Michael Oberndorf
Allah who? Aaacckk barf!
By Michael Oberndorf
What, pray tell, has happened to what used to be thought of as the Civilized World? The savage, barbarous acts being committed against human beings on a daily basis all over the world in the name of Islam are glossed over, brushed aside, or completely ignored by the "mainstream" media, and "liberal" and "enlightened" politically correct, multicultural governments – like ours. The depth and breadth of the denial that the world is being pushed toward a second Dark Age, ruled over by fanatic Muslim zealots is truly frightening.
Those who rely on the leftist newspapers and TV networks for information on current events and politics, rarely hear the details of the ravages of Islamic jihadists in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, the Philippines, and yes, the United States. Instead they are fed a constant litany of leftist propaganda in which Islam is portrayed as the Religion of Peace™ and all but a handful of Muslims as "moderates." For those of us who look to alternate sources for news, however – e.g., the internet, talk radio – the picture that emerges is much different.
As Brigitte Gabriel, founder of Act for America! (http://www.actforamerica.org/), pointed out in a Heritage Foundation sponsored forum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s), even if radical Islamists/jihadis make up only 15 to 25% of the world's 1.2 billion Muslim population, as analysts have estimated, that still equals 180 to 300 million people, equal to nearly the entire population of America, men, women, and children. The jihadis are nearly all angry, sexually frustrated young males who believe their god has instructed them to violently slaughter all who do not submit to their demands to convert to Islam and accept Shariah law. And this vast horde of savages has made it clear that America and her mostly Judeo-Christian people are its main target.
The history of jihad goes back to the beginning of Islam in the early 7th century, a "religion" started by a man who it could easily be argued suffered his entire life from schizophrenic hallucinations and delusions. As time went by, his writings and exhortations to his followers became more hateful and violent. Heavy taxes, slavery, and death, particularly by beheading were prescribed for infidels – all those unbelievers throughout the world unwilling to submit. Over the ensuing centuries, Muslim jihadist armies have "spread the faith" by fire and sword on many occasions, in many parts of the world. Look it up. And we see a continuation of this Pillar of Islam today with ISIS.
The mass beheadings of their enemies (http://nypost.com/2014/10/14/isis-beheads-tens-maybe-hundreds-leaves-bodies-in-streets/), including rival Muslim sects, the mass murders of captured soldiers and Christian civilians (http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1581481/video-shows-captured-syrian-soldiers-executed-islamic-state; http://www.barenakedislam.com/2013/04/19/russia-2004-beslan-school-massacre-by-chechen-muslim-terrorists/), the suicide bombers, including those who explode their vest bombs in places crowded with unsuspecting, innocent civilians (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/19/world/africa/19iht-web.0119telaviv.html?_r=0), the kidnapping and forced bondage of girls and women to be used as sex slaves (http://www.clarionproject.org/news/thousands-yazidi-women-kidnapped-sex-slaves; http://www.clarionproject.org/news/thousands-yazidi-women-kidnapped-sex-slaves), are all common practices of the radical Islamist groups active today. Here in America, we've seen so-called "honor killings," beheadings, and single and mass murders in various parts of the country, all committed by Muslims in the name of Islam.
You would think that the left, particularly the feminist left, would be issuing a non-stop stream of statements condemning Islam's treatment of women, and that the anti-war zealots would be marching in the streets every day. Instead, the sex/drugs/rock and roll left, including the media, the epitome of everything the Islamists are out to expunge from the face of the Earth, support the Islamists under the delusion that they will hasten the demise of the free, capitalist West and will institute a socialist utopia, rather than a religio-fascist caliphate. And to the growing detriment of the American people, it is clear that the apostate Muslim, the Squatter-in-the-White House shares these deluded views.
The Obama administration's utter mismanagement of the war(s) in Syria and Iraq, when looked at in the context of years of Obama's unambiguous praise for Islam and statements of support, appears to be intentional. The failure to train and rebuild the Iraqi Army, the illicit arms smuggling out of Libya and into Syria, the arming of al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, the foot-dragging in declaring ISIS an enemy, the laughable "coalition" of half-hearted "partners," and the pathetically inadequate number of airstrikes being flown – usually 20 or less, as opposed to the hundreds recommended by our generals – all leave the Islamist jihadis in a position of unprecedented power that would have never been possible, but for the action and inaction of Obama and his henchmen.
Obama, raised as a Muslim, has publicly declared that we are not a Christian nation and that Muslims played a significant role in the founding of the country, in spite of a total lack of evidence to support these wild claims. He has bowed low before the King of Saudi Arabia. He has also made clear his disdain for our Constitution, and that he thinks America is to blame for all the evils in the world. It is more than obvious where his loyalties lie. He needs to be removed as a danger to public safety. Allah who? Aaacckk barf!
