Michael Oberndorf
Pants on fire
By Michael Oberndorf
By now, even the deaf, dumb, and blind know that neo-fascist Democrats, in general, and B. Hussein Obama-Soetoro, in particular, cannot open their mouths without lying. Pick a subject, and they will lie about it. What is truly amazing, though, is the patent absurdity of their most recent lies.
Driven, apparently, by panic and desperation, Democrat senators — a scary combination, indeed — actually publicly accused Republicans of intentionally sabotaging the economy. More Democrat sleight-of-hand, since it is they, led by Harry Reid (D-NV) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who have been doing this, since 2007. But this is a little white lie, compared to the one that B. Hussein tried to put over on us during his most recent "news conference."
It no doubt comes as a revelation to sane Americans that, according to our Fearless Leader, brilliant economic scholar, and ever-so-in-touch caretaker of The Little People, that 80 percent — yes you heard correctly, 80 percent, put another way, four-out-of-five — of us what our taxes raised. This guy is unimaginably stupid. Who, other than extremist Democrats and the RINOs in the Senate, does he think will believe this?
In spite of the fact that it has been proven, time after time, that when you lower taxes, revenue increases, and when you raise them it falls, left-wing politicians and their running dog allies have never been able to catch on to this. It would seem that taxing people into abject poverty is their goal, not raising money for their vaunted "social programs." However, since they are so insistent that America is a democracy, rather than a republic, I have a suggestion for them
If, indeed, 80 percent of Americans truly want to pay more taxes, let's do this democratically, and make it voluntary. Let the IRS send out a postcard giving taxpayers the option of increasing their personal tax rates, up to 100% of their income. Since 80 percent of us want our taxes raised, and the government would be giving us the freedom to do it to ourselves, this should bring in a tsunami of cash. Somehow, though, like my suggestion that Congressmen and Senators cut their pay, expenses, and benefits, I don't think this idea is going to get an enthusiastic response on Capitol Hill.
The simple truth is that the Democrats running their party and occupying the Executive Branch are all either extreme, radical Marxists, or neo-fascists. Their goal is the destruction of the Constitution and free, capitalist America. Though they lie and lie and deny, they know quite well that it is they, and not anyone else, who are responsible for the looting of the Treasury, the pervasive unemployment, and the massive and growing debt we and our children have been burdened with in the past two years.
We are a country divided. The majority of our citizens are conservative and want a return to constitutional government. Again, this is the simple truth, but the party that claims to represent us — the Republicans — like the Democrats, apparently has a huge problem grasping the truth. Other than some 60 to 80 recently elected congressmen, and a half-dozen senators, they still seem to think we elected them to "compromise" away our principles, our freedom, our future, and our country.
They seem incapable of even speaking out publicly against the growing abuse of executive orders and administrative regulations — can you say, "EPA?" — being used more and more by the Moron Who Would Be King to end-run Congress. They are so busy caving on raising the debt ceiling that they have forgotten their promises to repeal, or at least defund ObamaCare. They have caved on demanding that Obama-Soetoro obey the law regarding the War Powers Act, and are allowing the "Justice" Department to once again ignore enforcing the law, creating de facto amnesty for illegal immigrants. In addition, I have yet to hear the outrage, especially from states with large rural populations, over Executive Order 13575, which is a huge step toward implementing the U.N.'s Agenda 21 (http://www.freedom21.org/, http://www.sovereignty.net . As always lately, I could go on, but China would run out of money to lend us, and Hell would freeze over, before I finished the list.
Though obviously not an exact parallel, what we are experiencing must be similar to what it was like in Germany in the mid-1930s. We have an economy in shambles, and an ineffectual party and government bureaucracy being manipulated out of existence by an extremist, lawless minority, out to impose a dictatorship, aided and abetted by a complicit media.
The difference here is that the majority of our people are not going along. Semper fidelis, sic semper tyranus.
