Michael Oberndorf
By Michael Oberndorf
As the Party of Marx, aka, the Democrat Party, ramps up its efforts to bypass the Constitution and impose totalitarian neo-fascism on America, I find it extremely disturbing that the Establishment Republicans appear to be blind, deaf, and dumb. In spite of massive evidence of what can easily be classified as high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Obama-Soetoro and his appointees and underlings, up to and including using crudely forged documents to establish Obama-Soetoro's eligibility to be president, virtually no Republicans are seriously calling for investigations, much less special prosecutors, and impeachment.
The one, very recent exception is Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) who has called for a special prosecutor to look into Operation Gunrunner and Fast and Furious, Injustice Department criminal enterprises that resulted in at least two murders of federal agents, and many more of Mexican citizens. Those of us outside the Sacred Confines of the Beltway have been calling for this for weeks, but better late than never. Unfortunately, Issa is not part of the Establishment Republican Misleadership, and it remains to be seen if said prosecutor is ever named.
In the meantime, Suntan Boehner (R-OH) is still claiming that "the voters" want him to "work with the Democrats," be "bipartisan," and "compromise." He must think "the voters" are as stoopid as Obama-Soetoro and Harry Reid (D-NV) clearly believe we are. They all seem to think that every lie is taken as true gospel, and that we forget the lies from yesterday, so the contradictory lies of today can be run out for us to lap up like Jonestown Kool-aid. The only thing bipartisan going on in Washington is the un-ending string of lies coming from the misleaders of both parties.
One has come to expect lies from the Democrats. Ever since Lyndon Johnson fabricated the lie about the Gulf of Tonkin "attack" that was used to justify the massive escalation of the Vietnam War, an escalation that resulted in the deaths of 50,000 American men and women, and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, Democrats have used lies to drive the country toward their New Left vision of utopic Marxist neo-fascism. In what may be the only time he has told the truth in the past twenty years, Obama-Soetoro made very clear in his "autobiographies" that he was brought up by anti-colonial, anti-American Marxists and is a true believer in this vision. He made this clear, too, in his close associations with unrepentant radical, Marxist, terrorist murderers like Bernadine Dohrn, and her husband, Bill Ayers, and radical left-wing racists like Jeremiah Wright. His round-the-world apologies, and his toadying, groveling, and kow-towing before the Muslims and Chinese, let the world know how he views America. Yet, misleaders like Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) act as if they are blissfully unaware of all this.
They aren't alone. Far too many ostensibly conservative columnists and talk show hosts prattle on with all seriousness about how Obama-Soetoro's policies have consistently failed. Understanding what Obama-Soetoro's dedication to New Left nihilism means — simply, destroy private property and capitalism, and communist Utopia will naturally, without any prior planning, follow — does not take a PhD. Yet, all these great conservative minds, along with the Republican Establishment misleaders, do not see that none of the Democrat policies — Obama-Soetoro is just a sock-puppet who reads the speeches others write, and put on his ever-present teleprompters — were ever designed to make America better, stronger, more prosperous. Aux contraire. Their only purpose is to accomplish the opposite, thus bringing on the longed for Utopic Revolution. And so far, with the co-operation (or should I say co-option) of the Establishment Republican misleadership, they are doing a damn fine job of it.
The abject failure here, is not the Democrat policies; it is the unwillingness and apparent inability of Republicans to stand up and fight for American principles and the Constitution. There's been a bunch of cheap, misleading talk and hollow, misleading promises regarding repeal of ObamaCare, downsizing government, lowering the deficit, and cutting spending, but virtually nothing has been done. The country and the world teeter on the brink of economic calamity, while Congress dithers and caves, and Obama-Soetoro, erstwhile two-bit community organizer, lives it up, spending taxpayer money like a crack addict on ever more extravagantly opulent parties and vacations.
And to add injury to insult, the media, including the aforementioned supposed conservatives, and the Republican Establishment misleaders have pulled out all the stops to make Rick Perry, a liberal globalist pretending to be a conservative, the next John McCain.
Can you say, "Tea Party?"
