Michael Oberndorf
Obama's outrages
By Michael Oberndorf
As has become glaringly obvious, the America-Destroyer-in-Chief has ramped up his attacks exponentially since he got away with the massive voter fraud that gave him the election. He's continued his policy of nominating far-left, incompetent crooks and extremists to important positions of power, a policy that couldn't work without the complicity and connivance of the Republican Establishment. And that is just for starters.
The tactic of nominating America-hating radicals has resulted in Sonia Sotomayor, a racist, radical feminist and Elena Kagan, a probable lesbian, radical feminist and political hack as justices of the Supreme Court, avowed communist Van Jones as "Green Jobs Czar," radical wackos Cass Sunstein and John Holdren and dozens of other "Czars" – a total of 45 of 'em – sticking their noses and greedy leftist fingers into the people's business, and getting paid $158,000 per year and up of the taxpayers money to do it. The Republican Establishment has done nothing to rid us of these unconstitutional human monkey wrenches. The silence has been deafening.
To make bad worse, one of these "Czars," John Brennan, who at best is an Islamist extremist sympathizer and promoter, and at worst, is a genuine closet radical Muslim, was just approved as new head of the CIA by the spineless parasites in what used to be the United States Senate, but now is just a rubber-stamp for the Marxist in the White House. Voting for this disaster-in-the-making were some of the usual dither and cave RINOs – John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Susan Collins (R-ME), Bob Corker (R-TN), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Orin Hatch (R-UT), along with Mark Kirk (R-IL), Dan Coats (R-IN), and Richard Burr (R-NC). But joining this shameful throng were some supposed conservatives – Tom Coburn (R-OK), and Tea Party heroes, Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Marco Rubio (R-FL).
Rubio and Flake also voted to confirm traitor John Kerry as Secretary of State of Disarray, as did all but three Republicans. Only four Republicans voted to confirm leftist Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Surrender, but one of them was the Great Conservative Hope, Rand Paul (R-KY). Paul and Flake also voted to confirm Jack Lew, the originator of the Sequester, as Head Looter...er...um...Treasury Secretary (FYI, Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the only Senator who has voted No on all of Obama's nominations). Orrin Hatch was quoted as saying, "I am bending over backwards to show deference to the president's nomination and I hope that doesn't go unnoticed," and this seems to sum up the "thinking" of Republicans in the Senate.
Taking their cues from the Fraud in the White House, Kerry and unindicted felon Eric Holde both pushed the outrage envelope even further. The State of Disarray Department, in cahoots with Michelle Obama, was caught trying to give the prestigious International Woman of Courage award to Samira Ibrahim, a known anti-American and anti-Semitic activist from Egypt. When this was exposed, they backed off and withdrew the offer – for now. And Eric Holder had to be brow-beaten into conceding that murdering American citizens who posed no imminent danger, on American soil, without any due process, was unconstitutional. However, the government recently claimed that their drone technology can tell if a person is carrying a weapon. Thus, after the fact, they can claim that the victim was armed, and therefore a legal target. Again, hardly a peep of outrage from Republicans. To his credit, Rand Paul did publicly protest. But, to their ever-growing shame, John McCain and Lindsey Graham proclaimed murder by dictatorial fiat to be something they approved of.
Obama's pals and supporters in the "mainstream" Fifth Column media, Congress, and elsewhere showed exactly where their politics and sympathies lie in their reaction to the death of communist dictator and Obama role model, Hugo Chavez. Democrats in congress issued statements of sympathy and praise, and two Democrat congressmen – one sitting and one former – actually attended the funeral, as did wastes of food Jesse Jackson and Sean Penn. Disgraced former Democrat President, Jimmy Carter, broke new America-hating ground with a statement lauding the dead thug that topped all his previous public stupidity by a significant margin. Obama, portrayed by the Fifth Column as the leader of the Democrat Party, said nothing to the contrary, and thus gave his approval of this despicable show of anti-Americanism.
On a much more ominous note, the brilliant foreign policy of Obama, the confused and inept actions of the State of Disarray Department, and the totally mixed messages coming from the Department of Surrender, have pushed and enabled desperate and deranged dictator, Kim Jong Un of North Korea to seriously threaten to launch a nuclear attack on America. The good news is they are only capable of hitting wacko leftist West Coast cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. But combined with Iran being inches away from having their own nuclear weapons, it is almost certain that the erstwhile Nobel Peace Prize winner is about to drag us into another war, but this time a nuclear one.
Where is the outrage?
