Marsha West
President Trump appoints Paula White, who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades, to head new faith office.
By Marsha West
March 4, 2025

D&C 82:3

Calm down, those of you who oppose Donald Trump’s appointment of his long time “spiritual adviser” (choke) Paula White-Cain as head of the re-established White House faith office to "assist faith-based entities, community organizations, and houses of worship in their efforts to strengthen American families, promote work and self-sufficiency, and protect religious liberty." The way I look at it is that having a high-profile position like this is going to make it a whole lot easier to identify her friends and supporters, the folks conservative Christians must watch out for and avoid as per Romans 16:17-18. Some individuals we already know about, some we don’t know about, and we’re on the verge of discovering who makes up the latter.

In 2016, I penned the following in Would Jesus Refer to Certain People On Trump’s Christian Advisory Committee As Serpents and Hypocrites:

    I have a deep concern for those who are warring against the Lord Jesus Christ. I’m speaking of men and women who are spreading a false gospel around the globe, a gospel that saves no one. In Matt. 23, Jesus rebuked false teachers for being full of “hypocrisy and lawlessness.” He also referred to them as serpents and a brood of vipers. Ouch!

    Yet “ravenous wolves” are frequently given a platform to reach millions with their rotten fruit through “Christian” events. I’m talking about the events that evangelical patriots attend for the purpose of praying for our nation. Moreover, wolves are given a platform on popular “Christian” news and opinion sites. Sad to say that visitors to some esteemed “Christian” blogs really should seek God’s protection before entering.

    Three such examples are Christianity Today, Christian Post, and Christian Today. But by far the worst offenders when it comes to spreading a false gospel are cable stations such as Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and God TV.

    During the Republican National Convention, Donald J. Trump allowed an open door for false teachers to impart Word of Faith (WoF) theology to the massive audience in attendance and those watching on TV. WoF, (a.k.a. prosperity gospel, name-it-and-claim-it, health and wealth) is a theological cult. Moreover,

    The world’s fastest-growing false religion tells us that our faith is a “force” and the words we speak have the power to create something new. The Word of Faith proponents promise we can obtain health, wealth, success, and more if we simply have enough faith. Biblical Christianity says no. (Souce)

    What are God’s people to do about this? In 1 Timothy 6:3-5 Paul tells Timothy what he thinks of false teachers when he said, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions, and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.”

    So, those who teach a false doctrine create huge problems in the Church? Yes! And 2,000 years after Paul wrote to Timothy, modern-day wolves “puffed up with conceit” are still around, creating constant friction.

    Two people who propagate “teachings of demons” are Paula White, senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Florida and Pastor Mark Burns of Harvest Praise and Worship Center. Both of these individuals were invited to take part in the 2016 Republican National Convention. It’s no secret that “The Donald” has an affinity for affluent prosperity preachers such as White; Prosperity preacher Joel Osteen calls the mogul a “friend of his ministry.” Both White and Burns serve on Trump’s “Christian” Advisory Committee that was established to help him win the evangelical vote.

    In verse 12 Paul tells Timothy to “fight the good fight of faith.” Before that, in 1 Tim. 1:19, he told his friend to hold on “to faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and thereby shipwrecked their faith.”

    Could it be any clearer that Bible believing Christians, who are faithful to the teachings of Scripture, are to “out” wolves?

A Blast From The Past

For those who are unclear about who Paula White-Cain is, let’s harken back to 2015 when an estimated three dozen “spiritual leaders” from across America met with Trump for over two hours at Trump Tower. Those in attendance included Pastrix Paula and some nationally-recognized “evangelical” celebrities.

Many evangelicals were shocked to hear about that gaggle of faith leaders who gathered in the grand Trump Tower luxurious boardroom elevated 26 stories over Manhattan to pay homage to DJT and pray for the presidential hopeful. Once inside a few Baptist preachers spent time shootin’ the breeze about politics and such with false teachers from various theological cults such as Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel and the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement’s self-appointed apostles and prophets – LOL. Also counted among the guests were charismatic televangelists, Progressive/social justice ‘Christians,’ a TBN CEO, and a Messianic rabbi. To wrap things up, the faith leaders laid hands on the presidential candidate and called on God to bless his presidency should the Almighty install him as the 45th president of the United States.

