Michael Oberndorf
Something you can do
By Michael Oberndorf
Golly whiskers, folks, sure got quiet all of a sudden. Could it be linked to the fact that the Fraud-in-the-White-House is taking another extravagant vacation, at taxpayer expense, and is therefore not around to lie to the press and grandstand in front of the TV cameras? Actually, only partially.
The main reason things have gotten so quiet is that the spineless parasites who infest the Capitol have gone back under the rocks they crawled out from under. Also at taxpayer expense. At least with Congress adjourned, we can have a short respite from the constant barrage of unconstitutional, destructive spending bills and business-strangling regulations that has characterized the past two years. Not a whole lot of consolation, but the best we can hope for, nowadays. Heesh...
However, since the spineless parasites are home, they may actually be confrontable, at the handful of public performances they will stage to try to further pull the wool over our eyes. Try to get out to one in your state or district, and ask them, face-to-face to explain: why they refuse to obey the Constitution; why they have repeatedly violated their oath of office; why they voted to destroy America as a world economic force; why they refuse to cut the deficit; why they will not impeach Obama-Soetoro for willfully violating the War Powers Act and numerous other laws; why won't they demand Obama-Soetoro prove he is eligible to be president; why they are not demanding the resignation of Eric Holder for the Fast and Furious debacle and the refusal, on racist grounds, to prosecute the New Black Panthers; why they have not repealed ObamaCare; and why they have not volunteered to cut their salary and expenses 50 percent so they won't have to cut Medicare? I am sure you can think of lots of other good questions that everyone would like to hear these wastes of food answer, too.
One last question that should perhaps be the first one, is why don't you resign, now?
For those of you who can't make it to one of the public dog-and-pony shows, I strongly suggest you write a letter and send it to one of the local offices of your senator or representative, asking the above questions and any others you can come up with. Let's put these clowns on notice now, every one of them, that they are not fooling anyone but themselves, if they think they are going to get away with their despicable, irresponsible, arrogant actions. It is important to do this whether you have Republicans or moronic Marxist minions (Democrats). Here's a link to a website where you can link to theirs: http://www.contactingthecongress.org/.
One last thing on this. If you are one of the few who is lucky enough to have a congressman or senators who voted against raising the debt ceiling, and for a balanced budget amendment, go out of your way to say thanks to them. They are truly an endangered species and need our support and protection.
In my last column, I mentioned the idea of a general strike that deprives government of a week's worth of tax revenue, as a tactical weapon to force the government to cease and desist in its lawless, spending-addicted actions. It can also be used as a tool to force the resignations of the most egregious of the offenders, ending their ability to continue damaging our country, instead of waiting to de-elect them in 2012.
While this obviously needs some sort of national co-ordination, it would be most effective if designed to work from the bottom up. Each community should plan its actions based on the local economy and resources. Obviously, what would be effective in Cincinnati probably won't work so well in Shamrock, Texas. I suggest that since many towns and cities already have up-and-running Tea Party groups, that we get them involved as the drivers. By making this a grassroots action, controlled at all levels by We, the People, we can send a message that can't be ignored, not by our government, nor by governments around the world.
I'll wrap this up by again repeating something so fundamental to who we are as a people, a culture, and a nation, that we all need to learn it by heart:
August 14, 2011
Golly whiskers, folks, sure got quiet all of a sudden. Could it be linked to the fact that the Fraud-in-the-White-House is taking another extravagant vacation, at taxpayer expense, and is therefore not around to lie to the press and grandstand in front of the TV cameras? Actually, only partially.
The main reason things have gotten so quiet is that the spineless parasites who infest the Capitol have gone back under the rocks they crawled out from under. Also at taxpayer expense. At least with Congress adjourned, we can have a short respite from the constant barrage of unconstitutional, destructive spending bills and business-strangling regulations that has characterized the past two years. Not a whole lot of consolation, but the best we can hope for, nowadays. Heesh...
However, since the spineless parasites are home, they may actually be confrontable, at the handful of public performances they will stage to try to further pull the wool over our eyes. Try to get out to one in your state or district, and ask them, face-to-face to explain: why they refuse to obey the Constitution; why they have repeatedly violated their oath of office; why they voted to destroy America as a world economic force; why they refuse to cut the deficit; why they will not impeach Obama-Soetoro for willfully violating the War Powers Act and numerous other laws; why won't they demand Obama-Soetoro prove he is eligible to be president; why they are not demanding the resignation of Eric Holder for the Fast and Furious debacle and the refusal, on racist grounds, to prosecute the New Black Panthers; why they have not repealed ObamaCare; and why they have not volunteered to cut their salary and expenses 50 percent so they won't have to cut Medicare? I am sure you can think of lots of other good questions that everyone would like to hear these wastes of food answer, too.
One last question that should perhaps be the first one, is why don't you resign, now?
For those of you who can't make it to one of the public dog-and-pony shows, I strongly suggest you write a letter and send it to one of the local offices of your senator or representative, asking the above questions and any others you can come up with. Let's put these clowns on notice now, every one of them, that they are not fooling anyone but themselves, if they think they are going to get away with their despicable, irresponsible, arrogant actions. It is important to do this whether you have Republicans or moronic Marxist minions (Democrats). Here's a link to a website where you can link to theirs: http://www.contactingthecongress.org/.
One last thing on this. If you are one of the few who is lucky enough to have a congressman or senators who voted against raising the debt ceiling, and for a balanced budget amendment, go out of your way to say thanks to them. They are truly an endangered species and need our support and protection.
In my last column, I mentioned the idea of a general strike that deprives government of a week's worth of tax revenue, as a tactical weapon to force the government to cease and desist in its lawless, spending-addicted actions. It can also be used as a tool to force the resignations of the most egregious of the offenders, ending their ability to continue damaging our country, instead of waiting to de-elect them in 2012.
While this obviously needs some sort of national co-ordination, it would be most effective if designed to work from the bottom up. Each community should plan its actions based on the local economy and resources. Obviously, what would be effective in Cincinnati probably won't work so well in Shamrock, Texas. I suggest that since many towns and cities already have up-and-running Tea Party groups, that we get them involved as the drivers. By making this a grassroots action, controlled at all levels by We, the People, we can send a message that can't be ignored, not by our government, nor by governments around the world.
I'll wrap this up by again repeating something so fundamental to who we are as a people, a culture, and a nation, that we all need to learn it by heart:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
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