Michael Oberndorf
By Michael Oberndorf
Well, America, you stand corrected. We have just learned that our government has been wasting its time for over 200 years, producing absolutely unnecessary budgets every year. And this must be true, because the source is none other than the brilliant, world-renowned expert in everything, and notorious political hack, Steny Hoyer (D-MD). No wonder the country has prospered so in the past three years, balancing the budget, reducing the deficit, paying off the national debt, helping to create full employment, lowering prices, and raising our standard of living!
We have also seen a clear, unmistakable example of what the Democrats mean by "compromise." When the would-be dictator currently squatting in the White House declared that under his so-called healthcare law, hospitals run by churches, and people with religious convictions working for secular healthcare facilities, must submit to the edicts of the State in regard to abortion and contraception, he created an apparently unexpected firestorm of protest. The vaunted "constitutional scholar" completely missed the part of the First Amendment that guarantees that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Since he also forbade military chaplains from talking about it from their pulpits, he also appears to have forgotten about the part that says "...or the abridging of free speech..." When called on this, his mindless Marxist minions almost immediately came up with a "compromise" which amounted to semantic fast footwork, changing the wording of the edicts, but leaving the Constitution-trampling effect of their demands the same.
What has been largely ignored in this is that it is less about abortion and "women's health" than it is about an escalation of the Democrat's all-out war on America's Judeo-Christian heritage and the Constitution, in general, and Christianity in particular.
Anyone who has done even a modicum of reading of the writings of the Founders — and there were a whole lot more than just Washington, Jefferson, and Adams — knows that the entire concept of our republic, with its God-given right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, was based on our being a Christian nation. Moreover, it was our free exercise of Christianity, in its many forms, that allowed capitalism to grow and bear the fruit that made us the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen. It was this foundation of Christian morals and values that allowed us to become a beacon of hope to the world, a Shining City on the Hill.
Sadly, the left — Marxists of all stripes, neo-fascists, progressives, socialists, liberals, etc. ad nauseam — understand this better than most conservatives, it seems. The have been actively attacking Christianity since the Supreme Court conjured the "separation of church and state" out of thin air back in the 1950s. This non-existent "wall of separation" has been expanded and built on to the point that government has begun dictating what can and can't be said inside churches themselves. Bolstered by radical leftist front groups like the ACLU, and buoyed up by federal "judges" legislating from the bench, they have created an ever-tightening "legal" noose around the neck of Christian America. And of course, the evermore openly leftist "mainstream" media has cheered them on, bending over backwards to demonize Christians as racists, "homophobes," sexists, and whatever other lies they think they can get the gullible public to believe.
Even sadder is the fact that their strategy is working.
Just a quick look around at what is happening in America today makes it clear that we're a degenerating society, moving faster and faster towards the dustbin of history. Our children are ignorant and getting more so, as the government schools, run by far-left unions, work to create a permanent, government-dependent underclass. Crime and violence are rampant, especially among "protected minorities" who have been shackled to a nearly inescapable, Democrat-designed welfare system. Single parent households and children born out of wedlock are so widespread as to be almost the norm, despite the overwhelming evidence of a direct correlation between this and crime, violence, and failure in nearly every aspect of life. Given this, is anyone really surprised that the political class has fallen right in line?
Hardly a day goes by anymore without a new lawless act by some part of our government, and hardly a day goes by without these criminal acts being ignored by the Washington Elite, regardless of party. Out of the 535 elected members of the House and Senate, perhaps 40 are not frauds who have sold us out for personal privilege, power, and gain.
Think about this as November, 2012, approaches. And you might also want to consider what to do, if the elections are a fraud, too.
© Michael Oberndorf
February 12, 2012
Well, America, you stand corrected. We have just learned that our government has been wasting its time for over 200 years, producing absolutely unnecessary budgets every year. And this must be true, because the source is none other than the brilliant, world-renowned expert in everything, and notorious political hack, Steny Hoyer (D-MD). No wonder the country has prospered so in the past three years, balancing the budget, reducing the deficit, paying off the national debt, helping to create full employment, lowering prices, and raising our standard of living!
We have also seen a clear, unmistakable example of what the Democrats mean by "compromise." When the would-be dictator currently squatting in the White House declared that under his so-called healthcare law, hospitals run by churches, and people with religious convictions working for secular healthcare facilities, must submit to the edicts of the State in regard to abortion and contraception, he created an apparently unexpected firestorm of protest. The vaunted "constitutional scholar" completely missed the part of the First Amendment that guarantees that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Since he also forbade military chaplains from talking about it from their pulpits, he also appears to have forgotten about the part that says "...or the abridging of free speech..." When called on this, his mindless Marxist minions almost immediately came up with a "compromise" which amounted to semantic fast footwork, changing the wording of the edicts, but leaving the Constitution-trampling effect of their demands the same.
What has been largely ignored in this is that it is less about abortion and "women's health" than it is about an escalation of the Democrat's all-out war on America's Judeo-Christian heritage and the Constitution, in general, and Christianity in particular.
Anyone who has done even a modicum of reading of the writings of the Founders — and there were a whole lot more than just Washington, Jefferson, and Adams — knows that the entire concept of our republic, with its God-given right to the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, was based on our being a Christian nation. Moreover, it was our free exercise of Christianity, in its many forms, that allowed capitalism to grow and bear the fruit that made us the most prosperous nation the world has ever seen. It was this foundation of Christian morals and values that allowed us to become a beacon of hope to the world, a Shining City on the Hill.
Sadly, the left — Marxists of all stripes, neo-fascists, progressives, socialists, liberals, etc. ad nauseam — understand this better than most conservatives, it seems. The have been actively attacking Christianity since the Supreme Court conjured the "separation of church and state" out of thin air back in the 1950s. This non-existent "wall of separation" has been expanded and built on to the point that government has begun dictating what can and can't be said inside churches themselves. Bolstered by radical leftist front groups like the ACLU, and buoyed up by federal "judges" legislating from the bench, they have created an ever-tightening "legal" noose around the neck of Christian America. And of course, the evermore openly leftist "mainstream" media has cheered them on, bending over backwards to demonize Christians as racists, "homophobes," sexists, and whatever other lies they think they can get the gullible public to believe.
Even sadder is the fact that their strategy is working.
Just a quick look around at what is happening in America today makes it clear that we're a degenerating society, moving faster and faster towards the dustbin of history. Our children are ignorant and getting more so, as the government schools, run by far-left unions, work to create a permanent, government-dependent underclass. Crime and violence are rampant, especially among "protected minorities" who have been shackled to a nearly inescapable, Democrat-designed welfare system. Single parent households and children born out of wedlock are so widespread as to be almost the norm, despite the overwhelming evidence of a direct correlation between this and crime, violence, and failure in nearly every aspect of life. Given this, is anyone really surprised that the political class has fallen right in line?
Hardly a day goes by anymore without a new lawless act by some part of our government, and hardly a day goes by without these criminal acts being ignored by the Washington Elite, regardless of party. Out of the 535 elected members of the House and Senate, perhaps 40 are not frauds who have sold us out for personal privilege, power, and gain.
Think about this as November, 2012, approaches. And you might also want to consider what to do, if the elections are a fraud, too.
© Michael Oberndorf
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