Michael Oberndorf
One potato, two potato
By Michael Oberndorf
One of the hardest things about writing occasional columns, rather than daily ones, is choosing which of the myriad of outrageous goings on to focus on. The spectacle of our supposed president out gallivanting around the EU with an entourage of hundreds, making an absolute fool of himself, all while thousands in the Midwest search for and bury their dead loved-ones, and try to figure out how they will rebuild their shattered lives, is tempting.
Or I could discuss further his reversal of a policy over half a century old that now sells out Israel to the millions of murderous Islamofascists who surround them. Then again, I could look at his unabashed promotion of the euphemistically named "Arab Spring," which in reality is radical Islamist revolution.
Closer to home, I could discuss the most recent evidence that the Senate is indeed infested with spineless parasites: the vote turning down the incredibly sensible, though certainly not painless, Ryan budget. Too, I could once again point out the Democrat hypocrisy of blaming our disastrous financial crisis on everyone but themselves. Or I could remind everyone that the Reid/Pelosi/Obama-Soetoro cabal could have written and passed, as they did with "healthcare," any time they wanted to.
Or perhaps I might talk about the fraud committed in the New York 26th Congressional District Special Election. There another lying, uber-leftist Democrat ran, pretending to be a Tea Party candidate — another example of the absolute necessity of knowing exactly who and what you are voting for — and fooled enough lazy conservatives to take nine percent of the vote away from the Republican, who would otherwise have won. And so on, and so on, ad nauseam...
Instead, since it may be a heck of a lot more relevant than it has ever been, I think I will make a few comments regarding a raft of pending legislation aimed at taking away our 2nd Amendment rights. The relevancy derives from a recent comment to gun control fanatic, Sarah Brady, by the current occupant of the White House. He noted that they are working hard on gun control, but "under the radar." Transparency? Not from this bunch of psychopathic and sociopathic liars.
Of the 26 bills listed by Gun Owners of America as waiting to be voted on in the House and Senate (http://gunowners.org/112bills.htm), only six are aimed at upholding the 2nd Amendment. In case anyone has forgotten, the Amendment simply states, in plain, clear English:
It behooves all of us to call our representatives and senators and tell them which bills they should support and which bills to vote against. The GOA list has summaries of the salient points of the bills, so you can give a quick, one-line reason when you call or write. Don't forget to remind them who they work for, for the time being, and that we are watching.
In addition, take the time to inform yourself — and then your congressman and senators — about the U.N.'s upcoming Arms Trade Treaty, and all the propaganda and left-wing hype that goes with it (http://www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/ArmsTradeTreaty/html/ATT.shtml). This is a work in progress and it's not clear what the final version will look like, but nearly all U.N. treaties sound a lot nicer that they turn out to be, when the enabling, legally binding rules and regulations finally come out, after the treaty has been signed. It has been speculated that the desired end result is a total ban on private ownership of firearms — and thus, an end to non-governmental trade in them. Undoubtedly, B. Hussein's "under the radar" action will include signing this, when it is put forward.
However, with this corrupt, lawless administration, "under the radar" means, "Wake up! Watch closely! Dig deep! And share what you find out!"
© Michael Oberndorf
May 28, 2011
One of the hardest things about writing occasional columns, rather than daily ones, is choosing which of the myriad of outrageous goings on to focus on. The spectacle of our supposed president out gallivanting around the EU with an entourage of hundreds, making an absolute fool of himself, all while thousands in the Midwest search for and bury their dead loved-ones, and try to figure out how they will rebuild their shattered lives, is tempting.
Or I could discuss further his reversal of a policy over half a century old that now sells out Israel to the millions of murderous Islamofascists who surround them. Then again, I could look at his unabashed promotion of the euphemistically named "Arab Spring," which in reality is radical Islamist revolution.
Closer to home, I could discuss the most recent evidence that the Senate is indeed infested with spineless parasites: the vote turning down the incredibly sensible, though certainly not painless, Ryan budget. Too, I could once again point out the Democrat hypocrisy of blaming our disastrous financial crisis on everyone but themselves. Or I could remind everyone that the Reid/Pelosi/Obama-Soetoro cabal could have written and passed, as they did with "healthcare," any time they wanted to.
Or perhaps I might talk about the fraud committed in the New York 26th Congressional District Special Election. There another lying, uber-leftist Democrat ran, pretending to be a Tea Party candidate — another example of the absolute necessity of knowing exactly who and what you are voting for — and fooled enough lazy conservatives to take nine percent of the vote away from the Republican, who would otherwise have won. And so on, and so on, ad nauseam...
Instead, since it may be a heck of a lot more relevant than it has ever been, I think I will make a few comments regarding a raft of pending legislation aimed at taking away our 2nd Amendment rights. The relevancy derives from a recent comment to gun control fanatic, Sarah Brady, by the current occupant of the White House. He noted that they are working hard on gun control, but "under the radar." Transparency? Not from this bunch of psychopathic and sociopathic liars.
Of the 26 bills listed by Gun Owners of America as waiting to be voted on in the House and Senate (http://gunowners.org/112bills.htm), only six are aimed at upholding the 2nd Amendment. In case anyone has forgotten, the Amendment simply states, in plain, clear English:
"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
- actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.)
- act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on
It behooves all of us to call our representatives and senators and tell them which bills they should support and which bills to vote against. The GOA list has summaries of the salient points of the bills, so you can give a quick, one-line reason when you call or write. Don't forget to remind them who they work for, for the time being, and that we are watching.
In addition, take the time to inform yourself — and then your congressman and senators — about the U.N.'s upcoming Arms Trade Treaty, and all the propaganda and left-wing hype that goes with it (http://www.un.org/disarmament/convarms/ArmsTradeTreaty/html/ATT.shtml). This is a work in progress and it's not clear what the final version will look like, but nearly all U.N. treaties sound a lot nicer that they turn out to be, when the enabling, legally binding rules and regulations finally come out, after the treaty has been signed. It has been speculated that the desired end result is a total ban on private ownership of firearms — and thus, an end to non-governmental trade in them. Undoubtedly, B. Hussein's "under the radar" action will include signing this, when it is put forward.
However, with this corrupt, lawless administration, "under the radar" means, "Wake up! Watch closely! Dig deep! And share what you find out!"
© Michael Oberndorf
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