Michael Oberndorf
The anti-president
By Michael Oberndorf
Obama-Soetoro made it pretty clear with his free birth control and abortion mandate, forced upon Catholic doctors, nurses, and hospitals, that he is anti-First Amendment free exercise of religion generally, and anti-Catholic in particular. Being an apostate Muslim who "converted" to Jeremiah Wright's version of Black Liberation Theology, this is not surprising. Catholics make up the largest Christian denomination in the world and have been the traditional enemy of Islam since the Middle Ages.
But not content to just attack American Catholics, the Fraud-in-the-White House went after Catholic Poland, the country in Europe most aligned with American capitalism and conservatism. In the process of awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a Communist WWII resistance fighter, he referred to a Nazi death camp as a "Polish death camp," a term deeply offensive to Poles (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/nilegardiner/100161347/barack-obama-has-insulted-38-million-poles-with-his-crass-and-ignorant-polish-death-camp-remark/). The White House later claimed that B. Hussein "misspoke," that it was a "misstatement." More lies. It was read from a teleprompter, and therefore was an intentional part of a carefully prepared speech.
Obama-Soetoro has publicly dissed Poland before. He pulled the U.S. out of the missile defense agreement, apparently to placate his pals, the Russians and the Iranians, and later played golf instead of attending the funeral of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, the Polish First Lady, and 94 senior officials who died in a plane crash. Is it any wonder, then, that the Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski attributed the remarks to "ignorance and incompetence." Anti-capitalist, anti-Catholic.
In another little reported story, Representative Allen West (R-FL) wrote a strongly worded letter to B. Hussein, protesting the unjustified turning over of a terrorist, Ali Musa Daqduq, responsible for the torture and murders of five American soldiers, who was then released by an Iraqi court (http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2012/05/17/rep-allen-west-letter-to-pres-obama-on-released-hezbo-killer-of-5-americans/). This while three American soldiers sit rotting in Ft. Leavenworth for the crime of giving a terrorist a bloody nose while capturing him. Anti-military, anti-American.
By the way, the contrast between retired Lt. Col. Allen West and dope-smoking, cocaine-snorting, booze-lapping Barak "Barry" Hussein Obama-Soetoro couldn't be clearer. West is a genuine black American, with a distinguished career in the Army where he was awarded a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award. He grew up in inner city Atlanta, in the same neighborhood as Martin Luther King. He went to public schools and state colleges, not expensive, elite private schools. He has two master's degrees, is an articulate patriot, and is proudly and outspokenly pro-capitalist and pro-American.
While Obama-Soetoro tries to pretend he has nothing to do with the actions of the corrupt Holder Injustice Department, he is Holder's boss. Ergo, everything Holder does is with the direct or tacit approval of the "president." This includes the Fast and Furious gun-running debacle that led to the murders of two American federal agents and several hundred Mexican citizens. He's also done nothing to stop the attacks on states that try to enforce federal immigration law. Most recently, Holder himself, in a blatant campaign speech for Obama-Soetoro before a group of black clergymen, outrageously claimed that whites, i.e., conservative Republicans, were trying to prevent blacks and other minorities from voting. Not a peep from the White House disavowing this race-baiting, divisive lie. Not surprising, since they have been silent about all the illegal, racist actions Holder has taken as Obama-Soetoro's Top Cop, like his refusal to prosecute the two New Black Panther Party thugs, caught on video intimidating white voters in Philadelphia, or his refusal to bring charges for soliciting murder by the same outfit for offering money to anyone who would kill self-defense shooter, George Zimmerman, presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Anti-Rule of Law, anti-white.
Sadly, Obama-Soetoro is not the only one to turn a blind eye to the evil in the Injustice Department. Republicans in Congress still have done nothing more than mumble disapproval, dither, and cave, refusing to demand Holder's resignation, much less his indictment by a grand jury on a variety of high crimes and misdemeanors. Tea Party folks, take note.
While I am not impressed with the "conservative credentials" of Mitt Romney, he is head and shoulders above the Liar-in-Chief. Romney, at least, is pro-American and pro-capitalist, which clearly, the Marxist squatting in the White House is not. Romney is not out to destroy America by unilaterally disarming us, and turning us into a third-rate, totalitarian, socialist has-been, one of many in a U.N. dominated world. Thus, I find those who say they will not vote for Romney for whatever reason to be dangerously childish, for if Obama-Soetoro and his Marxist and neo-fascist revolutionary cronies win another four years, you can kiss America, as we have known her, adios.
