Michael Oberndorf
All I want for Christmas
By Michael Oberndorf
Only a couple of weeks until Christmas. This used to be the best loved holiday — originally, Holy Day — in America, but unrelenting attacks on Christianity by the leftist, atheistic Democrats have taken some of the joy out of the season. For me, though, the attacks just reinforce my commitment to actively striving to help put the country back on a track that will lead us back to an honest, Constitutional America, with her traditional Judeo-Christian morals and values.
A giant step in this direction would be to rid the Senate of the spineless parasites who now infest it. What a great gift to America and all of her legal citizens!
The record of outrages perpetrated by the Senate in the past few years is longer than a spoiled kid's Christmas list. Misleaders of both parties — hate-filled Harry Reid for the Democrats, and milquetoast Mitch McConnell for the RINOS — have placed a hidden ideological agenda ahead of the needs of the American people they are supposed to be serving, and led their co-conspirators in an orgy of spending and self-enrichment unprecedented in our history.
For example, B. Hussein Obama-Soetoro, knee-jerk Marxist and erstwhile Muslim, has repeatedly accused Republicans in Congress of "doing nothing" to help create jobs. This, of course, ignores the fact that his half-baked, radical, leftist policies destroyed millions of jobs in the first place. It's also a big lie, as happens every time B. Hussein opens his mouth.
As of today, there are approximately two dozen — that's 24, for any Democrats who might be reading this — bills passed by the Republican controlled House that would create thousands, if not millions of jobs. And where are these bills? Languishing in the Senate, where Harry Reid refuses, for purely political purposes, to allow them to come to the floor for debate and a vote. Seems, if it's not a spending bill, a tax increase, or an attack on the Bill of Rights, Democrats and RINOs aren't interested.
S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, is another monstrous attack on America, concocted by Democrats and the RINO establishment. It shreds the Constitution, allowing the military to indefinitely detain American citizens without charges. It also allows "soldiers" to commit sodomy and bestiality. This glaring perversion of moral values and military discipline apparently slipped by establishment RINOs like John McCain, who is either too lazy or too senile to read and understand the legislation he votes into law.
I could go on and on, but let's get out of the problem and into the solution.
We are now less than a year away from the next national election (thank God!), and only weeks or a few months away from many state primaries. There are some excellent conservatives running who deserve our support, financial and otherwise. Some are opposed by the RINO establishment, which speaks volumes to why we should make sure they get elected.
Names to remember:
Below is a list of the senators who are up for re-election this cycle. I urge you to a) NOT contribute to their campaigns; b) work for whoever is running against them in the primaries; and c) vote for the Republican over ANY Democrat, distasteful as it may be:
Democrats and socialist/Independents in bold, RINOs in Italics: Jon Kyl, R-AZ ; Dianne Feinstein, D-CA; Joseph Lieberman, I-CT; Thomas Carper, D-DE; Bill Nelson, D-FL; Daniel Akaka, D-AK; Richard Lugar, R-IN; Olympia Snowe, R-M; Benjamin Cardin, D-MD; Scott Brown, R-MA;Debbie Stabenow, D-MI; Amy Klobuchar, D-MN; Roger Wicker, R-MS; Claire McCaskill, D-MO; Jon Tester, D-MT; Ben Nelson, D-NE; John Ensign, R-NV; Robert Menendez, D-NJ; Jeff Bingaman, D-NM; Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY; Kent Conrad, D-ND; Sherrod Brown, D-OH; Robert Casey, Jr., D-PN; Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI; Bob Corker, R-TN; Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-TX; Orrin Hatch, R-UT; Bernard Sanders, I-VT; Jim Webb, D-VA; Maria Cantwell, D-WA; Carte Goodwin, D-WV; Herb Kohl, D-WI; John Barrasso, R-WY.
To paraphrase a slogan from the Vietnam War, when it comes to incumbents, dump 'em ALL, and let God sort 'em out.
Conservatives in the Senate would be a great, though somewhat belated, Christmas gift to America and We, the People. And if someone says to you, "Happy Holidays," correct them loudly, proudly, and in no uncertain terms: It's Merry Christmas!
