Michael Oberndorf
Evil on the border
By Michael Oberndorf
It has just come out that the White House issued "rules of engagement" for the Border Patrol that they must use "bean bags" and then be fired upon, before they can use real bullets. But hey, Butch Napolitano says the border is more secure than ever, so bean bags should be plenty. Unfortunately, the border is not Mayberry. The drug cartel thugs and their Mexican Army allies, and the thieves, rapists, kidnappers, and slavers who have infested the border area ofTexas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California are heavily armed (thanks to the co-operation of the BATFE and Operation Gunrunner: http://gunowners.org/a03022011.htm) and willing to shoot to kill. Just ask the grieving family of slain Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, murdered Arizona rancher Robert Krentz, or vacationing David Hartley, shot down by armed Mexican robbers on a Texas lake.
One would like a simple explanation for this evil policy, something like: the Kenyan/Indonesian-in-the-White House is an incompetent fool. Well, he is, but that's not what's behind this. Both Bush and Clinton before him refused to do anything more than make token gestures too, allowing the Mexican invasion of America to not just continue, but escalate. In conjunction with this has been continuing, below the radar co-operation and co-ordination with the governments of Mexico and Canada to bring about a merger of Mexico, Canada, and the United States into what amounts to a North American Union (NAU). Some of you no doubt were very aware of the SPP — the Security and Prosperity Partnership (here's a typical sample of what you get when you google it: http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/2-security-and-prosperity-partnership-militarized-nafta/). The infamous Trans-Texas Corridor, a 1200 foot wide mega-highway and railroad line, to be built on land seized by eminent domain, was to have linked two Mexican ports with an Mexican-controlled "inland port" in Kansas City. Instead, it roused the patriotic ire of millions of Americans. The project was ostensibly canceled, but in reality, is still waiting in the wings. The SPP has been renamed, and you can bet the rent that it was the main topic when the Prevaricator-in-Chief met Mexican Ladrone-in-Chief this week.
An outrageously pathetic side note on that meeting: with a border war that has claimed the lives of over 34,000 Mexicans, the American media's only question at the joint press conference was to ask about Obozo's thoughts on the NFL Players Union strike. Sleight of hand?
In any case, the move toward a North American Union also calls for a new currency — the Amero. However, without a very weak dollar, this won't happen. Oh, wait. The dollar is very weak. Indeed, Bush and Obummer, with the help of the Fed, Wall Street, China, and George Soros have worked their manicured fingers to the bone to drive the value of the once mighty dollar into the ground.
Thus, the elimination of the border needed to create the NAU requires that we, the public, stupid though they believe us to be, be kept in the dark about all this. For some silly reason, they think we might not want to have American sovereignty destroyed, and Americans be brought down to the abysmal economic level of the average Mexican.
Add to this the Democrat Party's greed for more fraudulent voters and, apparently, low-paid non-union workers, a desire shared by far too many businesses, large and small, and you have a situation made to order for a continued influx of undesirable people and products across our wide open southern border.
Corruption and Mexican Government are synonymous, and have been from its beginnings. I talked with a former border agent who personally witnessed a truckload of armed Mexican soldiers escort a load of dope to the border, deploy with weapons at the ready until it was safely across, and then withdraw back into Mexico. When former President Lopez Portillo, who nearly destroyed the Mexican economy, left office in 1982, it was estimated he managed to abscond with at least $2 billon dollars — not pesos — of impoverished Mexican's tax money. And the current criminal president, Calderon, who had the unmitigated gall to criticize Arizona for trying to protect its citizens from the Mexican invasion, when Odumbo and Holder refused to, has for years encouraged and physically enabled Mexicans to cross into the United States illegally. It is Calderon who has made only half-hearted efforts to destroy the drug cartels and human smuggling rings who are destroying life north and south of the border. And it is ultimately upon his hands, and those of his Democrat allies that we find the blood of thousands of innocents, men, women, and children who have died so twisted Democrats can escape reality with their marijuana, their cocaine, their heroin, and their methamphetamines.
Let me put it another way: the truth is, those who oppose closing the border — now — are evil, and complicit in murder. Period.
