Michael Oberndorf
A bang-up week
By Michael Oberndorf
December 2, 2013

Last week was a killer for America, but a bang-up one for Barack Hussein Obama in furthering his Mission from Marx to destroy free, constitutional, capitalist America. It started out with Harry Reid (D-NV), the neo-fascist Senate Majority Leader doing a complete 180 degree switch on the Senate's prerogative of advise and consent on presidential nominations. The minority party's option to filibuster nominations they deem unworthy, for whatever reason, an option that had existed in the Senate for over 200 years, is gone. One party rule is the "new normal."

Disaster 2 for America was pretty much overshadowed by Disasters 1 and 3. It happened at the UN man-made global warming confab in Warsaw. Also, it was pulled off in the wee hours of the morning on a weekend (intentional?), so it garnered minimal coverage in the "mainstream" media. However, Craig Rucker, Director of CFACT (Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow), was there:
For those who have not been following this latest "climate change" dog-and-pony show, a main demand of the 132 generally leftist, mostly dictatorial "undeveloped" countries, which, by the way, are strongly supported by the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China), that they be given huge amounts of money – the loss-and-damage mechanism – every time they experience a natural disaster. These, of course, are all caused by the profligate, irresponsible emission of CO² by evil, rich, western capitalist countries into the otherwise pristine atmosphere. This, notes Rucker, will expose American "taxpayers to potentially unlimited future liability." Since the genuine science now proves that the Earth has been cooling for the past 15 years (http://www.climatedepot.com/2013/11/29/nearly-1000-record-low-temperatures-set-as-another-round-of-arctic-air-forecast-to-deep-freeze-the-u-s/), this is clearly the Obama administration pandering to its dangerous, and frighteningly effective, Marxist Green base.

Disaster 3 was the so-called "deal" with Iran. As it's turning out, this "deal" ain't worth the recycled paper it is written on. Apparently modeled on the Democrats budget deals, only with Iran playing the Democrats, and the Democrats in the Republican role, it rolls back sanctions, doles out billions of dollars, but requires nothing but vague promises of ill-defined concessions at some unspecified time in the distant future. Given that Obama and his administration are in bed with radical Islam, this appears to be exactly what was intended. The truth is, the adminsitration has been rolling the sanctions back for months, and is secretly negotiating with Iran's terrorist client, Hezbollah.

To cap it off, Obama's pals and role models, the Communist Chinese, are on the move. The rulers of China – the People's Liberation Army – are far from stupid. They have watched over the past 20+ years as Marxist Bill Clinton, then the Democrat Party of Marx, and now, Marxist Barack Hussein Barry Soetoro Obama, dismantled and demoralized the American military. The weakening of our military has apparently reached the point where they feel confident that the United States can't – and perhaps more importantly, won't – do anything more to stop China's aggressive expansion than to rattle a broken saber and make hollow, unenforceable threats.

The competent analysts of Asian affairs have said for many years that it was highly unlikely that China would directly attack the United States. They predicted that China would go after Japan, Taiwan, the Phillipines, or Korea, forcing America to act or cave. The current move to extend their hegemony to cover the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands claimed by Japan seems to have provoked little more that token gestures from us. They are doing the same thing with some islands in a resource-rich area of the South China Sea, just west of the Phillipines – Scarborough Shoal/Huangyan Island – and it seems they expect us to cave. If either or both of these moves succeed, life in Asia is going to get real ugly for a whole lot of formerly free people in formerly capitalist countries.

While Obama, himself, is a marginally intelligent, knee-jerk Marxist buffoon, his handlers are tough, experienced, hard-core, and know exactly what they are doing. Much of the conservative public still has not come to grips with the indisputable fact that the goal of the Obama administration and all their programs and policies, of all its appointees and co-operating bureaucrats, and of all of its financial backers with their incredible wealth, is the destruction of the United States of America as a free, capitalist, constitutional democratic republic. The Tea Party movement is waking people up, but time is running out. Extraordinary measures are essential. Will we have the strength to overcome the past 80 years of "progressive" brainwashing and take them before it's too late?

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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