© Michael Oberndorf
December 12, 2011
Only a couple of weeks until Christmas. This used to be the best loved holiday — originally, Holy Day — in America, but unrelenting attacks on Christianity by the leftist, atheistic Democrats have taken some of the joy out of the season. For me, though, the attacks just reinforce my commitment to actively striving to help put the country back on a track that will lead us back to an honest, Constitutional America, with her traditional Judeo-Christian morals and values.
A giant step in this direction would be to rid the Senate of the spineless parasites who now infest it. What a great gift to America and all of her legal citizens!
The record of outrages perpetrated by the Senate in the past few years is longer than a spoiled kid's Christmas list. Misleaders of both parties — hate-filled Harry Reid for the Democrats, and milquetoast Mitch McConnell for the RINOS — have placed a hidden ideological agenda ahead of the needs of the American people they are supposed to be serving, and led their co-conspirators in an orgy of spending and self-enrichment unprecedented in our history.
For example, B. Hussein Obama-Soetoro, knee-jerk Marxist and erstwhile Muslim, has repeatedly accused Republicans in Congress of "doing nothing" to help create jobs. This, of course, ignores the fact that his half-baked, radical, leftist policies destroyed millions of jobs in the first place. It's also a big lie, as happens every time B. Hussein opens his mouth.
As of today, there are approximately two dozen — that's 24, for any Democrats who might be reading this — bills passed by the Republican controlled House that would create thousands, if not millions of jobs. And where are these bills? Languishing in the Senate, where Harry Reid refuses, for purely political purposes, to allow them to come to the floor for debate and a vote. Seems, if it's not a spending bill, a tax increase, or an attack on the Bill of Rights, Democrats and RINOs aren't interested.
S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, is another monstrous attack on America, concocted by Democrats and the RINO establishment. It shreds the Constitution, allowing the military to indefinitely detain American citizens without charges. It also allows "soldiers" to commit sodomy and bestiality. This glaring perversion of moral values and military discipline apparently slipped by establishment RINOs like John McCain, who is either too lazy or too senile to read and understand the legislation he votes into law.
I could go on and on, but let's get out of the problem and into the solution.
We are now less than a year away from the next national election (thank God!), and only weeks or a few months away from many state primaries. There are some excellent conservatives running who deserve our support, financial and otherwise. Some are opposed by the RINO establishment, which speaks volumes to why we should make sure they get elected.
Names to remember:
Ted Cruz, Texas
Josh Mandel, Ohio
Don Stenburg, Nebraska
Mark Neuman, Wisconsin
Below is a list of the senators who are up for re-election this cycle. I urge you to a) NOT contribute to their campaigns; b) work for whoever is running against them in the primaries; and c) vote for the Republican over ANY Democrat, distasteful as it may be:
Democrats and socialist/Independents in bold, RINOs in Italics: Jon Kyl, R-AZ ; Dianne Feinstein, D-CA; Joseph Lieberman, I-CT; Thomas Carper, D-DE; Bill Nelson, D-FL; Daniel Akaka, D-AK; Richard Lugar, R-IN; Olympia Snowe, R-M; Benjamin Cardin, D-MD; Scott Brown, R-MA;Debbie Stabenow, D-MI; Amy Klobuchar, D-MN; Roger Wicker, R-MS; Claire McCaskill, D-MO; Jon Tester, D-MT; Ben Nelson, D-NE; John Ensign, R-NV; Robert Menendez, D-NJ; Jeff Bingaman, D-NM; Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY; Kent Conrad, D-ND; Sherrod Brown, D-OH; Robert Casey, Jr., D-PN; Sheldon Whitehouse, D-RI; Bob Corker, R-TN; Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-TX; Orrin Hatch, R-UT; Bernard Sanders, I-VT; Jim Webb, D-VA; Maria Cantwell, D-WA; Carte Goodwin, D-WV; Herb Kohl, D-WI; John Barrasso, R-WY.
To paraphrase a slogan from the Vietnam War, when it comes to incumbents, dump 'em ALL, and let God sort 'em out.
Conservatives in the Senate would be a great, though somewhat belated, Christmas gift to America and We, the People. And if someone says to you, "Happy Holidays," correct them loudly, proudly, and in no uncertain terms: It's Merry Christmas!
© Michael Oberndorf
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