Michael Oberndorf
Join the resistance
By Michael Oberndorf
Back in the 1960s, the Green Revolution was the application of science to farming worldwide, to increase crop yields and make famine a thing of the past. Today, in a world evermore dominated by radical Marxist and neo-fascist "environmentalists," Green Revolution has taken on a very different meaning.
The Marxist/neo-fascist U.N. spawned the "environmental movement" back in 1946, with the creation of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). They correctly surmised that by playing on human's concern for the world we live in, for the water, the air, the forests, for Thumper and Bambi, they could get people to agree to a level of government control that they would otherwise recoil in horror from. Thus, we've seen what were supposed to be warm, fuzzy protections of the environment turn into jack-booted nightmares.
Aided and abetted by radical, leftwing co-conspirators in the Congress and in the courts, and a plethora of "useful idiots" — the uncritical masses who never look below the emotional surface of issues — they have, step by step, destroyed millions of jobs, cut off our access to our own natural resources, and barred us from using public, and more and more, private land for any purpose. Using fakery, fraud, and a media that amounts to their Propaganda Ministry, they have built a gargantuan lie that says our water supply is threatened by massive pollution, that our air is dangerously unbreathable, that farming is destroying the water, air, and the land, that timber harvesting damages the land and causes the extinction of "endangered" species, that grazing our cattle destroys the land and water, that mining in any form is destroying the land, water, and air, that virtually all human activity is killing the Earth, etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseam.
The near total lack of real science behind any of this makes it even more outrageous that We, the People, a) Allowed it to happen in the first place; b) Continue to put up with it; and perhaps most importantly, c) Continue to elect spineless parasites who are afraid to stand up and call these people for the radical Marxist/neo-fascist revolutionaries they are, or have been bought off by them.
A notable exception to this is Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). Since his election in 2010, Senator Paul has taken up the fight for property rights, Constitutional government, and environmental sanity. For example, he has introduced legislation, S-2122, to define "Waters of the United States" as actual navigable waters, returns authority over said water to the states, and takes away federal authority over any "wetlands" that don't fit the new definition. It also prohibits jack-booted federal agents from entering private property without notice or permission, and requires double payment for loss of value to private land due to enforcement of "wetland" regulations. Landowners will have the right to be present during any inspections and to receive a copy of data collected. Folks, this is huge.
Recently, too, he has begun to actively take on the unconstitutional, out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He introduced a resolution to stop the EPA from enforcing its Cross State Air Pollution Rule, a job-killing attack on power plants — unfortunately it failed when Democrats and their RINO running-dogs voted against it. Then, when it was made public that EPA Al Almendariz had said that his policy was to "crucify" the oil industry, Senator Paul was one of the leaders in calling him out on it.
And just last week, Senator Paul spoke out loudly and publicly about further beyond the pale remarks by a top EPA administrator. Region 1 Administrator Curtis Spalding gave a speech at uber-liberal Yale University in which he said, "Lisa Jackson has put forth a very powerful message to the country. Just two days ago, the decision on greenhouse gas performance standard and saying basically gas plants are the performance standard which means if you want to build a coal plant you got a big problem. That was a huge decision." Then he shed crocodile tears over the destruction of the lives of the thousands of people who will be thrown out of work, and like the loggers who were victims of the "endangered" Spotted Owl, be forced to leave their homes and lives behind and move only God knows where (http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/04/region-1-epa-administrator-obama-coal-rules-painful-every-step-of-the-way/).
This clearly is part of Obama-Soetoro's War on Coal, which he openly declared back in 2008. The EPA under far left Lisa Jackson has become his weapon of choice. But for once, it's not without serious, truthful, public criticism, based on fact (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/31/epa-regulations-violate-constitutional-rights/). Senator Paul, like me, has called the EPA "out-of-control." He has also said that they "violate constitutional rights" and that the EPA "turns everyday life into a federal crime." He points out that the EPA "has done more harm than good," and that their regulations cost over 5 percent of America's GDP, and have increased unemployment by 33 percent. Facts, folks.
Bottom line: Support Senator Paul, and abolish the EPA, NOW!
