Michael Oberndorf
Another one of those weeks
By Michael Oberndorf
The fun just do not stop, do it? It's been another one of those weeks, when every day has brought a new jaw-dropping revelations about the unbridled, unmitigated, unabashed corruption of what formerly was "our" government. We have an election coming in about a year and a half, and we clearly have our work cut out for ourselves. But I'll come back to that after a brief summary of the abuse America has been subjected to this week, by her erroneously appointed, and self-anointed "leaders."
The cesspool that used to be the Senate voted 95-5 for a blatantly unconstitutional bill, misleadingly named the America Invents Act, S. 23. This bill destroys over 200 years of patent protections for American inventors, and imposes, instead, "global standards" that amount to a giveaway of American inventions to the Chinese. Phyllis Schlafly has been warning about this bill and its consequences for some time, but her astute analysis has apparently been ignored by the smarter-than-the-average-rocks in the Senate. In her latest piece, she goes into the unconstitutionality of this new outrage. Well worth a look, since it's clear the Senate didn't (http://townhall.com/columnists/phyllisschlafly/2011/04/26/the_patent_bill_is_unconstitutional ).
In another sleight of hand move, the Senate voted to approve an amendment to the Economic Development Revitalization Act of 2011, that would repeal the ethanol excise tax credit. This appears to have happened primarily because no one expects the EDRA to ever pass, thus making it a safe "conservative" vote. However, they couldn't quite bring themselves to vote for an amendment that would have forbidden using federal funding to construct ethanol blender gas pumps and storage facilities. I mean, enough is enough, doncha know?
Speaking of federal funds, which our current rulers seem to think belong to them personally, Michelle Obama-Soetoro, after a round of taxpayer paid for fundraisers out west, is off on a junket to Africa with both her daughters in tow, again, at taxpayer expense. The amount of money the Usurper and his Queen have spent on themselves for extravagant vacations, lavish "date nights," golf outings, ostentatious parties and dinners, and fundraisers passed off as work, could probably pay off the national debt of Greece, and maybe Portugal, too.
Another ongoing scandal that has boiled over this week is the BATF&E's Operation Fast & Furious. Supposedly set up to track weapons being illegally smuggled by criminals from the U.S. into Mexico, it instead turned into disaster. No arrests were made, since the Obama-Soetoro "Justice" Department wanted to watch, rather than act, and some of these hundreds of weapons ended up being used in the deaths of both American and Mexican government agents. This entire debacle, it turns out was hatched and approved "at the highest levels" of government. Some think it was a scheme to bolster the administration's claim that the U.S. is a major arms source for the Mexican drug cartels. Another impeachable offense? Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) is investigating, but he's investigated other Obama-Soetoro administration felonies, and we are still awaiting the first indictment and arrest.
Speaking of impeachable offenses, Barak Hussein still refuses to comply with the War Powers Resolution, which he is in egregious violation of. While Majority Leader Boehner (R-OH) has made a few timid attempts to compel compliance, going out and playing golf with the Criminal-in-Chief is unlikely to get a change of heart, or, if there is one capable of honest thought, mind.
This is just an iceberg-tip summary of some of the Worst of the Week. There was a lot more, but you get the general idea. With a growing tsunami of really bad decisions by those dubbed by the Ministry of Propaganda as our "leaders," about to drown the nation, and everyone and everything in it, we are back to the upcoming elections I mentioned earlier.
The undeniable truth is that if we fail to turn things around in 2012, America as a free, capitalist, constitutional republic is doomed, and will no longer exist by 2016. Period.
It behooves us, then, to strive harder than we have ever done in the past, to see to it that genuine, patriotic, constitutional conservatives are elected to replace just about every politician up for re-election. There are a few exceptions, but only a few. I sincerely hope that in the coming months, all candidates, — incumbents and newcomers alike — will be subjected to close scrutiny. The Tea Parties are excellent at this, and they should be supported with our time and our money.
In addition, I strongly urge folks to take to the streets. Make a sign, get a few friends and neighbors, and go spend an hour or two on a Saturday waving them at traffic at a busy intersection in your town. You'll be pleasantly surprised, and perhaps electrified, by the response to our message.
