstrikes against ISIS seem to be doing in a few days what the Obama-controlled ones of ours failed to do in months. Putin is looking like what a real world leader should look like, and Obama, and thus America, are looking like totally incompetent fools. And trust me, the world is watching very closely, much like wolves watching a crippled sheep.
China, in particular, is not just watching, but gathering its strength, getting ready to pounce. Comments by Chinese leader Xi Jinping indicate that the recent talks with Obama left him totally unimpressed and not the least inclined to alter their present aggressive policies with their Asian neighbors and in the South China Sea. Obama's weakening of our military and the massive strengthening of China's, particularly its navy, and Putin's show of strength in Syria with the tail-between-his-legs-rollover submission there by Obama (and this ignores the glaring fact that we should never have gotten involved in Syria in the first place), make it very likely that China will also escalate its aggressive moves on its smaller, weaker neighbors.
The really despicable part of all this is the acquiescence of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and the Republican Establishment. They have sat passively, or voted to allow Obama to create unmitigated chaos, at home and abroad. They could, and should, have impeached Obama years ago, but instead have aided and abetted him at every turn, all the while publicly pretending to be opposed to all his unconstitutional and illegal actions. If there were a law that any elected official who violated his oath of office would be summarily removed from that office, tried, and if found guilty of doing so intentionally, imprisoned for, say, one-to-five years, there wouldn't be anyone left in Congress or the White House, and ¾ of the judiciary would be gone, too. Perhaps if we elect Trump or Carson or Cruz, we can get such a law.
Washington and our once (relatively) honest political system have been fatally corrupted in the past 25 years. Money has indisputably become King there, the driving force in all our politics, and all of the current gaggle of politicians, Republicans and Democrats, have, to some extent at least, been bought and paid for by special interests. It's been a long time since they have acted in the interests of America or We, the People. We are inches away from being a totalitarian state, ruled by a self-serving, wealthy, globalist elite who see us as cash cows to be milked until we are dry.
It seems crystal clear that We, the People, are fed up and finally ready to fight back. The popularity of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz is no some passing fad, no flash in the pan. It's a genuine reflection of the feelings of the majority of Americans who are done standing quietly in the background while radical leftists and neo-fascists dismantle and loot the country.
And woe be unto the fools who doubt this.
© Michael Oberndorf
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