Michael Oberndorf
No fear, indeed
By Michael Oberndorf
Late breaking, but hardly surprising, corruption news, reported by the ever-so-liberal Los Angeles Times, no less:
Siga Technologies is run by one of the richest men on the planet, ranked 52nd richest in 2010, and thus, clearly a One-percenter, billionaire and long-time Democrat and big donor, Ronald O. Perelman. Funny how many big Democrat donors are the very super-rich Jews the anti-Semitic Occupy "movement" degenerates hate so much. But I digress.
Siga was trying to get a contract to sell the government 1.7 million doses of smallpox vaccine, but ran into some major problems. For example, their drug is experimental and has never been tested on humans, so no one has any idea of whether or not it works. Then, there's the fact that smallpox was eradicated, wiped out, back in 1978, except for small samples kept locked away by the Russians and us. And to top it off, Siga wanted $255 per dose, for a total of $433,500,000.
For us, as taxpayers, another huge question is why this came up at all. It seems that the government already has a stockpile of a billion dollars worth of $3 per dose of a vaccine that is known to work. With only a vague and extremely remote possibility that somehow a terrorist group might get their hands on live smallpox virus, a possibility regarding which the LA Times reports, "There is no credible evidence that any other country or a terrorist group possesses smallpox," it looks as if this is a needless project to begin with. Even before they rigged the deal so Siga and Perelman would get it, this thing stank like month-old fish.
Apparently several other companies put in bids significantly lower, so the Obama-Soetoro Gang changed the rules making Siga the only bidder under a sole source procurement. Amazing how easily government regulations can be bent and twisted, when the benders and twisters are powerful Democrats. One wonders, too, where money for this patently political payoff was supposed to come from? Yet the Obama-Soetoro/Reid/Pelosi cabal demand that we continue to raise the debt ceiling, when it should be obvious to even the most willfully blind that vast majority of the money is going into the pockets of their fat cat and big union puppet masters.
The outrageousness of the Siga boondoggle illustrates another, very significant point. The Obama-Soetoro Gang is not afraid of us. They pulled this rip-off of the taxpayers right out in the open. They seem to believe their own propaganda and lies about Tea Party members and ordinary Americans. They think we're too stupid to catch on to the fact that they've been looting our treasury for the past three years. Unlike the Mafia, they have not even tried to make it look legitimate. We need to put an end to this. Now.
Since the spineless parasites infesting Congress refuse to stop the spending (read, looting), we need to find another way. I have reached a point where I can see very valid, justifiable reasons for not paying our taxes anymore, at least not to the government. They have left no doubt in the minds of reasonable Americans that the more we give them, the more they will steal and give to their cronies, their partners in crime, as the Siga incident aptly illustrates. However, it would be very difficult for them to do much to us if millions of us were to deposit our taxes in escrow accounts, thus showing good faith, rather than criminal intent.
If, as, and when, law and order are restored, i.e., we return to government by the Constitution, the money will be there to pay for repairing the damage these traitors have done. If not the money can serve to put into force the sentiments expressed so long ago, in the Declaration of Independence:
November 13, 2011
Late breaking, but hardly surprising, corruption news, reported by the ever-so-liberal Los Angeles Times, no less:
"Cost, need questioned in $433-million smallpox drug deal: A company controlled by a longtime political donor gets a no-bid contract to supply an experimental remedy for a threat that may not exist."
Siga Technologies is run by one of the richest men on the planet, ranked 52nd richest in 2010, and thus, clearly a One-percenter, billionaire and long-time Democrat and big donor, Ronald O. Perelman. Funny how many big Democrat donors are the very super-rich Jews the anti-Semitic Occupy "movement" degenerates hate so much. But I digress.
Siga was trying to get a contract to sell the government 1.7 million doses of smallpox vaccine, but ran into some major problems. For example, their drug is experimental and has never been tested on humans, so no one has any idea of whether or not it works. Then, there's the fact that smallpox was eradicated, wiped out, back in 1978, except for small samples kept locked away by the Russians and us. And to top it off, Siga wanted $255 per dose, for a total of $433,500,000.
For us, as taxpayers, another huge question is why this came up at all. It seems that the government already has a stockpile of a billion dollars worth of $3 per dose of a vaccine that is known to work. With only a vague and extremely remote possibility that somehow a terrorist group might get their hands on live smallpox virus, a possibility regarding which the LA Times reports, "There is no credible evidence that any other country or a terrorist group possesses smallpox," it looks as if this is a needless project to begin with. Even before they rigged the deal so Siga and Perelman would get it, this thing stank like month-old fish.
Apparently several other companies put in bids significantly lower, so the Obama-Soetoro Gang changed the rules making Siga the only bidder under a sole source procurement. Amazing how easily government regulations can be bent and twisted, when the benders and twisters are powerful Democrats. One wonders, too, where money for this patently political payoff was supposed to come from? Yet the Obama-Soetoro/Reid/Pelosi cabal demand that we continue to raise the debt ceiling, when it should be obvious to even the most willfully blind that vast majority of the money is going into the pockets of their fat cat and big union puppet masters.
The outrageousness of the Siga boondoggle illustrates another, very significant point. The Obama-Soetoro Gang is not afraid of us. They pulled this rip-off of the taxpayers right out in the open. They seem to believe their own propaganda and lies about Tea Party members and ordinary Americans. They think we're too stupid to catch on to the fact that they've been looting our treasury for the past three years. Unlike the Mafia, they have not even tried to make it look legitimate. We need to put an end to this. Now.
Since the spineless parasites infesting Congress refuse to stop the spending (read, looting), we need to find another way. I have reached a point where I can see very valid, justifiable reasons for not paying our taxes anymore, at least not to the government. They have left no doubt in the minds of reasonable Americans that the more we give them, the more they will steal and give to their cronies, their partners in crime, as the Siga incident aptly illustrates. However, it would be very difficult for them to do much to us if millions of us were to deposit our taxes in escrow accounts, thus showing good faith, rather than criminal intent.
If, as, and when, law and order are restored, i.e., we return to government by the Constitution, the money will be there to pay for repairing the damage these traitors have done. If not the money can serve to put into force the sentiments expressed so long ago, in the Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
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