© Michael Oberndorf
June 11, 2012
Back in the 1960s, the Green Revolution was the application of science to farming worldwide, to increase crop yields and make famine a thing of the past. Today, in a world evermore dominated by radical Marxist and neo-fascist "environmentalists," Green Revolution has taken on a very different meaning.
The Marxist/neo-fascist U.N. spawned the "environmental movement" back in 1946, with the creation of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). They correctly surmised that by playing on human's concern for the world we live in, for the water, the air, the forests, for Thumper and Bambi, they could get people to agree to a level of government control that they would otherwise recoil in horror from. Thus, we've seen what were supposed to be warm, fuzzy protections of the environment turn into jack-booted nightmares.
Aided and abetted by radical, leftwing co-conspirators in the Congress and in the courts, and a plethora of "useful idiots" — the uncritical masses who never look below the emotional surface of issues — they have, step by step, destroyed millions of jobs, cut off our access to our own natural resources, and barred us from using public, and more and more, private land for any purpose. Using fakery, fraud, and a media that amounts to their Propaganda Ministry, they have built a gargantuan lie that says our water supply is threatened by massive pollution, that our air is dangerously unbreathable, that farming is destroying the water, air, and the land, that timber harvesting damages the land and causes the extinction of "endangered" species, that grazing our cattle destroys the land and water, that mining in any form is destroying the land, water, and air, that virtually all human activity is killing the Earth, etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseam.
The near total lack of real science behind any of this makes it even more outrageous that We, the People, a) Allowed it to happen in the first place; b) Continue to put up with it; and perhaps most importantly, c) Continue to elect spineless parasites who are afraid to stand up and call these people for the radical Marxist/neo-fascist revolutionaries they are, or have been bought off by them.
A notable exception to this is Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). Since his election in 2010, Senator Paul has taken up the fight for property rights, Constitutional government, and environmental sanity. For example, he has introduced legislation, S-2122, to define "Waters of the United States" as actual navigable waters, returns authority over said water to the states, and takes away federal authority over any "wetlands" that don't fit the new definition. It also prohibits jack-booted federal agents from entering private property without notice or permission, and requires double payment for loss of value to private land due to enforcement of "wetland" regulations. Landowners will have the right to be present during any inspections and to receive a copy of data collected. Folks, this is huge.
Recently, too, he has begun to actively take on the unconstitutional, out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He introduced a resolution to stop the EPA from enforcing its Cross State Air Pollution Rule, a job-killing attack on power plants — unfortunately it failed when Democrats and their RINO running-dogs voted against it. Then, when it was made public that EPA Al Almendariz had said that his policy was to "crucify" the oil industry, Senator Paul was one of the leaders in calling him out on it.
And just last week, Senator Paul spoke out loudly and publicly about further beyond the pale remarks by a top EPA administrator. Region 1 Administrator Curtis Spalding gave a speech at uber-liberal Yale University in which he said, "Lisa Jackson has put forth a very powerful message to the country. Just two days ago, the decision on greenhouse gas performance standard and saying basically gas plants are the performance standard which means if you want to build a coal plant you got a big problem. That was a huge decision." Then he shed crocodile tears over the destruction of the lives of the thousands of people who will be thrown out of work, and like the loggers who were victims of the "endangered" Spotted Owl, be forced to leave their homes and lives behind and move only God knows where (http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/04/region-1-epa-administrator-obama-coal-rules-painful-every-step-of-the-way/).
This clearly is part of Obama-Soetoro's War on Coal, which he openly declared back in 2008. The EPA under far left Lisa Jackson has become his weapon of choice. But for once, it's not without serious, truthful, public criticism, based on fact (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/aug/31/epa-regulations-violate-constitutional-rights/). Senator Paul, like me, has called the EPA "out-of-control." He has also said that they "violate constitutional rights" and that the EPA "turns everyday life into a federal crime." He points out that the EPA "has done more harm than good," and that their regulations cost over 5 percent of America's GDP, and have increased unemployment by 33 percent. Facts, folks.
Bottom line: Support Senator Paul, and abolish the EPA, NOW!
© Michael Oberndorf
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