© Michael Oberndorf
July 18, 2011
By now, even the deaf, dumb, and blind know that neo-fascist Democrats, in general, and B. Hussein Obama-Soetoro, in particular, cannot open their mouths without lying. Pick a subject, and they will lie about it. What is truly amazing, though, is the patent absurdity of their most recent lies.
Driven, apparently, by panic and desperation, Democrat senators — a scary combination, indeed — actually publicly accused Republicans of intentionally sabotaging the economy. More Democrat sleight-of-hand, since it is they, led by Harry Reid (D-NV) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who have been doing this, since 2007. But this is a little white lie, compared to the one that B. Hussein tried to put over on us during his most recent "news conference."
It no doubt comes as a revelation to sane Americans that, according to our Fearless Leader, brilliant economic scholar, and ever-so-in-touch caretaker of The Little People, that 80 percent — yes you heard correctly, 80 percent, put another way, four-out-of-five — of us what our taxes raised. This guy is unimaginably stupid. Who, other than extremist Democrats and the RINOs in the Senate, does he think will believe this?
In spite of the fact that it has been proven, time after time, that when you lower taxes, revenue increases, and when you raise them it falls, left-wing politicians and their running dog allies have never been able to catch on to this. It would seem that taxing people into abject poverty is their goal, not raising money for their vaunted "social programs." However, since they are so insistent that America is a democracy, rather than a republic, I have a suggestion for them
If, indeed, 80 percent of Americans truly want to pay more taxes, let's do this democratically, and make it voluntary. Let the IRS send out a postcard giving taxpayers the option of increasing their personal tax rates, up to 100% of their income. Since 80 percent of us want our taxes raised, and the government would be giving us the freedom to do it to ourselves, this should bring in a tsunami of cash. Somehow, though, like my suggestion that Congressmen and Senators cut their pay, expenses, and benefits, I don't think this idea is going to get an enthusiastic response on Capitol Hill.
The simple truth is that the Democrats running their party and occupying the Executive Branch are all either extreme, radical Marxists, or neo-fascists. Their goal is the destruction of the Constitution and free, capitalist America. Though they lie and lie and deny, they know quite well that it is they, and not anyone else, who are responsible for the looting of the Treasury, the pervasive unemployment, and the massive and growing debt we and our children have been burdened with in the past two years.
We are a country divided. The majority of our citizens are conservative and want a return to constitutional government. Again, this is the simple truth, but the party that claims to represent us — the Republicans — like the Democrats, apparently has a huge problem grasping the truth. Other than some 60 to 80 recently elected congressmen, and a half-dozen senators, they still seem to think we elected them to "compromise" away our principles, our freedom, our future, and our country.
They seem incapable of even speaking out publicly against the growing abuse of executive orders and administrative regulations — can you say, "EPA?" — being used more and more by the Moron Who Would Be King to end-run Congress. They are so busy caving on raising the debt ceiling that they have forgotten their promises to repeal, or at least defund ObamaCare. They have caved on demanding that Obama-Soetoro obey the law regarding the War Powers Act, and are allowing the "Justice" Department to once again ignore enforcing the law, creating de facto amnesty for illegal immigrants. In addition, I have yet to hear the outrage, especially from states with large rural populations, over Executive Order 13575, which is a huge step toward implementing the U.N.'s Agenda 21 (http://www.freedom21.org/, http://www.sovereignty.net . As always lately, I could go on, but China would run out of money to lend us, and Hell would freeze over, before I finished the list.
Though obviously not an exact parallel, what we are experiencing must be similar to what it was like in Germany in the mid-1930s. We have an economy in shambles, and an ineffectual party and government bureaucracy being manipulated out of existence by an extremist, lawless minority, out to impose a dictatorship, aided and abetted by a complicit media.
The difference here is that the majority of our people are not going along. Semper fidelis, sic semper tyranus.
© Michael Oberndorf
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