Michael Oberndorf
Democrat racism
By Michael Oberndorf
Let me begin by recalling an afternoon in the summer of 1955, when I was 11 years-old. I had gone to the movies in Bethesda, Maryland, and found that there was a group of picketers outside the Heiser Theater, calling on the owner to desegregate. In those days, black people had to sit in the balcony, separate from the white people sitting on the main floor, below. A neighbor was one of the picketers, so I joined in, too, having been raised to believe that character and actions, not skin color, was what differentiates people. I believed it then, and I believe it now.
It was another nine years before Republicans got Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act, and ten for the Voting Rights Act. Democrats like senators Albert Gore, Sr., William Fulbright, and one-time KKK kleagle Robert Byrd fought against both until the bitter end. Across the south, segregationist Democrat governors like George Wallace, Lester "Axe-handle" Maddox, Ross Barnett, and Ernest Hollings ruled with iron fists.
Even the Supreme Court was stained by a racist Democrat. Hugo Black, like Byrd, was a former KKK zealot. As a Democrat senator, he even led a filibuster against an anti-lynching measure. A staunch supporter and ally of FDR, he was appointed to the Supreme Court, and wrote the opinion supporting FDR's racist interment of Japanese Americans during WWII.
Today, Democrats are still racist, but have managed, though their control of the "mainstream" media, to disguise this ugly fact.
It's been pointed out by many conservatives, including brilliant ones like Thomas Sowell and Walter Washington, the Democrat programs like "affirmative action" are inherently racist. They are built on the premise that black people are too stupid, too incompetent, too lazy to succeed on their own. They can only get an education, a job, a mortgage with the help of — white liberals! Frankly, I think this is where much of the anger and black hatred of white people comes from. Consciously, or subconsciously, they hate the fact that they have been suckered by white Democrats onto the Democrat Plantation. They know they aren't stupid, incompetent, or lazy, but are trapped in what amounts to slavery in a government dependency system from which escape is very difficult.
But in the Democrat's desperation to hold onto the power that they see rapidly slipping from their grasp as Barry Obama-Soetoro tries to make an affirmative action presidency work, the media have panicked and lost their cool. The attacks on popular conservative presidential candidate Herman Cain have been heavy-handed, co-ordinated, and clearly racist.
Frankly, I don't believe any of the so-called "sexual harassment" charges. Just look at the source. David Axelrod has done this kind of thing in Obama-Soetoro's elections in the past, and lives in the same apartment building as one of the accusers. The Democrats tried this with conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, claiming harassment of a black woman, and it failed. This time, the women claiming harassment are all white. In the Democrat south, a black man sexually assaulting a white women was lynched, as often as not. This is the post-modern, liberal verison.
I personally hope that Mr. Cain dismisses the "charges" as the lies and gross exaggerations they clearly appear to be. Though I don't agree with him on everything — who does agree with anyone on everything? — I think he would make an excellent president. He's a solid conservative with no ties to the globalists — like Gingrich and his longtime membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) — no connection to the global warming fraud — like Gingrich and Romney — and, as the media have made crystal clear, generates fear and loathing from the left.
Another staunch conservative black man who has been viciously attacked by racist Democrats is the man I really wish were running for president, Lt. Col. Allen West, currently a Republican congressman from Florida. West was singled out for a verbal attack that many believe came solely because he is a black conservative, for his stance on Medicare, by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, "congressperson" and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee. Like a true Democrat, she waited until he had left the floor to make her attack. The fearless and forthright West responded, calling her the "...most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up." Liberals went ballistic. I love this guy!
So, next time a Democrat tries to play the race card or starts name-calling, turn it around on 'em. Remind them that conservatives, like Martin Luther King, want a country where people "will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
© Michael Oberndorf
November 26, 2011
Let me begin by recalling an afternoon in the summer of 1955, when I was 11 years-old. I had gone to the movies in Bethesda, Maryland, and found that there was a group of picketers outside the Heiser Theater, calling on the owner to desegregate. In those days, black people had to sit in the balcony, separate from the white people sitting on the main floor, below. A neighbor was one of the picketers, so I joined in, too, having been raised to believe that character and actions, not skin color, was what differentiates people. I believed it then, and I believe it now.
It was another nine years before Republicans got Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act, and ten for the Voting Rights Act. Democrats like senators Albert Gore, Sr., William Fulbright, and one-time KKK kleagle Robert Byrd fought against both until the bitter end. Across the south, segregationist Democrat governors like George Wallace, Lester "Axe-handle" Maddox, Ross Barnett, and Ernest Hollings ruled with iron fists.
Even the Supreme Court was stained by a racist Democrat. Hugo Black, like Byrd, was a former KKK zealot. As a Democrat senator, he even led a filibuster against an anti-lynching measure. A staunch supporter and ally of FDR, he was appointed to the Supreme Court, and wrote the opinion supporting FDR's racist interment of Japanese Americans during WWII.
Today, Democrats are still racist, but have managed, though their control of the "mainstream" media, to disguise this ugly fact.
It's been pointed out by many conservatives, including brilliant ones like Thomas Sowell and Walter Washington, the Democrat programs like "affirmative action" are inherently racist. They are built on the premise that black people are too stupid, too incompetent, too lazy to succeed on their own. They can only get an education, a job, a mortgage with the help of — white liberals! Frankly, I think this is where much of the anger and black hatred of white people comes from. Consciously, or subconsciously, they hate the fact that they have been suckered by white Democrats onto the Democrat Plantation. They know they aren't stupid, incompetent, or lazy, but are trapped in what amounts to slavery in a government dependency system from which escape is very difficult.
But in the Democrat's desperation to hold onto the power that they see rapidly slipping from their grasp as Barry Obama-Soetoro tries to make an affirmative action presidency work, the media have panicked and lost their cool. The attacks on popular conservative presidential candidate Herman Cain have been heavy-handed, co-ordinated, and clearly racist.
Frankly, I don't believe any of the so-called "sexual harassment" charges. Just look at the source. David Axelrod has done this kind of thing in Obama-Soetoro's elections in the past, and lives in the same apartment building as one of the accusers. The Democrats tried this with conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, claiming harassment of a black woman, and it failed. This time, the women claiming harassment are all white. In the Democrat south, a black man sexually assaulting a white women was lynched, as often as not. This is the post-modern, liberal verison.
I personally hope that Mr. Cain dismisses the "charges" as the lies and gross exaggerations they clearly appear to be. Though I don't agree with him on everything — who does agree with anyone on everything? — I think he would make an excellent president. He's a solid conservative with no ties to the globalists — like Gingrich and his longtime membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) — no connection to the global warming fraud — like Gingrich and Romney — and, as the media have made crystal clear, generates fear and loathing from the left.
Another staunch conservative black man who has been viciously attacked by racist Democrats is the man I really wish were running for president, Lt. Col. Allen West, currently a Republican congressman from Florida. West was singled out for a verbal attack that many believe came solely because he is a black conservative, for his stance on Medicare, by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, "congressperson" and Chairman of the Democrat National Committee. Like a true Democrat, she waited until he had left the floor to make her attack. The fearless and forthright West responded, calling her the "...most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up." Liberals went ballistic. I love this guy!
So, next time a Democrat tries to play the race card or starts name-calling, turn it around on 'em. Remind them that conservatives, like Martin Luther King, want a country where people "will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
© Michael Oberndorf
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