© Michael Oberndorf
March 10, 2013
As has become glaringly obvious, the America-Destroyer-in-Chief has ramped up his attacks exponentially since he got away with the massive voter fraud that gave him the election. He's continued his policy of nominating far-left, incompetent crooks and extremists to important positions of power, a policy that couldn't work without the complicity and connivance of the Republican Establishment. And that is just for starters.
The tactic of nominating America-hating radicals has resulted in Sonia Sotomayor, a racist, radical feminist and Elena Kagan, a probable lesbian, radical feminist and political hack as justices of the Supreme Court, avowed communist Van Jones as "Green Jobs Czar," radical wackos Cass Sunstein and John Holdren and dozens of other "Czars" – a total of 45 of 'em – sticking their noses and greedy leftist fingers into the people's business, and getting paid $158,000 per year and up of the taxpayers money to do it. The Republican Establishment has done nothing to rid us of these unconstitutional human monkey wrenches. The silence has been deafening.
To make bad worse, one of these "Czars," John Brennan, who at best is an Islamist extremist sympathizer and promoter, and at worst, is a genuine closet radical Muslim, was just approved as new head of the CIA by the spineless parasites in what used to be the United States Senate, but now is just a rubber-stamp for the Marxist in the White House. Voting for this disaster-in-the-making were some of the usual dither and cave RINOs – John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Susan Collins (R-ME), Bob Corker (R-TN), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Orin Hatch (R-UT), along with Mark Kirk (R-IL), Dan Coats (R-IN), and Richard Burr (R-NC). But joining this shameful throng were some supposed conservatives – Tom Coburn (R-OK), and Tea Party heroes, Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and Marco Rubio (R-FL).
Rubio and Flake also voted to confirm traitor John Kerry as Secretary of State of Disarray, as did all but three Republicans. Only four Republicans voted to confirm leftist Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Surrender, but one of them was the Great Conservative Hope, Rand Paul (R-KY). Paul and Flake also voted to confirm Jack Lew, the originator of the Sequester, as Head Looter...er...um...Treasury Secretary (FYI, Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the only Senator who has voted No on all of Obama's nominations). Orrin Hatch was quoted as saying, "I am bending over backwards to show deference to the president's nomination and I hope that doesn't go unnoticed," and this seems to sum up the "thinking" of Republicans in the Senate.
Taking their cues from the Fraud in the White House, Kerry and unindicted felon Eric Holde both pushed the outrage envelope even further. The State of Disarray Department, in cahoots with Michelle Obama, was caught trying to give the prestigious International Woman of Courage award to Samira Ibrahim, a known anti-American and anti-Semitic activist from Egypt. When this was exposed, they backed off and withdrew the offer – for now. And Eric Holder had to be brow-beaten into conceding that murdering American citizens who posed no imminent danger, on American soil, without any due process, was unconstitutional. However, the government recently claimed that their drone technology can tell if a person is carrying a weapon. Thus, after the fact, they can claim that the victim was armed, and therefore a legal target. Again, hardly a peep of outrage from Republicans. To his credit, Rand Paul did publicly protest. But, to their ever-growing shame, John McCain and Lindsey Graham proclaimed murder by dictatorial fiat to be something they approved of.
Obama's pals and supporters in the "mainstream" Fifth Column media, Congress, and elsewhere showed exactly where their politics and sympathies lie in their reaction to the death of communist dictator and Obama role model, Hugo Chavez. Democrats in congress issued statements of sympathy and praise, and two Democrat congressmen – one sitting and one former – actually attended the funeral, as did wastes of food Jesse Jackson and Sean Penn. Disgraced former Democrat President, Jimmy Carter, broke new America-hating ground with a statement lauding the dead thug that topped all his previous public stupidity by a significant margin. Obama, portrayed by the Fifth Column as the leader of the Democrat Party, said nothing to the contrary, and thus gave his approval of this despicable show of anti-Americanism.
On a much more ominous note, the brilliant foreign policy of Obama, the confused and inept actions of the State of Disarray Department, and the totally mixed messages coming from the Department of Surrender, have pushed and enabled desperate and deranged dictator, Kim Jong Un of North Korea to seriously threaten to launch a nuclear attack on America. The good news is they are only capable of hitting wacko leftist West Coast cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. But combined with Iran being inches away from having their own nuclear weapons, it is almost certain that the erstwhile Nobel Peace Prize winner is about to drag us into another war, but this time a nuclear one.
Where is the outrage?
© Michael Oberndorf
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