Michael Oberndorf
Sack the Senate
By Michael Oberndorf
Last week, the Senate gave We, the People, a clear and unmistakable illustration of why we need to sack all the Democrats, and a bunch of the RINOs, too. They voted down not one, not two, but five budget bills, four of which would actually have done America some good. This comes as we move into the fourth year that the Senate has failed to do its duty by passing a budget, leaving the country economically adrift.
The mind boggles that they've gotten away with this. Can you imagine a private company, especially a large one that is in deep financial trouble, whose management refuses to produce a budget, much less a budget aimed at solving the problems that threaten to put them out of business? Can you imagine stockholders of such a company pretending that this is just hunky-dory, no problema, gonna be just fine?
House Republicans, while not all the small-government conservatives We, the People, would like them to be, have still managed to pass a number of sound budget proposals that would have gone a long way toward solving our current debt and spending disasters. All of them have been summarily rejected by Harry Reid (D-NV) and his Democrat and RINO lock-steppers in the Senate. They seem determined to bring our economy crashing down so they can say, like Obama-Soetoro did recently, "See! We told you capitalism doesn't work!" But it gets worse.
As it becomes clearer that the 2012 elections are going to be a landslide victory for the Tea Parties, We, the People and America, and a major defeat for Big Government socialism, the Senate, like Obama The Kenyan, are going into full Damage Creation mode. I have mentioned before that there are several incredibly dangerous, sovereignty-destroying U.N. treaties hidden in the wings, just waiting for the traitors in the Senate to ratify. That great patriot and Swift Boat Hero from his four whole months in Vietnam, John Kerry (R-MA), has vowed to get them onto the Senate floor for votes as soon, he hopes, as this summer. They include:
We will also need a strong, conservative Senate since it seems more and more likely that Barack Barry Obama-Soetoro is going to turn out to be a closet Muslim, born in Kenya, then made a citizen of Indonesia, and therefore, nowhere even close to being legally qualified to hold the office of President. It is also likely that the Ruling Commissariat of the Democrat Party was very aware of this and knowingly participated in the cover-up. The new Senate and House will have a big job dealing with the mess left by many of their members going to jail over this, and straightening out the chaos left by illegally passed laws. i.e., everything the Fraud-in-the-White House signed, all the illegal appointments he made, all the illegal regulations and executive orders he had implemented, and let's not forget all the members of the military who have died while he was "Commander-in-Chief."
Forward, indeed.
© Michael Oberndorf
May 19, 2012
Last week, the Senate gave We, the People, a clear and unmistakable illustration of why we need to sack all the Democrats, and a bunch of the RINOs, too. They voted down not one, not two, but five budget bills, four of which would actually have done America some good. This comes as we move into the fourth year that the Senate has failed to do its duty by passing a budget, leaving the country economically adrift.
The mind boggles that they've gotten away with this. Can you imagine a private company, especially a large one that is in deep financial trouble, whose management refuses to produce a budget, much less a budget aimed at solving the problems that threaten to put them out of business? Can you imagine stockholders of such a company pretending that this is just hunky-dory, no problema, gonna be just fine?
House Republicans, while not all the small-government conservatives We, the People, would like them to be, have still managed to pass a number of sound budget proposals that would have gone a long way toward solving our current debt and spending disasters. All of them have been summarily rejected by Harry Reid (D-NV) and his Democrat and RINO lock-steppers in the Senate. They seem determined to bring our economy crashing down so they can say, like Obama-Soetoro did recently, "See! We told you capitalism doesn't work!" But it gets worse.
As it becomes clearer that the 2012 elections are going to be a landslide victory for the Tea Parties, We, the People and America, and a major defeat for Big Government socialism, the Senate, like Obama The Kenyan, are going into full Damage Creation mode. I have mentioned before that there are several incredibly dangerous, sovereignty-destroying U.N. treaties hidden in the wings, just waiting for the traitors in the Senate to ratify. That great patriot and Swift Boat Hero from his four whole months in Vietnam, John Kerry (R-MA), has vowed to get them onto the Senate floor for votes as soon, he hopes, as this summer. They include:
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS or LOST, "Law of the Sea), which cedes control of all the world's oceans and their contents, including our territorial waters, to the U.N.;
The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, aka, Small Arms Treaty, that would virtually outlaw privately owned firearms or ammunition of any sort;
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which takes away parental rights to raise their children as they choose, and gives them to the U.N.;
The International Criminal Court, which allows foreigners to have Americans arrested and tried in kangaroo "international" courts, using foreign law;
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), which destroys, among many other things, marriage;
And a host of outrageous environmental treaties that would doom most of the world's people to Third-World level poverty in a world-wide police state.
We will also need a strong, conservative Senate since it seems more and more likely that Barack Barry Obama-Soetoro is going to turn out to be a closet Muslim, born in Kenya, then made a citizen of Indonesia, and therefore, nowhere even close to being legally qualified to hold the office of President. It is also likely that the Ruling Commissariat of the Democrat Party was very aware of this and knowingly participated in the cover-up. The new Senate and House will have a big job dealing with the mess left by many of their members going to jail over this, and straightening out the chaos left by illegally passed laws. i.e., everything the Fraud-in-the-White House signed, all the illegal appointments he made, all the illegal regulations and executive orders he had implemented, and let's not forget all the members of the military who have died while he was "Commander-in-Chief."
Forward, indeed.
© Michael Oberndorf
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