Michael Oberndorf
How to succeed by failing
By Michael Oberndorf
August 8, 2011

In spite of the hopes of Rush Limbaugh and many, many patriotic Americans, Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama-Soetoro, or whatever his name actually is, aka, "The One," has not failed in what he set out in January, 2009, to achieve. He, as sock-puppet leader of a cadre of radical Marxists and neo-fascist extremists, has managed to wreck the American economy, and perhaps the world's, too. For the first time since 1917, when countries were first given credit ratings, America has lost its triple A rating. In fact, Standard and Poor has indicated that it may be downgraded again in the near future. Add to this the fact that China is saying that the dollar as the standard world reserve currency will be "gradually discarded by the world," and the "process will be irreversible."

If drastic measures are not taken immediately, we will find ourselves in a geopolitical and economic mess that we may never recover from. "The One" and his unindicted co-conspirators, at the bidding of their super-wealthy fascist masters, e.g., George Soros, have implemented the strategy of Saul Alinsky, using the tactics of Cloward and Piven, and appear to have proven that they work nearly perfectly. In less than three years, they have brought capitalism in the West to the brink of collapse, igniting the chaos that Alinsky and the New Left so longed for so they could step in and "restore order."

The scheme has been, so far, brilliant. They put an inexperienced, incompetent (and probably unqualified), but ever-so-willing moron in as president, who then appointed inexperienced, incompetent (and corrupt), but ever-so-willing officials to his administration. They, in concert with the Ministry of Propaganda, aka, the "mainstream" media, and the corrupt, Marxist- and neo-fascist-dominated Democrat Party, proceeded to loot our treasury and redistribute the riches to already wealthy financial interests, big political donors, and big unions, and to drive our public debt to hitherto inconceivable levels. "Unsustainable" doesn't even begin to describe what our public debt is.

Apparently taken in, many on the neo-con and RINO right tried to convince us that all this was just incompetence. Nonsense. From the beginning, it was clear that this is exactly what Obama-Soetoro meant by "fundamentally change America." Anybody who paid the least bit of attention to what Obama-Soetoro said during the 2008 campaign and in his self-promoting "autobiographies" knew what he was all about and where he was heading.

Every single action he has taken, from insulting the Queen and the English government, to bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia, to allowing the Federal Reserve to make $16 Trillion dollars in secret loans — of our money! — to foreign banks, to raising the already record debt ceiling and borrowing even more, knowing full well that this would kill our nation's credit rating, has been carefully thought out and executed.

I cannot help but wonder, how many of our Senators and Congressmen are simply spineless parasites, lacking the intelligence or integrity to stand up for America, and how many are knowingly and willingly complicit in what amounts to subversion of the Constitution and the country, and is therefore, treason?

It's not too late to turn this around. The House can impeach Obama-Soetoro in a heart-beat. He has broken myriad laws, and they know it and have the evidence. So have his appointees. That the current Senate likely would not vote to convict is irrelevant. Impeaching him would force the Propaganda Ministry to make his crimes public, which would discredit him in the eyes of most Americans. It would also force him and his Democrat cronies to spend large amounts of time, manpower, and money defending him. The Prevaricator-in-Chief has never been able to keep his lies straight, and forcing him to face them all in public would finish him as a viable political force.

In the meantime, Republicans who actually are conservative, though few in number, must get back on track. They need to repeal — or at the very least, defund — ObamaCare. They need to pass laws that will make the very unconstitutional and un-American so-called Super Committee, created in the unconstitutional and laughably named Budget Control Act of 2011, illegal. They need to tie up Congress with a flood of bills repealing every unconstitutional Marxist and neo-fascist outrage passed since Lyndon Johnson created the Great Welfare Society, in 1964. They must make it impossible for Democrats and RINOs to spend another dime of our money, and equally impossible to raise our already destructively high taxes any higher.

As for us, let's work through our Tea Parties and find candidates who will restore constitutional government, and make sure that those who, with malice aforethought have worked to destroy it, will be indicted and prosecuted.

© Michael Oberndorf


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Michael Oberndorf

The son of a German immigrant, Michael Oberndorf is an archaeologist by profession, with a BA from Metropolitan State College of Denver, and an MA from Leicester University, in England. He's also the Chairman of the Freedom21 Legislative Committee. Over the years, he has lived and worked all over the country, and traveled in Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. He sincerely believes in the old saying, "America, love it or leave it." Michael can be reached at: moberndorf@yahoo.com


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