Michael Oberndorf
Must do list
By Michael Oberndorf
The day after Barack "Barry Soetoro" Hussein Obama loses the election in the landslide everyone except the "mainstream" media and the blind goose-steppers to the Democrat drum expect, there are a couple of things that need to be undertaken, immediately. First and foremost, work needs to begin to do everything necessary to replace the Republican Party with a national Conservative Party, no later than 2016. We cannot continue to allow a party that is controlled by globalists, neo-fascists, and corrupt political hacks out to serve their own self-interests, rather than obey the Constitution and serve, We, the People, to represent us. We are a large majority in America, comprising 55 to 70 percent of the electorate, yet we are treated by our party misleadership as if we don't exist.
This will not be an easy task. The laws that have been passed by the power elite over the years, aimed at keeping that power at all costs, are myriad and difficult to comply with. It is going to take thinking "outside the box" by the best minds in the conservative movement to come up with the methodology needed to create a new party from whole cloth. But this is what must be done.
No vestiges of the old power structure must be allowed to insert their corrupt, self-serving tentacles into the new party. They corrupt everything — repeat, everything — they touch. The new party must start out clean, with new, fresh members and leaders. And the leaders must emerge from the rank-and-file, from the bottom up. America's political top is rotten to the core.
This is not to say that conservatives within the existing Republican Party must be barred from participation. However, they need to start from scratch, just like the leaders that are emerging from the Tea Party movement, and win the acceptance and approval of We, the People, before they can assume leadership roles. We also need to, at least for the first few years, let go of ideological nit-picking differences, learn to recognize our common heritage, interests, and bonds, and leave the details for after we have our new party firmly ensconced on the American political scene. Unity is of paramount importance.
Another thing that needs to be addressed immediately upon completion of the election is the complete and effective blocking of the Gotterdammerung that I gar-on-tee Obama and his fellow Marxists and neo-fascists will bring about in November, December, and January when the reality of being excised from government sets in. They will go 24/7, using every trick and illegal maneuver in the book to inflict as much irreparable damage on the country as possible. They are not patriotic Americans. They are New Left Marxist revolutionaries, whose goal is the total destruction of free, capitalist, constitutional America. Their slogan is not "forward," but "by any means necessary."
For nearly four years, the federal agency charged with enforcing the Constitution and the laws of the United States has instead broken the laws and ignored the Constitution, with horrifying impunity. This must stop, immediately. If it means putting together a citizen's posse and physically arresting Eric Holder and his stooges, so be it. The lawlessness must be brought to an abrupt halt, or the damage these people will do may sink the country. This will also be a time to watch the actions of existing Republicans, taking names and documenting whose side they really are on.
A final idea I would like to toss out for consideration is two new laws. The first, I hope, will put an end to the, "Oh, no! Not another law!" syndrome. It would be simple: No new law may be enacted until two old ones are repealed. Eventually, the salubrious effect of this would be felt, and the legal system would get back to manageable, constitutional levels. As things stand now, it is nearly impossible to go through a day without breaking at least one law, and complying with one law often means breaking another. The only people who have benefitted from this are the swarms of lawyers infesting government and the private sector. We, the People, are being sucked dry.
The last law I'd like to suggest is one that the behavior of the Democrats over the past four years has created a dire need for. This law would make it a criminal offense to knowingly lie in public. We are not talking about telling a tall one to your friends. We are talking about politicians, government officials and bureaucrats, lawyers, businesspeople, the kind of people who make statements that get into a public venue, like TV, newspapers, Internet, radio, press conferences and so on. In other words, where their lies will be heard and will influence the public. Let's get real folks, public lying is not free speech. It's fraud, just like the Clown in the White House. Let's get rid of them both.
© Michael Oberndorf
August 27, 2012
The day after Barack "Barry Soetoro" Hussein Obama loses the election in the landslide everyone except the "mainstream" media and the blind goose-steppers to the Democrat drum expect, there are a couple of things that need to be undertaken, immediately. First and foremost, work needs to begin to do everything necessary to replace the Republican Party with a national Conservative Party, no later than 2016. We cannot continue to allow a party that is controlled by globalists, neo-fascists, and corrupt political hacks out to serve their own self-interests, rather than obey the Constitution and serve, We, the People, to represent us. We are a large majority in America, comprising 55 to 70 percent of the electorate, yet we are treated by our party misleadership as if we don't exist.
This will not be an easy task. The laws that have been passed by the power elite over the years, aimed at keeping that power at all costs, are myriad and difficult to comply with. It is going to take thinking "outside the box" by the best minds in the conservative movement to come up with the methodology needed to create a new party from whole cloth. But this is what must be done.
No vestiges of the old power structure must be allowed to insert their corrupt, self-serving tentacles into the new party. They corrupt everything — repeat, everything — they touch. The new party must start out clean, with new, fresh members and leaders. And the leaders must emerge from the rank-and-file, from the bottom up. America's political top is rotten to the core.
This is not to say that conservatives within the existing Republican Party must be barred from participation. However, they need to start from scratch, just like the leaders that are emerging from the Tea Party movement, and win the acceptance and approval of We, the People, before they can assume leadership roles. We also need to, at least for the first few years, let go of ideological nit-picking differences, learn to recognize our common heritage, interests, and bonds, and leave the details for after we have our new party firmly ensconced on the American political scene. Unity is of paramount importance.
Another thing that needs to be addressed immediately upon completion of the election is the complete and effective blocking of the Gotterdammerung that I gar-on-tee Obama and his fellow Marxists and neo-fascists will bring about in November, December, and January when the reality of being excised from government sets in. They will go 24/7, using every trick and illegal maneuver in the book to inflict as much irreparable damage on the country as possible. They are not patriotic Americans. They are New Left Marxist revolutionaries, whose goal is the total destruction of free, capitalist, constitutional America. Their slogan is not "forward," but "by any means necessary."
For nearly four years, the federal agency charged with enforcing the Constitution and the laws of the United States has instead broken the laws and ignored the Constitution, with horrifying impunity. This must stop, immediately. If it means putting together a citizen's posse and physically arresting Eric Holder and his stooges, so be it. The lawlessness must be brought to an abrupt halt, or the damage these people will do may sink the country. This will also be a time to watch the actions of existing Republicans, taking names and documenting whose side they really are on.
A final idea I would like to toss out for consideration is two new laws. The first, I hope, will put an end to the, "Oh, no! Not another law!" syndrome. It would be simple: No new law may be enacted until two old ones are repealed. Eventually, the salubrious effect of this would be felt, and the legal system would get back to manageable, constitutional levels. As things stand now, it is nearly impossible to go through a day without breaking at least one law, and complying with one law often means breaking another. The only people who have benefitted from this are the swarms of lawyers infesting government and the private sector. We, the People, are being sucked dry.
The last law I'd like to suggest is one that the behavior of the Democrats over the past four years has created a dire need for. This law would make it a criminal offense to knowingly lie in public. We are not talking about telling a tall one to your friends. We are talking about politicians, government officials and bureaucrats, lawyers, businesspeople, the kind of people who make statements that get into a public venue, like TV, newspapers, Internet, radio, press conferences and so on. In other words, where their lies will be heard and will influence the public. Let's get real folks, public lying is not free speech. It's fraud, just like the Clown in the White House. Let's get rid of them both.
© Michael Oberndorf
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