© Michael Oberndorf
June 3, 2012
Obama-Soetoro made it pretty clear with his free birth control and abortion mandate, forced upon Catholic doctors, nurses, and hospitals, that he is anti-First Amendment free exercise of religion generally, and anti-Catholic in particular. Being an apostate Muslim who "converted" to Jeremiah Wright's version of Black Liberation Theology, this is not surprising. Catholics make up the largest Christian denomination in the world and have been the traditional enemy of Islam since the Middle Ages.
But not content to just attack American Catholics, the Fraud-in-the-White House went after Catholic Poland, the country in Europe most aligned with American capitalism and conservatism. In the process of awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a Communist WWII resistance fighter, he referred to a Nazi death camp as a "Polish death camp," a term deeply offensive to Poles (http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/nilegardiner/100161347/barack-obama-has-insulted-38-million-poles-with-his-crass-and-ignorant-polish-death-camp-remark/). The White House later claimed that B. Hussein "misspoke," that it was a "misstatement." More lies. It was read from a teleprompter, and therefore was an intentional part of a carefully prepared speech.
Obama-Soetoro has publicly dissed Poland before. He pulled the U.S. out of the missile defense agreement, apparently to placate his pals, the Russians and the Iranians, and later played golf instead of attending the funeral of the Polish President Lech Kaczynski, the Polish First Lady, and 94 senior officials who died in a plane crash. Is it any wonder, then, that the Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski attributed the remarks to "ignorance and incompetence." Anti-capitalist, anti-Catholic.
In another little reported story, Representative Allen West (R-FL) wrote a strongly worded letter to B. Hussein, protesting the unjustified turning over of a terrorist, Ali Musa Daqduq, responsible for the torture and murders of five American soldiers, who was then released by an Iraqi court (http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2012/05/17/rep-allen-west-letter-to-pres-obama-on-released-hezbo-killer-of-5-americans/). This while three American soldiers sit rotting in Ft. Leavenworth for the crime of giving a terrorist a bloody nose while capturing him. Anti-military, anti-American.
By the way, the contrast between retired Lt. Col. Allen West and dope-smoking, cocaine-snorting, booze-lapping Barak "Barry" Hussein Obama-Soetoro couldn't be clearer. West is a genuine black American, with a distinguished career in the Army where he was awarded a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award. He grew up in inner city Atlanta, in the same neighborhood as Martin Luther King. He went to public schools and state colleges, not expensive, elite private schools. He has two master's degrees, is an articulate patriot, and is proudly and outspokenly pro-capitalist and pro-American.
While Obama-Soetoro tries to pretend he has nothing to do with the actions of the corrupt Holder Injustice Department, he is Holder's boss. Ergo, everything Holder does is with the direct or tacit approval of the "president." This includes the Fast and Furious gun-running debacle that led to the murders of two American federal agents and several hundred Mexican citizens. He's also done nothing to stop the attacks on states that try to enforce federal immigration law. Most recently, Holder himself, in a blatant campaign speech for Obama-Soetoro before a group of black clergymen, outrageously claimed that whites, i.e., conservative Republicans, were trying to prevent blacks and other minorities from voting. Not a peep from the White House disavowing this race-baiting, divisive lie. Not surprising, since they have been silent about all the illegal, racist actions Holder has taken as Obama-Soetoro's Top Cop, like his refusal to prosecute the two New Black Panther Party thugs, caught on video intimidating white voters in Philadelphia, or his refusal to bring charges for soliciting murder by the same outfit for offering money to anyone who would kill self-defense shooter, George Zimmerman, presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Anti-Rule of Law, anti-white.
Sadly, Obama-Soetoro is not the only one to turn a blind eye to the evil in the Injustice Department. Republicans in Congress still have done nothing more than mumble disapproval, dither, and cave, refusing to demand Holder's resignation, much less his indictment by a grand jury on a variety of high crimes and misdemeanors. Tea Party folks, take note.
While I am not impressed with the "conservative credentials" of Mitt Romney, he is head and shoulders above the Liar-in-Chief. Romney, at least, is pro-American and pro-capitalist, which clearly, the Marxist squatting in the White House is not. Romney is not out to destroy America by unilaterally disarming us, and turning us into a third-rate, totalitarian, socialist has-been, one of many in a U.N. dominated world. Thus, I find those who say they will not vote for Romney for whatever reason to be dangerously childish, for if Obama-Soetoro and his Marxist and neo-fascist revolutionary cronies win another four years, you can kiss America, as we have known her, adios.
© Michael Oberndorf
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