Michael Oberndorf
Cowardly new world
By Michael Oberndorf
The 2014 elections, landslide victory that they were for Republicans, were supposed to usher in a new Era of Repudiation of Obama and his policies. B. Hussein stated on TeeVee that all the Democrats running for office had repeatedly voted for his policies, and therefore, the people were voting for or against said policies. The election landslide then, was a massive, mandated rejection of them, and by extension, the man behind them. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, it hasn't worked out that way.
The neo-fascists passing themselves off as the Republican Establishment, aka, the Party Misleadership, seem terrified of standing up for the Rule of Law, or the Constitution, or what is morally right, or actually, anything that We, the People, as Americans, hold dear. And to add injury to insult, they and those they dictate to in Congress will not stand up against Islamic terrorism, the illegal invasion or the illegal invaders, the totally un-American "Affordable" Care Act, the un-Patriotic "Patriot Act," massive and totally illegal government spying on We, the People, the totally illegal acts of the IRS and the EPA, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.
Huxley got it wrong when he warned of a "Brave New World." It's a cowardly one, and elected Republicans, with only a few exceptions, have wet trousers and yellow streaks down their backs a yard wide. One would think that after 40 years of the attacks by the Ministry of Democrat Propaganda, aka, the "Mainstream" Media, and 40 years of lockstep Democrat votes in Congress, and 40 years of Democrats as a whole moving farther and farther and more openly to the radical left, they would have learned a few pathetically obvious lessons:
Rather than stay focused on the issues We, the People, elected them to deal with, the cowards have allowed the presidential election that is two years away to become the Big Story. Frankly, I don't give a flying hoohah at this point who the quislings in the Republican Establishment or the Democrat propaganda machine want to be the Republican candidate. There are vastly more important things that need our immediate attention.
Despite the daily lies from the administration and the media, the economy is barely surviving. Inflation is rampant. The job picture is disastrous. The dollar is under serious attack from powerful forces, e.g., BRIC, and could easily collapse. The entire Middle East is on the verge of an upheaval/collapse that will in all likelihood bring on WWIII and possibly a nuclear holocaust. Asia is not in much better shape. Nor is Africa. Muslim terrorism is out of control and growing stronger and more widespread every day. But what we get from the cowards in Congress and the traitors in the media would make it seem that all is rosy, Obama is doing a bang-up job, and Boehner and McConnell are the greatest leaders since Lincoln. Heesh...
I can think of lots of things that could turn all this around, but to be honest, I can't think of a way to get our Congress to do them. They have gotten themselves into positions of power and appear to no longer be afraid of losing them. The voters have served their purpose and can be cast aside like yesterday's newspaper. When amnesty is done, We, the People, will be a permanent, irrelevant minority, powerless. Not a pretty prospect.
My last hope is that We, the People, will get very involved at the state level, putting as much pressure as we can on our legislators and governors to actively and adamantly resist federal lawlessness. They should be encouraged to actively and adamantly demand federal adherence to the Constitution. And if this fails, they should be directed to actively and adamantly pursue secession. Anything less will result in a nightmare of unimaginable ___________(fill in the blank).
© Michael Oberndorf
January 26, 2015
The 2014 elections, landslide victory that they were for Republicans, were supposed to usher in a new Era of Repudiation of Obama and his policies. B. Hussein stated on TeeVee that all the Democrats running for office had repeatedly voted for his policies, and therefore, the people were voting for or against said policies. The election landslide then, was a massive, mandated rejection of them, and by extension, the man behind them. Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, it hasn't worked out that way.
The neo-fascists passing themselves off as the Republican Establishment, aka, the Party Misleadership, seem terrified of standing up for the Rule of Law, or the Constitution, or what is morally right, or actually, anything that We, the People, as Americans, hold dear. And to add injury to insult, they and those they dictate to in Congress will not stand up against Islamic terrorism, the illegal invasion or the illegal invaders, the totally un-American "Affordable" Care Act, the un-Patriotic "Patriot Act," massive and totally illegal government spying on We, the People, the totally illegal acts of the IRS and the EPA, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseam.
Huxley got it wrong when he warned of a "Brave New World." It's a cowardly one, and elected Republicans, with only a few exceptions, have wet trousers and yellow streaks down their backs a yard wide. One would think that after 40 years of the attacks by the Ministry of Democrat Propaganda, aka, the "Mainstream" Media, and 40 years of lockstep Democrat votes in Congress, and 40 years of Democrats as a whole moving farther and farther and more openly to the radical left, they would have learned a few pathetically obvious lessons:
- The leftist media will never say good things about them, even if the completely cave to Democrat demands (which they do on a regular basis).
- Democrats in Congress believe "compromise" means completely give in to their demands. Always. No exceptions.
- No matter how much you grovel and pander and give in to leftists, e.g., the greenies, the "Occupy Movement," the anti-war/anti-military crowd, the Political Correctness/anti-free speech crowd, the gun control fanatics, etc., they will never vote for you. Ever. Period!
- No matter what you do, all of the above will call you racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, stupid, backward, etc., and will continue to do so in perpetuity.
- That it is We, the People, your "base," who elected you and perhaps will re-elect you, not "independents" or "moderates" or cross-over voters.
Rather than stay focused on the issues We, the People, elected them to deal with, the cowards have allowed the presidential election that is two years away to become the Big Story. Frankly, I don't give a flying hoohah at this point who the quislings in the Republican Establishment or the Democrat propaganda machine want to be the Republican candidate. There are vastly more important things that need our immediate attention.
Despite the daily lies from the administration and the media, the economy is barely surviving. Inflation is rampant. The job picture is disastrous. The dollar is under serious attack from powerful forces, e.g., BRIC, and could easily collapse. The entire Middle East is on the verge of an upheaval/collapse that will in all likelihood bring on WWIII and possibly a nuclear holocaust. Asia is not in much better shape. Nor is Africa. Muslim terrorism is out of control and growing stronger and more widespread every day. But what we get from the cowards in Congress and the traitors in the media would make it seem that all is rosy, Obama is doing a bang-up job, and Boehner and McConnell are the greatest leaders since Lincoln. Heesh...
I can think of lots of things that could turn all this around, but to be honest, I can't think of a way to get our Congress to do them. They have gotten themselves into positions of power and appear to no longer be afraid of losing them. The voters have served their purpose and can be cast aside like yesterday's newspaper. When amnesty is done, We, the People, will be a permanent, irrelevant minority, powerless. Not a pretty prospect.
My last hope is that We, the People, will get very involved at the state level, putting as much pressure as we can on our legislators and governors to actively and adamantly resist federal lawlessness. They should be encouraged to actively and adamantly demand federal adherence to the Constitution. And if this fails, they should be directed to actively and adamantly pursue secession. Anything less will result in a nightmare of unimaginable ___________(fill in the blank).
© Michael Oberndorf
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