Michael Oberndorf
Obama does it again
By Michael Oberndorf
March 30, 2015

The Muslim Marxist in the White Mosque continues, on a daily basis, to exceed our expectations. Just when you think he can't get any more lawless, or corrupt, or incompetent, or traitorous, he does. But like he claims to be the case with American's achievements, he doesn't do it alone. He's had massive assistance from the "mainstream" media, the Democrat Party, and to the disgust of patriotic Americans nationwide, the Republican Establishment.

In spite of it being so obvious that his "executive amnesty" scam is blatantly unconstitutional – and therefore blatantly illegal – so obvious that even a federal judge ruled against it and placed an injunction on it, Obama has continued to push through his scheme to overrun the country with semi-literate, unskilled, often violently criminal, illegal alien invaders who have no understanding of America, nor any loyalty to it. But Obama and his co-conspirators are all supremely confident that the invaders will vote Democrat, thus ensuring radical leftist rule in America in perpetuity.

And why wouldn't the Democrats and the Chamber of Commerce Establishment Republicans be confident of this when a recent left-wing Pew Research Center study (http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2015/03/28/hold-think-tank-illegal-immigrant-males-more-likely-to-be-in-workforce-than-legal-immigrants-us-born-men/) shows illegals have stolen jobs to the point they are employed at a higher rate than native-born Americans or legal immigrants. This is on top of insanely huge welfare benefits, and preferential treatment in things like college tuition and, incredibly, accountability for their often violent criminal acts.

Beyond our non-existent borders, Obama has made things even worse. His meddling in the Middle East, in support of Islamic jihad, has created disaster after disaster for the dwindling number of secular, relatively civilized countries there. Driven by his egomaniacal, narcissistic belief that he is brilliant and infallible, Obama and his lackeys – Clinton (and her "special" assistant Huma Abedin) and Kerry and the leftist-dominated State Department, Muslim convert Brennan at the CIA, Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, etc., etc., ad nauseam – have tried to install their Muslim Brotherhood allies in power, but instead, due to what is clearly a near total lack of understanding of Middle East politics, culture, and ironically, religion, have created chaos that borders on anarchy.

Their bungling is so bad that Obama's self-proclaimed success against terrorists in Yemen resulted in jihadis overthrowing the government there. This in turn resulted in Saudi Arabia, a country that has almost always relied on surrogates to act militarily on its behalf, joining with other Arab states to form an Arab Army that will likely include Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait. Shiite and Sunni hatred for one another is almost as intense as Islam's hatred of infidels – Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and everyone else who is not Muslim. This has exacerbated the situation in the Middle East and has been, it seems, totally misread by the Muslim in the White Mosque and his cronies.

Terrorist-sponsoring Shiite Iran is being allowed to continue to develop its nuclear weapons, much to the dismay of Sunni Saudi Arabia. Sunni Saudi Arabia, who has financed terrorism on a huge scale (including, many believe 9/11 and Obama's education and political career) now wants nukes of their own. The Middle East, thanks to the "brilliance" and utter incompetence of Obama trying to play both ends against the middle is about to be the starting place of World War III.

This, of course, all ignores the state of the world economy and the fact that the dollar is in big trouble, as is, in spite of the lies of the Obama administration and their stooges in the media, the American economy. The mess, once again, is due to the total lack of understanding of economics by knee-jerk Marxist Obama and his knee-jerk Marxists associates. Collapse, sooner rather than later, is a real possibility.

Meanwhile, the Republicans, almost without exception, are doing nothing – repeat, nothing – to stop or even slow down our descent into a New Dark Age. Congress has over the past 30 years degenerated into a corrupt, toothless paper tiger, interested only in enriching its members at the expense of We, the People, and maintaining its position of power and privilege. There is hardly a member who is not in serious violation of their oath to protect and uphold the Constitution. Instead of actually dealing with the destruction of the separation of powers and the lawlessness of the Obama regime, Congress – and again, abetted by the "mainstream" media – is nearly 100 percent absorbed in an election that won't happen for a year-and-a-half. In the meantime, the country and the world are going to hell, and We, the People, it seems, can only stand on the sidelines and watch, while the Obama's loot the treasury to indulge themselves in multi-million dollar "vacations" and golf outings, rewarding themselves for the superlative job they are doing.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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