© Michael Oberndorf
June 19, 2011
The fun just do not stop, do it? It's been another one of those weeks, when every day has brought a new jaw-dropping revelations about the unbridled, unmitigated, unabashed corruption of what formerly was "our" government. We have an election coming in about a year and a half, and we clearly have our work cut out for ourselves. But I'll come back to that after a brief summary of the abuse America has been subjected to this week, by her erroneously appointed, and self-anointed "leaders."
The cesspool that used to be the Senate voted 95-5 for a blatantly unconstitutional bill, misleadingly named the America Invents Act, S. 23. This bill destroys over 200 years of patent protections for American inventors, and imposes, instead, "global standards" that amount to a giveaway of American inventions to the Chinese. Phyllis Schlafly has been warning about this bill and its consequences for some time, but her astute analysis has apparently been ignored by the smarter-than-the-average-rocks in the Senate. In her latest piece, she goes into the unconstitutionality of this new outrage. Well worth a look, since it's clear the Senate didn't (http://townhall.com/columnists/phyllisschlafly/2011/04/26/
In another sleight of hand move, the Senate voted to approve an amendment to the Economic Development Revitalization Act of 2011, that would repeal the ethanol excise tax credit. This appears to have happened primarily because no one expects the EDRA to ever pass, thus making it a safe "conservative" vote. However, they couldn't quite bring themselves to vote for an amendment that would have forbidden using federal funding to construct ethanol blender gas pumps and storage facilities. I mean, enough is enough, doncha know?
Speaking of federal funds, which our current rulers seem to think belong to them personally, Michelle Obama-Soetoro, after a round of taxpayer paid for fundraisers out west, is off on a junket to Africa with both her daughters in tow, again, at taxpayer expense. The amount of money the Usurper and his Queen have spent on themselves for extravagant vacations, lavish "date nights," golf outings, ostentatious parties and dinners, and fundraisers passed off as work, could probably pay off the national debt of Greece, and maybe Portugal, too.
Another ongoing scandal that has boiled over this week is the BATF&E's Operation Fast & Furious. Supposedly set up to track weapons being illegally smuggled by criminals from the U.S. into Mexico, it instead turned into disaster. No arrests were made, since the Obama-Soetoro "Justice" Department wanted to watch, rather than act, and some of these hundreds of weapons ended up being used in the deaths of both American and Mexican government agents. This entire debacle, it turns out was hatched and approved "at the highest levels" of government. Some think it was a scheme to bolster the administration's claim that the U.S. is a major arms source for the Mexican drug cartels. Another impeachable offense? Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) is investigating, but he's investigated other Obama-Soetoro administration felonies, and we are still awaiting the first indictment and arrest.
Speaking of impeachable offenses, Barak Hussein still refuses to comply with the War Powers Resolution, which he is in egregious violation of. While Majority Leader Boehner (R-OH) has made a few timid attempts to compel compliance, going out and playing golf with the Criminal-in-Chief is unlikely to get a change of heart, or, if there is one capable of honest thought, mind.
This is just an iceberg-tip summary of some of the Worst of the Week. There was a lot more, but you get the general idea. With a growing tsunami of really bad decisions by those dubbed by the Ministry of Propaganda as our "leaders," about to drown the nation, and everyone and everything in it, we are back to the upcoming elections I mentioned earlier.
The undeniable truth is that if we fail to turn things around in 2012, America as a free, capitalist, constitutional republic is doomed, and will no longer exist by 2016. Period.
It behooves us, then, to strive harder than we have ever done in the past, to see to it that genuine, patriotic, constitutional conservatives are elected to replace just about every politician up for re-election. There are a few exceptions, but only a few. I sincerely hope that in the coming months, all candidates, — incumbents and newcomers alike — will be subjected to close scrutiny. The Tea Parties are excellent at this, and they should be supported with our time and our money.
In addition, I strongly urge folks to take to the streets. Make a sign, get a few friends and neighbors, and go spend an hour or two on a Saturday waving them at traffic at a busy intersection in your town. You'll be pleasantly surprised, and perhaps electrified, by the response to our message.
© Michael Oberndorf
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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