Michael Oberndorf
End-running Holder and Obama-Soetoro
By Michael Oberndorf
By now, most conservatives are aware of Fast and Furious, the ATF scheme to "monitor" arms trafficking to drug cartels in Mexico. I dare say, even with the Ministry of Propaganda doing its best to suppress news of this, even some liberals have heard about it, too. But other than Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-CA) Oversight Committee investigation, and Rep. Allen West's call for Holder to be fired (http://mrctv.org/blog/rep-allen-west-president-obama-must-fire-eric-holder-over-operation-fast-and-furious-or-he-complicit), where is the official outrage, the calls for justice, the demand for the perpetrators to be found and held responsible?
Given the fact that the current administration is made up entirely of racist, Marxist thugs, whose only concern is destroying the Constitution and the Rule of Law, it goes without saying that the Department of Injustice, run by Obama-Soetoro's alter-ego, "Attorney General" Eric Holder, will not raise a finger to see that the guilty are identified and punished. Since it has been clear from the outset that the real purpose of Fast and Furious was to create a phony excuse to trample the Second Amendment and impose gun control, we can only expect them to lie and deny.
Many people think that Holder, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich, and ATF Supervisor William Newell have already perjured themselves in their testimony before the Oversight Committee. For example, Holder claimed in May that he had only learned about Fast and Furious a few weeks before. Weich claimed, under oath, that nobody at the DoJ knew who authorized the operation (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2011/06/15/department_of_justice_we_dont_know_who_authorized_operation_fast_and_furious ). William Newell claimed, also under oath before the committee, that the guns obtained by cartel buyers were not allowed by the ATF to "walk" over the border (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2011/08/16/unbelievable_operation_fast_and_furious_agentspromoted ). Perhaps we are expected to believe, too, that this operation was conceived of and run by the Tooth Fairy.
It could not be any clearer that the Obama-Soetoro administration is stonewalling this investigation (for examples, google search: Oversight committee Fast and Furious stonewalling), just as Nixon did during Watergate, and Clinton did during the Lewinsky fiasco. However, the huge difference here is that no one was killed during Watergate or the Lewinsky scandal. Operation Fast and Furious has resulted in — at least — the murders of two federal law officers. It has also been the source of weapons tied to numerous deaths in Mexico and crimes committed in the United States. Again, where is the official outrage, the calls for justice, the demand for the perpetrators to be held responsible?
It is time for We, the People, to demand that Congress appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and bring indictments against those who have, without a shadow of a doubt, broken laws that resulted in wrongful deaths and the commission of other violent crimes. It is nearly impossible for a long-running operation such as this to have been thought up, proposed, approved, funded, staffed, and put into operation without the knowledge of Holder and his boss, Obama-Soetoro. These people have been given an enormous pass so far, even though it is widely acknowledged that they have broken a number of other laws. It's time for Americans to draw a line in the sand and say, "Enough!"
It has been suggested that in connection with Fast and Furious, Holder and Obama-Soetoro are guilty of perjury and manslaughter, both imminently impeachable offenses (http://bigpeace.com/bbarrack/2011/08/29/will-congressman-eliot-ness-please-stand-up/). As the moronic Marxist minions in the "mainstream" media are so fond of saying, the "seriousness of the charges" warrants immediate attention. All of us need to burn up the phone lines and swamp the post offices with letters to our congressmen and senators, both Republican and Democrat, demanding — not asking or politely requesting or suggesting or urging — but demanding that they move to immediately appoint a Special Prosecutor. Moreover, we need to point out to those who refuse, that in the eyes of American voters, this makes them complicit in the crime and its cover-up.
I don't know about you, but I am totally through with waiting for congress to uphold our laws. I am fed up with over-privileged, spineless parasites like John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer, and Harry Reid. The inaction of these and the rest of the rank-and-file borders on the treasonous, and is at the very least in violation of their sworn oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution. Let's turn up the heat on 'em.
And if this doesn't work, you might want to remember where you left your pitchforks and torches...
© Michael Oberndorf
September 3, 2011
By now, most conservatives are aware of Fast and Furious, the ATF scheme to "monitor" arms trafficking to drug cartels in Mexico. I dare say, even with the Ministry of Propaganda doing its best to suppress news of this, even some liberals have heard about it, too. But other than Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-CA) Oversight Committee investigation, and Rep. Allen West's call for Holder to be fired (http://mrctv.org/blog/rep-allen-west-president-obama-must-fire-eric-holder-over-operation-fast-and-furious-or-he-complicit), where is the official outrage, the calls for justice, the demand for the perpetrators to be found and held responsible?
Given the fact that the current administration is made up entirely of racist, Marxist thugs, whose only concern is destroying the Constitution and the Rule of Law, it goes without saying that the Department of Injustice, run by Obama-Soetoro's alter-ego, "Attorney General" Eric Holder, will not raise a finger to see that the guilty are identified and punished. Since it has been clear from the outset that the real purpose of Fast and Furious was to create a phony excuse to trample the Second Amendment and impose gun control, we can only expect them to lie and deny.
Many people think that Holder, Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich, and ATF Supervisor William Newell have already perjured themselves in their testimony before the Oversight Committee. For example, Holder claimed in May that he had only learned about Fast and Furious a few weeks before. Weich claimed, under oath, that nobody at the DoJ knew who authorized the operation (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2011/06/15/
It could not be any clearer that the Obama-Soetoro administration is stonewalling this investigation (for examples, google search: Oversight committee Fast and Furious stonewalling), just as Nixon did during Watergate, and Clinton did during the Lewinsky fiasco. However, the huge difference here is that no one was killed during Watergate or the Lewinsky scandal. Operation Fast and Furious has resulted in — at least — the murders of two federal law officers. It has also been the source of weapons tied to numerous deaths in Mexico and crimes committed in the United States. Again, where is the official outrage, the calls for justice, the demand for the perpetrators to be held responsible?
It is time for We, the People, to demand that Congress appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and bring indictments against those who have, without a shadow of a doubt, broken laws that resulted in wrongful deaths and the commission of other violent crimes. It is nearly impossible for a long-running operation such as this to have been thought up, proposed, approved, funded, staffed, and put into operation without the knowledge of Holder and his boss, Obama-Soetoro. These people have been given an enormous pass so far, even though it is widely acknowledged that they have broken a number of other laws. It's time for Americans to draw a line in the sand and say, "Enough!"
It has been suggested that in connection with Fast and Furious, Holder and Obama-Soetoro are guilty of perjury and manslaughter, both imminently impeachable offenses (http://bigpeace.com/bbarrack/2011/08/29/will-congressman-eliot-ness-please-stand-up/). As the moronic Marxist minions in the "mainstream" media are so fond of saying, the "seriousness of the charges" warrants immediate attention. All of us need to burn up the phone lines and swamp the post offices with letters to our congressmen and senators, both Republican and Democrat, demanding — not asking or politely requesting or suggesting or urging — but demanding that they move to immediately appoint a Special Prosecutor. Moreover, we need to point out to those who refuse, that in the eyes of American voters, this makes them complicit in the crime and its cover-up.
I don't know about you, but I am totally through with waiting for congress to uphold our laws. I am fed up with over-privileged, spineless parasites like John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer, and Harry Reid. The inaction of these and the rest of the rank-and-file borders on the treasonous, and is at the very least in violation of their sworn oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution. Let's turn up the heat on 'em.
And if this doesn't work, you might want to remember where you left your pitchforks and torches...
© Michael Oberndorf
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