© Michael Oberndorf
March 6, 2011
It has just come out that the White House issued "rules of engagement" for the Border Patrol that they must use "bean bags" and then be fired upon, before they can use real bullets. But hey, Butch Napolitano says the border is more secure than ever, so bean bags should be plenty. Unfortunately, the border is not Mayberry. The drug cartel thugs and their Mexican Army allies, and the thieves, rapists, kidnappers, and slavers who have infested the border area ofTexas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Southern California are heavily armed (thanks to the co-operation of the BATFE and Operation Gunrunner: http://gunowners.org/a03022011.htm) and willing to shoot to kill. Just ask the grieving family of slain Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, murdered Arizona rancher Robert Krentz, or vacationing David Hartley, shot down by armed Mexican robbers on a Texas lake.
One would like a simple explanation for this evil policy, something like: the Kenyan/Indonesian-in-the-White House is an incompetent fool. Well, he is, but that's not what's behind this. Both Bush and Clinton before him refused to do anything more than make token gestures too, allowing the Mexican invasion of America to not just continue, but escalate. In conjunction with this has been continuing, below the radar co-operation and co-ordination with the governments of Mexico and Canada to bring about a merger of Mexico, Canada, and the United States into what amounts to a North American Union (NAU). Some of you no doubt were very aware of the SPP — the Security and Prosperity Partnership (here's a typical sample of what you get when you google it: http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/2-security-and-prosperity-partnership-militarized-nafta/). The infamous Trans-Texas Corridor, a 1200 foot wide mega-highway and railroad line, to be built on land seized by eminent domain, was to have linked two Mexican ports with an Mexican-controlled "inland port" in Kansas City. Instead, it roused the patriotic ire of millions of Americans. The project was ostensibly canceled, but in reality, is still waiting in the wings. The SPP has been renamed, and you can bet the rent that it was the main topic when the Prevaricator-in-Chief met Mexican Ladrone-in-Chief this week.
An outrageously pathetic side note on that meeting: with a border war that has claimed the lives of over 34,000 Mexicans, the American media's only question at the joint press conference was to ask about Obozo's thoughts on the NFL Players Union strike. Sleight of hand?
In any case, the move toward a North American Union also calls for a new currency — the Amero. However, without a very weak dollar, this won't happen. Oh, wait. The dollar is very weak. Indeed, Bush and Obummer, with the help of the Fed, Wall Street, China, and George Soros have worked their manicured fingers to the bone to drive the value of the once mighty dollar into the ground.
Thus, the elimination of the border needed to create the NAU requires that we, the public, stupid though they believe us to be, be kept in the dark about all this. For some silly reason, they think we might not want to have American sovereignty destroyed, and Americans be brought down to the abysmal economic level of the average Mexican.
Add to this the Democrat Party's greed for more fraudulent voters and, apparently, low-paid non-union workers, a desire shared by far too many businesses, large and small, and you have a situation made to order for a continued influx of undesirable people and products across our wide open southern border.
Corruption and Mexican Government are synonymous, and have been from its beginnings. I talked with a former border agent who personally witnessed a truckload of armed Mexican soldiers escort a load of dope to the border, deploy with weapons at the ready until it was safely across, and then withdraw back into Mexico. When former President Lopez Portillo, who nearly destroyed the Mexican economy, left office in 1982, it was estimated he managed to abscond with at least $2 billon dollars — not pesos — of impoverished Mexican's tax money. And the current criminal president, Calderon, who had the unmitigated gall to criticize Arizona for trying to protect its citizens from the Mexican invasion, when Odumbo and Holder refused to, has for years encouraged and physically enabled Mexicans to cross into the United States illegally. It is Calderon who has made only half-hearted efforts to destroy the drug cartels and human smuggling rings who are destroying life north and south of the border. And it is ultimately upon his hands, and those of his Democrat allies that we find the blood of thousands of innocents, men, women, and children who have died so twisted Democrats can escape reality with their marijuana, their cocaine, their heroin, and their methamphetamines.
Let me put it another way: the truth is, those who oppose closing the border — now — are evil, and complicit in murder. Period.
© Michael Oberndorf
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