Videos and photos caught a glimpse of a few recognizable faces in the room. Among them Southern Baptist celebrity pastors Robert Jeffress and David Jeremiah. Jeremiah laid his hand on Trump and prayed “Lord, thank you for allowing us to be here for this special moment. Perhaps we’ll look back on this day and remember that we stood together and we prayed for the next president of the United States.” Televangelist and word-faith uber heretic Kenneth Copeland hovered close behind Trump. When it was his turn to pray, one thing he asked God to do was to “give this man your wisdom, boldly. Make sure and certain that he hears you. Manifest yourself to him,” he prayed. “And we thank you and praise you for a bold man, a strong man, and an obedient man.”

Knowing that DJT is a germaphobe, many people held their breath while Messianic Rabbi Kurt Schneider of Jews for Jesus placed his hand on Trump’s forehead and declared an Aaronic blessing: “Donald Trump, the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance and give you His peace.”

Also in attendance were Jan Crouch, Jentezen Franklin, Steve Munsey, Clarence McClendon and Lance Wallnau, th first to publicly “prophecy” Donald Trump’s presidency. "I heard the Spirit impress upon my mind,” said Wallnau, “’Read Isaiah 45.' To be honest, I didn't recall what the chapter was about. I opened a Bible and began to read, 'Thus saith the Lord to Cyrus whom I've anointed.’”

Scripture has plenty to say about cavorting with false teachers. The Lord Jesus went after them, calling them "white washed tombs full of dead men's bones," even worse "ravenous wolves." He made it clear that His followers are to have nothing to do with wolves. "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" (Ephesians 5:11). Rather than exposing evil doers, many evangelical leaders share a stage with them.

For those who are unfamiliar with Paula White-Cai, one of her claims to fame is that she is “the ‘spiritual daughter’ to anti-trinitarian (Modalist) prosperity preacher T.D. Jakes, as you will see in Elephant Room 2’s T.D. Jakes’ Spiritual Daughter Paula White In The News where Paula is described thusly:

    Tall and slender, she appears more model than minister — until she opens her mouth and begins to preach. In a style borrowed from black pastors, including her “spiritual father” T.D. Jakes, White preaches with a breathless delivery of nonstop sentences that rise to an emotional peak just short of exhaustion.

DJT once praised her powerful message saying, “She has a significant message to offer anyone who will tune in and pay attention. She has amazing insight and the ability to deliver that message clearly as well as powerfully.”

According to Protestia, “During a 2018 interview with Pastrix Paula, another word-faith wolf, Jim Bakker proclaimed that this woman has ‘full access to the White House anytime she wants,’ as she sat there nodding and grinning.”

She wasn’t wearing a grin but wore a somber expression when she told her audience that during a visit to the throne room of God she was face to Face with her Maker. Undoubtedly Exodus 33:19–20 slipped the “pastor’s” mind. So, to clear up any confusion, God spoke to Moses and said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy. But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.”

Southern Baptist Pastors Promote Lewd Lady-Preacher

Even though White’s teachings and practices deviate considerably from historic orthodox biblical Christian doctrine a few Christian celebrities endorsed her book Something Greater. Recognizable names are Robert Jeffress, former SBC president Jack Graham, son of Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, and Greg Laurie, who tweeted:

    Honestly, I was not sure what to think when I was first invited to meet @Paula_White. Clearly, we differed in some areas theologically. Yet, I have found her to be gracious and humble. I’m glad she has taken the time to write down her amazing life story. It will give you hope. (Source)

Paula White-Cain is no big deal. She’s not an evangelical nor is she a pastor. By calling herself pastor she is disobeying 1 Tim 2:11-14:

    A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.

Let’s be clear. White is far from a Bible believing Christian. As I said above, her teachings and practices deviate markedly from orthodox Christian doctrine. (See links below) According to NAR authority Holly Pivec, White holds Bethel Church’s heretical views.

So why would highly esteemed evangelical leaders choose not to heed Paul’s warning in Romans 16:17-18 – mark and avoid!

But no. Christian leaders, the shepherds little lambs count on to keep them safe from wolves, seemingly had no problem joining a group of heretics to pray for our nation. Equally as concerning are the men mentioned a few paragraphs above who gave kudos to Paula’s book. I mean, really shepherds?

Here’s another disturbing story the shepherds, who are tasked to guard the Lord’s sheep, seemingly had no problem with. Following Randy and Paula White’s 2007 divorce, The National Enquirer published a picture of Paula and televangelist Benny Hinn leaving a hotel in Rome holding hands. The story went viral. Both denied that they were in an adulterous relationship even though Hinn was married to Suzanne when the photos were taken.

