Michael Oberndorf
Bend it 'til it breaks
By Michael Oberndorf
America has long been seen by the people of the world as the beacon of freedom, the Shining City on the Hill, a place where citizens breathe free and no dream is impossible. We rose above all other nations in this respect. And it was our Constitution and the Rule of Law that made this possible.
Many made great sacrifices and some even risked their lives to come here. Legally. Fleeing from famine, poverty, political and social oppression, they waited in endless lines to get the proper documents, they found sponsors, and spent countless hours learning English and about the American Constitution and our history. They did anything and everything that the law required to become Americans. Unhyphenated Americans. Proud, unhyphenated Americans.
Tragically, those who currently hold power in Washington are working feverishly to "fundamentally change" this. In recent years, the Democrat Party, dominated by Marxists and neo-fascists of various stripes, and their Establishment Republican dupes, have systematically dismantled our once efficient immigration system, setting it up for the frontal assault that has been launched by the Fraud-in-the-White House and his co-conspirators in the Cabinet, the Congress, and the "mainstream" media. Yesterday, however, marked a new low with the "unprecedented" shredding of the Constitution for blatantly political motives, at the expense of the well-being of all Americans, especially the young, and the Rule of Law.
In a transparent attempt to pander to the "Hispanic voters" — meaning far-left Marxists and welfare sponges
— Obama-Soetoro declared that he would, again, order the people responsible for enforcing our federal laws not to. He also declared that 800,000 people between the ages of 15 and 30 who are here illegally would be allowed to work. Say what?
With real unemployment standing firmly at over 10 percent, and far, far higher among black people and Hispanics in the 15 to 30 age range, where does he think these people are going to find work? The answer is, either they will take jobs away from American citizens, or they will become new slaves on the Democrat welfare plantation, living on food stamps, in public or subsidized housing, using medical care and cell phones, all paid for by us, the dwindling remnant of the population that still works and pays taxes.
I find it extremely difficult to see how Hispanic and black voters who are members of the Working Remnant, possessing an IQ even slightly over room temperature, could possibly see this as an incentive to keep Obama-Soetoro and his mindless Marxist minions in Congress in power a minute longer than they have to.
As for those Democrats who remember the party that elected Harry Truman and Jack Kennedy, I wonder how they manage to justify supporting this sort of lawlessness. With the arrogantly corrupt Eric Holder — B. Hussein's alter-ego — openly ignoring the law and repeatedly violating it with seeming impunity, they must find it difficult to look the other way, since they encounter it everywhere they look. And now, the Sock Puppet himself has cast all caution to the wind, and publicly announced his intention to willfully ignore our immigration laws, bending them 'til they break.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
With his hand on the Bible, this is the first of the thousands of lies that Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama-Soetoro, the Great Prevaricator, has told since his inauguration in 2008. He has repeatedly violated this sacred oath, as have all his appointees, and a despicable majority of our congressmen and senators, on both sides of the aisle. As bill after unconstitutional bill is passed, as executive order after unconstitutional executive order is signed, as administrative regulation after unconstitutional administrative regulation is enforced, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker. As the Injustice Department has ignored crimes committed, refusing to enforce federal law, and has attacked sovereign states that have tried, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker. As the Union Labor Department Secretary has advocated violation of numerous statutes by legal and illegal workers, and as the Welfare Secretary has attacked freedom of religion and common decency, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker. And with every act of interference in the affairs of the American people by Obama-Soetoro's unconstitutional "czars" and rogue agencies like the EPA, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker.
This coming November, We, the People, can stop them from breaking it. We are, in spite of the lies of the media, a strong, significant majority in this country. And though they have made us bend, let's show them that they cannot break us!
© Michael Oberndorf
June 17, 2012
America has long been seen by the people of the world as the beacon of freedom, the Shining City on the Hill, a place where citizens breathe free and no dream is impossible. We rose above all other nations in this respect. And it was our Constitution and the Rule of Law that made this possible.
Many made great sacrifices and some even risked their lives to come here. Legally. Fleeing from famine, poverty, political and social oppression, they waited in endless lines to get the proper documents, they found sponsors, and spent countless hours learning English and about the American Constitution and our history. They did anything and everything that the law required to become Americans. Unhyphenated Americans. Proud, unhyphenated Americans.
Tragically, those who currently hold power in Washington are working feverishly to "fundamentally change" this. In recent years, the Democrat Party, dominated by Marxists and neo-fascists of various stripes, and their Establishment Republican dupes, have systematically dismantled our once efficient immigration system, setting it up for the frontal assault that has been launched by the Fraud-in-the-White House and his co-conspirators in the Cabinet, the Congress, and the "mainstream" media. Yesterday, however, marked a new low with the "unprecedented" shredding of the Constitution for blatantly political motives, at the expense of the well-being of all Americans, especially the young, and the Rule of Law.
In a transparent attempt to pander to the "Hispanic voters" — meaning far-left Marxists and welfare sponges
— Obama-Soetoro declared that he would, again, order the people responsible for enforcing our federal laws not to. He also declared that 800,000 people between the ages of 15 and 30 who are here illegally would be allowed to work. Say what?
With real unemployment standing firmly at over 10 percent, and far, far higher among black people and Hispanics in the 15 to 30 age range, where does he think these people are going to find work? The answer is, either they will take jobs away from American citizens, or they will become new slaves on the Democrat welfare plantation, living on food stamps, in public or subsidized housing, using medical care and cell phones, all paid for by us, the dwindling remnant of the population that still works and pays taxes.
I find it extremely difficult to see how Hispanic and black voters who are members of the Working Remnant, possessing an IQ even slightly over room temperature, could possibly see this as an incentive to keep Obama-Soetoro and his mindless Marxist minions in Congress in power a minute longer than they have to.
As for those Democrats who remember the party that elected Harry Truman and Jack Kennedy, I wonder how they manage to justify supporting this sort of lawlessness. With the arrogantly corrupt Eric Holder — B. Hussein's alter-ego — openly ignoring the law and repeatedly violating it with seeming impunity, they must find it difficult to look the other way, since they encounter it everywhere they look. And now, the Sock Puppet himself has cast all caution to the wind, and publicly announced his intention to willfully ignore our immigration laws, bending them 'til they break.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
With his hand on the Bible, this is the first of the thousands of lies that Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama-Soetoro, the Great Prevaricator, has told since his inauguration in 2008. He has repeatedly violated this sacred oath, as have all his appointees, and a despicable majority of our congressmen and senators, on both sides of the aisle. As bill after unconstitutional bill is passed, as executive order after unconstitutional executive order is signed, as administrative regulation after unconstitutional administrative regulation is enforced, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker. As the Injustice Department has ignored crimes committed, refusing to enforce federal law, and has attacked sovereign states that have tried, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker. As the Union Labor Department Secretary has advocated violation of numerous statutes by legal and illegal workers, and as the Welfare Secretary has attacked freedom of religion and common decency, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker. And with every act of interference in the affairs of the American people by Obama-Soetoro's unconstitutional "czars" and rogue agencies like the EPA, the Rule of Law has grown weaker and weaker.
This coming November, We, the People, can stop them from breaking it. We are, in spite of the lies of the media, a strong, significant majority in this country. And though they have made us bend, let's show them that they cannot break us!
© Michael Oberndorf
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