© Michael Oberndorf
October 16, 2014
What, pray tell, has happened to what used to be thought of as the Civilized World? The savage, barbarous acts being committed against human beings on a daily basis all over the world in the name of Islam are glossed over, brushed aside, or completely ignored by the "mainstream" media, and "liberal" and "enlightened" politically correct, multicultural governments – like ours. The depth and breadth of the denial that the world is being pushed toward a second Dark Age, ruled over by fanatic Muslim zealots is truly frightening.
Those who rely on the leftist newspapers and TV networks for information on current events and politics, rarely hear the details of the ravages of Islamic jihadists in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, the Philippines, and yes, the United States. Instead they are fed a constant litany of leftist propaganda in which Islam is portrayed as the Religion of Peace™ and all but a handful of Muslims as "moderates." For those of us who look to alternate sources for news, however – e.g., the internet, talk radio – the picture that emerges is much different.
As Brigitte Gabriel, founder of Act for America! (http://www.actforamerica.org/), pointed out in a Heritage Foundation sponsored forum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s), even if radical Islamists/jihadis make up only 15 to 25% of the world's 1.2 billion Muslim population, as analysts have estimated, that still equals 180 to 300 million people, equal to nearly the entire population of America, men, women, and children. The jihadis are nearly all angry, sexually frustrated young males who believe their god has instructed them to violently slaughter all who do not submit to their demands to convert to Islam and accept Shariah law. And this vast horde of savages has made it clear that America and her mostly Judeo-Christian people are its main target.
The history of jihad goes back to the beginning of Islam in the early 7th century, a "religion" started by a man who it could easily be argued suffered his entire life from schizophrenic hallucinations and delusions. As time went by, his writings and exhortations to his followers became more hateful and violent. Heavy taxes, slavery, and death, particularly by beheading were prescribed for infidels – all those unbelievers throughout the world unwilling to submit. Over the ensuing centuries, Muslim jihadist armies have "spread the faith" by fire and sword on many occasions, in many parts of the world. Look it up. And we see a continuation of this Pillar of Islam today with ISIS.
The mass beheadings of their enemies (http://nypost.com/2014/10/14/isis-beheads-tens-maybe-hundreds-leaves-bodies-in-streets/), including rival Muslim sects, the mass murders of captured soldiers and Christian civilians (http://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/1581481/video-shows-captured-syrian-soldiers-executed-islamic-state; http://www.barenakedislam.com/2013/04/19/russia-2004-beslan-school-massacre-by-chechen-muslim-terrorists/), the suicide bombers, including those who explode their vest bombs in places crowded with unsuspecting, innocent civilians (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/19/world/africa/19iht-web.0119telaviv.html?_r=0), the kidnapping and forced bondage of girls and women to be used as sex slaves (http://www.clarionproject.org/news/thousands-yazidi-women-kidnapped-sex-slaves; http://www.clarionproject.org/news/thousands-yazidi-women-kidnapped-sex-slaves), are all common practices of the radical Islamist groups active today. Here in America, we've seen so-called "honor killings," beheadings, and single and mass murders in various parts of the country, all committed by Muslims in the name of Islam.
You would think that the left, particularly the feminist left, would be issuing a non-stop stream of statements condemning Islam's treatment of women, and that the anti-war zealots would be marching in the streets every day. Instead, the sex/drugs/rock and roll left, including the media, the epitome of everything the Islamists are out to expunge from the face of the Earth, support the Islamists under the delusion that they will hasten the demise of the free, capitalist West and will institute a socialist utopia, rather than a religio-fascist caliphate. And to the growing detriment of the American people, it is clear that the apostate Muslim, the Squatter-in-the-White House shares these deluded views.
The Obama administration's utter mismanagement of the war(s) in Syria and Iraq, when looked at in the context of years of Obama's unambiguous praise for Islam and statements of support, appears to be intentional. The failure to train and rebuild the Iraqi Army, the illicit arms smuggling out of Libya and into Syria, the arming of al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria, the foot-dragging in declaring ISIS an enemy, the laughable "coalition" of half-hearted "partners," and the pathetically inadequate number of airstrikes being flown – usually 20 or less, as opposed to the hundreds recommended by our generals – all leave the Islamist jihadis in a position of unprecedented power that would have never been possible, but for the action and inaction of Obama and his henchmen.
Obama, raised as a Muslim, has publicly declared that we are not a Christian nation and that Muslims played a significant role in the founding of the country, in spite of a total lack of evidence to support these wild claims. He has bowed low before the King of Saudi Arabia. He has also made clear his disdain for our Constitution, and that he thinks America is to blame for all the evils in the world. It is more than obvious where his loyalties lie. He needs to be removed as a danger to public safety. Allah who? Aaacckk barf!
© Michael Oberndorf
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