© Michael Oberndorf
September 25, 2011
As the Party of Marx, aka, the Democrat Party, ramps up its efforts to bypass the Constitution and impose totalitarian neo-fascism on America, I find it extremely disturbing that the Establishment Republicans appear to be blind, deaf, and dumb. In spite of massive evidence of what can easily be classified as high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Obama-Soetoro and his appointees and underlings, up to and including using crudely forged documents to establish Obama-Soetoro's eligibility to be president, virtually no Republicans are seriously calling for investigations, much less special prosecutors, and impeachment.
The one, very recent exception is Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) who has called for a special prosecutor to look into Operation Gunrunner and Fast and Furious, Injustice Department criminal enterprises that resulted in at least two murders of federal agents, and many more of Mexican citizens. Those of us outside the Sacred Confines of the Beltway have been calling for this for weeks, but better late than never. Unfortunately, Issa is not part of the Establishment Republican Misleadership, and it remains to be seen if said prosecutor is ever named.
In the meantime, Suntan Boehner (R-OH) is still claiming that "the voters" want him to "work with the Democrats," be "bipartisan," and "compromise." He must think "the voters" are as stoopid as Obama-Soetoro and Harry Reid (D-NV) clearly believe we are. They all seem to think that every lie is taken as true gospel, and that we forget the lies from yesterday, so the contradictory lies of today can be run out for us to lap up like Jonestown Kool-aid. The only thing bipartisan going on in Washington is the un-ending string of lies coming from the misleaders of both parties.
One has come to expect lies from the Democrats. Ever since Lyndon Johnson fabricated the lie about the Gulf of Tonkin "attack" that was used to justify the massive escalation of the Vietnam War, an escalation that resulted in the deaths of 50,000 American men and women, and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese, Democrats have used lies to drive the country toward their New Left vision of utopic Marxist neo-fascism. In what may be the only time he has told the truth in the past twenty years, Obama-Soetoro made very clear in his "autobiographies" that he was brought up by anti-colonial, anti-American Marxists and is a true believer in this vision. He made this clear, too, in his close associations with unrepentant radical, Marxist, terrorist murderers like Bernadine Dohrn, and her husband, Bill Ayers, and radical left-wing racists like Jeremiah Wright. His round-the-world apologies, and his toadying, groveling, and kow-towing before the Muslims and Chinese, let the world know how he views America. Yet, misleaders like Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) act as if they are blissfully unaware of all this.
They aren't alone. Far too many ostensibly conservative columnists and talk show hosts prattle on with all seriousness about how Obama-Soetoro's policies have consistently failed. Understanding what Obama-Soetoro's dedication to New Left nihilism means — simply, destroy private property and capitalism, and communist Utopia will naturally, without any prior planning, follow — does not take a PhD. Yet, all these great conservative minds, along with the Republican Establishment misleaders, do not see that none of the Democrat policies — Obama-Soetoro is just a sock-puppet who reads the speeches others write, and put on his ever-present teleprompters — were ever designed to make America better, stronger, more prosperous. Aux contraire. Their only purpose is to accomplish the opposite, thus bringing on the longed for Utopic Revolution. And so far, with the co-operation (or should I say co-option) of the Establishment Republican misleadership, they are doing a damn fine job of it.
The abject failure here, is not the Democrat policies; it is the unwillingness and apparent inability of Republicans to stand up and fight for American principles and the Constitution. There's been a bunch of cheap, misleading talk and hollow, misleading promises regarding repeal of ObamaCare, downsizing government, lowering the deficit, and cutting spending, but virtually nothing has been done. The country and the world teeter on the brink of economic calamity, while Congress dithers and caves, and Obama-Soetoro, erstwhile two-bit community organizer, lives it up, spending taxpayer money like a crack addict on ever more extravagantly opulent parties and vacations.
And to add injury to insult, the media, including the aforementioned supposed conservatives, and the Republican Establishment misleaders have pulled out all the stops to make Rick Perry, a liberal globalist pretending to be a conservative, the next John McCain.
Can you say, "Tea Party?"
© Michael Oberndorf
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