Aren’t The Moonies A Cult?

No doubt about it. Even so, Paula chose to join forces with the Unification Church, i.e. the Moonies. In 2020 she gave a six-minute message (here) praising Mother Moon’s efforts to unite all faiths together, describing her efforts as an “encouragement to the body of Christ.” Evidently she wasn’t aware that the Unification Church is a dangerous cult. Here’s a quote from Protestia’s report:

    For White who has been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now and absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits, the fact that she cannot discern the difference between the orthodoxy of Moonies and biblical Christianity should not surprise us at all.” (Source)

Is She Or Is She Not Part Of The NAR?

Following is an excerpt from Holly Pivec’s book Is the Leader of the New White House Faith Office, Paula White, NAR?:

    I'm often asked if Paula White is part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. Given President Trump's announcement, Thursday (Feb. 6), that he appointed White to lead the newly established White House Faith Office, I thought it could be helpful to share an excerpt from our book Reckless Christianity that explains her connections to NAR – most notably, her role in the movement as an "apostle." As you read the excerpt, pay attention to how she follows the practice of many other NAR leaders of not directly referring to herself as an apostle, but allowing others to do so and accepting that designation.

    During Trump’s term in office, NAR leaders, including many from Bethel Church [in Redding, California, an influential NAR church], gained unprecedented access to the White House. This was certainly due in part to their ministry connections with Trump’s spiritual advisor, Paula White. White, a well-connected televangelist and prosperity gospel preacher, is known as an apostle who concurs with much Bethel Church and NAR theology.

    White announced in 2019 that she would pass direct leadership of her church, City of Destiny in Apopka, Florida (formerly New Destiny Christian Center), to her son, Brad Knight. She would then function as a governing apostle over the church. However, she said, she would not adopt the title “apostle” since a title like that may be misunderstood. She favored, instead, the designation “oversight pastor.” Moments after her announcement, her son told her publicly, “You truly are an apostle. And the quicker that people realize that God has granted you favor and authority, and unique favor and authority, the better off that they’ll be.” In response, Paula White was seen nodding in apparent agreement. (See White and Knight, “We are streaming live!” [30:00].) So, although White does not speak of herself as an apostle, she apparently does view herself as one, as does her church leadership. Excerpt about Paula White from Reckless Christianity: The Destructive New Teachings and Practices of Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, and the Global Movement of Apostles and Prophets.

I’ll close with this quote by Roger Oakland from The Solomon Syndrome:

    All of us know Christian leaders who were once respected and used by God as faithful servants. How is it possible then, you may ask, that someone who started out dedicated to Christ and His Word and taught the Word, can end up being trapped in a state of delusion? How can such a person be convinced that he or she is above the Word of God and does not need correction?

    This malady that permeates and infects Christian leadership in our world today is what I call the Solomon syndrome. Great leaders are only great if they faithfully follow Jesus and abide in His Word. Often great leaders become great deceivers because they end up following Satan and their own flesh. Because they have large followings, they are looked up to as great men of the faith. Further, while they have led many astray, they may or may not know they have done this because they are convinced they are God’s agents…This is why the protective role of watchmen and watchwomen is so important for the body of Christ. At times, these watchmen on the wall must bypass shepherds who cannot or will not see the danger coming because of their pride or their desire for money or power or fame, things which have blinded them.

Paula White Research:

Outrage as Trump appoints ‘heretic’ Paula White as leader of White House faith office

WF Pastrix Paula White: As Paul is to Timothy T.D. Jakes is to me – Ken Silva

Pastrix Paula White: Your words create your destiny – Ken Silva

False Teacher Paula White – Todd Friel

Debunking Paula White’s teaching regarding generational curses – Chris Rosebrough

James Dobson Reveals Who He Believes Led Donald Trump to Christ

Should Christians hold prayer vigils with apostates? By Marsha West

WATCH: President Trump meets religious leaders on National Day of Prayer

Watch: False Teacher Paula White – Todd Frie

© Marsha West


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Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network (CRN), On Solid Rock Resources, and Apprising Ministries. She is also co-founder of Berean Research.

For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several popular blogs but now writes exclusively for CRN and RenewAmerica. Her articles have been translated into many languages and distributed worldwide.

Check out Marsha's Research Papers on CRN.

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