Michael Oberndorf
Good grief
By Michael Oberndorf
March 5, 2012

Events of the past week are best summed up in the expression made famous by good ol' Charlie Brown: Good grief.

The squatter in the White House claimed that his groveling before the savage Muslim murderers of Americans in Afghanistan "calmed the situation down." Right. I'll bet the families of the victims are just thrilled. And the news that "those responsible" for allegedly burning the Korans will be punished must make 'em feel just all hunky-dory. I only wish we could get the government to act as swiftly and decisively to punish those responsible for the murders of the Americans. This applies, in spades by the way, to Eric Holder and Fast and Furious.

The absolutely absurd freak show that was billed as "The Republican Primary" is finally winding down. This debacle should, if nothing else does, convince conservatives of the need for a new, conservative political party. How the misleadership of the party could have allowed this to go on is beyond all logic and reason. Eighteen zillion "debates," run by uber-liberals like CNN and George Stephanopolis, where the candidates were led, like sheep to the slaughter, to take positions on "issues" created by the left and to viciously attack each other, week after week, have done more damage than a year of campaigning by the Democrats could ever have done. All of them have come out of this looking like fools and losers.

As to the primaries themselves, how could Republicans possibly have allowed "open primaries" to occur? What sort of twisted logic says that it's OK for people from your opponent's party to vote as to who your party's candidates will be? Add the Ministry of Propaganda to the mix, aka the "mainstream" media, and you have a formula for disaster. Anyone recall a guy named McCain?

While our attention has been distracted with the freak show, oil prices have continued to rise, unabated. Gasoline is now heading for $6 a gallon, and the Obama-Soetoro administration couldn't be happier. Stephan Chu, head of the unconstitutional Energy Department, a behemoth bureaucracy that has totally failed in the mission it was created for, stated in a Wall Street Journal interview in 2008, "...somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe." Looks like they're succeeding.

The Liar-in-Chief also lectured us ignorant, slightly retarded Americans that drilling for the oil locked up by environmentalists and their co-conspirators in Congress and a variety of unconstitutional government agencies, is not the way to energy independence. Nor, apparently, are the much vaunted solar and wind "green energy" schemes that the administration and Democrats have poured billions of public dollars into. No, the answer is pond scum. Silly us, we thought that having, and drilling for, the more oil and natural gas in the ground and under the sea than possessed by any other nation on Earth was the answer. How could we have been so misinformed and, well, stoopid?

Largely ignored too, has been the fact that inflation is not at the two or 3 percent levels claimed by the administration. When things like the deflated housing market are taken out of the equation, the real rate of inflation is about eight percent. This should come as no real surprise to those of us who have seen our quality of life degrading steadily over the past three years of Obama-Soetoro and Democrat interference in the economy. Food and gasoline prices have been rising, and recently, rapidly. Where I live, milk is nearly $5 a gallon, as is gasoline. My guess though, is that the farmers who produce the milk are not getting rich off this.

This looks a lot like the much feared and often predicted beginning of the super inflation that may well trigger a world-wide economic depression. Spiking oil prices will soon bring on quickly rising consumer prices. Can anyone actually believe that doubling or tripling the cost of fuel to transport goods, and provide services will not radically increase the cost to consumers? Airline ticket prices, for example, just took a big jump, directly attributed to rising fuel costs. This will have a huge negative effect on the cost of all those businesses that depend on employees who travel, and on myriad business that make up the tourist industry. Many of these will end up laying off people or going out of business. Pond scum?

And finally, you know that the elections for Congress are starting to gear up because, all of a sudden, RINOs like John Boehner (R-OH) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have started talking (but not acting) like tough conservatives. The lies just keep on coming. Good grief.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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