Michael Oberndorf
Onward and downward
By Michael Oberndorf
The lies just never stop. In spite of the fact that all the credit rating companies warned that if the deficit were not reduced by at least $4 trillion dollars, our credit rating would be lowered, the Democrats adamantly refused to do anything but increase it. Now, they are hysterically blaming everyone else, especially the ones who actually had a viable plan to lower it, i.e., the Tea Parties, for doing what Obama-Soetoro and his radical Marxist and neo-fascist co-conspirators meant to do all along.
Most of us know by now that when a Democrat says something — for instance, "We want to protect world's stock markets," — you can safely bet the rent that he means the opposite. Sinking our credit rating was intentional, as was sending the markets tanking. This was a very predictable move, pure Saul Alinsky/Cloward/Plivens. If you are not familiar with these radical Marxist luminaries and their plan to destroy Western capitalism, then you are missing an essential part of your basic tool kit to keep America free. I strongly suggest you google them and read up, 'cause you can't fight what you don't understand.
Oh, by the by, Mr. Brilliant Hussein Obama-Soetoro has also kicked the props out from under government worker's pensions, since, like any good retirement plan, they are tied to the stock markets. When they figure out they've been had, it ain't likely they'll vote for The One again. Brilliant, eh?
So, as the stock market heads for a genuine crash, and the economy heads for a real depression, as the world is consumed by rioting populations, and as Obama-Soetoro heads out for another lavish vacation, paid for, as usual, by the hard-working 53 percent of us who still pay taxes, what are the establishment Republicans doing to avoid further damage? Appointing half a dozen RINOs and political hacks to the so-called Super Committee, a Soviet commissariat that will issue diktats that cannot be amended or filibustered, establishment puppets who will "compromise" to achieve "balance," that's what. No surprise, coming from the worthless idiots who let the Democrats get us into this mess in the first place, and then set us up to take the blame for it later (http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/274020/pyrrhic-victory-thomas-sowell).
My, my, my. What courage. What integrity. What fortitude. Considering polls show over four of five Americans want the deficit significantly lowered, that they also want no more spending, no more borrowing, no more taxing, and no more lying by government, this is simply unconscionable.
As I have said repeatedly in the past, our government is out of control and no longer operating with the consent of the governed. Oddly, no mechanism was included in the Constitution for removal of congressmen and senators other than election. It seems they could not imagine legislators so treasonous that they would need immediate removal. And the simple truth is that ours, except for a couple of dozen, seem hell-bent on destroying the country well before we have the chance to throw them out in 2012.
The Declaration of Independence affirms "the Right of the People to alter or abolish" a government that has become destructive of our rights to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Clearly, our government has become that. We are being, against our will, turned into tax-slaves, supporting wars that are being unconstitutionally waged without our approval or consent. Our borders are left open, and we are being overrun by hordes of violent foreign criminals. Other illegals take jobs from those who can least afford to lose them, while others overload our welfare systems, our healthcare systems, and our schools, eating up taxpayer funds and services meant for our own citizens. And no one in government is lifting a finger to stop it.
More and more, lately, one hears talk of revolt and revolution. However, there are some things that we need to try, before we take that last, irrevocable step.
Civil disobedience is an effective tool, when used by enough people. A general strike can get the attention of even the most recalcitrant politician. Obama-Soetoro and his moronic Marxist minions think all the country needs is people who work for the government. Let's see how well things go if all the small businesses like grocery stores and gas stations close down for three days, or a week, and all the workers like truck drivers, bank clerks, and pharmacists stay home. If organized properly, we could survive it without too much discomfort ourselves. Government, however, would lose a massive amount of revenue — no work, no wages or profits to tax.
I am sure there a whole lot of people with lots of other good ideas. It's time to start getting them turned into reality.
© Michael Oberndorf
August 11, 2011
The lies just never stop. In spite of the fact that all the credit rating companies warned that if the deficit were not reduced by at least $4 trillion dollars, our credit rating would be lowered, the Democrats adamantly refused to do anything but increase it. Now, they are hysterically blaming everyone else, especially the ones who actually had a viable plan to lower it, i.e., the Tea Parties, for doing what Obama-Soetoro and his radical Marxist and neo-fascist co-conspirators meant to do all along.
Most of us know by now that when a Democrat says something — for instance, "We want to protect world's stock markets," — you can safely bet the rent that he means the opposite. Sinking our credit rating was intentional, as was sending the markets tanking. This was a very predictable move, pure Saul Alinsky/Cloward/Plivens. If you are not familiar with these radical Marxist luminaries and their plan to destroy Western capitalism, then you are missing an essential part of your basic tool kit to keep America free. I strongly suggest you google them and read up, 'cause you can't fight what you don't understand.
Oh, by the by, Mr. Brilliant Hussein Obama-Soetoro has also kicked the props out from under government worker's pensions, since, like any good retirement plan, they are tied to the stock markets. When they figure out they've been had, it ain't likely they'll vote for The One again. Brilliant, eh?
So, as the stock market heads for a genuine crash, and the economy heads for a real depression, as the world is consumed by rioting populations, and as Obama-Soetoro heads out for another lavish vacation, paid for, as usual, by the hard-working 53 percent of us who still pay taxes, what are the establishment Republicans doing to avoid further damage? Appointing half a dozen RINOs and political hacks to the so-called Super Committee, a Soviet commissariat that will issue diktats that cannot be amended or filibustered, establishment puppets who will "compromise" to achieve "balance," that's what. No surprise, coming from the worthless idiots who let the Democrats get us into this mess in the first place, and then set us up to take the blame for it later (http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/274020/pyrrhic-victory-thomas-sowell).
My, my, my. What courage. What integrity. What fortitude. Considering polls show over four of five Americans want the deficit significantly lowered, that they also want no more spending, no more borrowing, no more taxing, and no more lying by government, this is simply unconscionable.
As I have said repeatedly in the past, our government is out of control and no longer operating with the consent of the governed. Oddly, no mechanism was included in the Constitution for removal of congressmen and senators other than election. It seems they could not imagine legislators so treasonous that they would need immediate removal. And the simple truth is that ours, except for a couple of dozen, seem hell-bent on destroying the country well before we have the chance to throw them out in 2012.
The Declaration of Independence affirms "the Right of the People to alter or abolish" a government that has become destructive of our rights to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." Clearly, our government has become that. We are being, against our will, turned into tax-slaves, supporting wars that are being unconstitutionally waged without our approval or consent. Our borders are left open, and we are being overrun by hordes of violent foreign criminals. Other illegals take jobs from those who can least afford to lose them, while others overload our welfare systems, our healthcare systems, and our schools, eating up taxpayer funds and services meant for our own citizens. And no one in government is lifting a finger to stop it.
More and more, lately, one hears talk of revolt and revolution. However, there are some things that we need to try, before we take that last, irrevocable step.
Civil disobedience is an effective tool, when used by enough people. A general strike can get the attention of even the most recalcitrant politician. Obama-Soetoro and his moronic Marxist minions think all the country needs is people who work for the government. Let's see how well things go if all the small businesses like grocery stores and gas stations close down for three days, or a week, and all the workers like truck drivers, bank clerks, and pharmacists stay home. If organized properly, we could survive it without too much discomfort ourselves. Government, however, would lose a massive amount of revenue — no work, no wages or profits to tax.
I am sure there a whole lot of people with lots of other good ideas. It's time to start getting them turned into reality.
© Michael Oberndorf
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