Marsha West
Spiritual harm alert! 'Discovering Christian witchcraft: A beginner’s guide for everyday practice'
By Marsha West
October 23, 2024

In my Bible, Ephesians 6:10-21 bears the heading: The Whole Armor of God. In these verses the Apostle Paul uses both metaphor and allegory to paint a picture of the Christian life as an ongoing battle against the “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

Wut? Are you saying that Christians are to wear some sort of armor in our battle against demons?

Yes. Spiritual armor.


So that you will “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” Paul urges believers to “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”

Wait. Wearing invisible armor seems a bit over the top, doesn’t it?

No. All Scripture is God-breathed. Since Ephesians 6:10-12 is in the Bible believers must take the Apostle Paul seriously in everything he has written in his letters. Thus, followers of Jesus Christ should pay attention to Paul’s Armor of God metaphor. The Christian’s spiritual armor must be worn throughout his waking hours. That’s because cosmic powers target God’s people and want to do them great harm. To be clear, believers never go to battle alone. Wearing spiritual armor means we literally put on the Lord Jesus Christ and His mighty power. The power to defeat evil issues from Almighty God!

Note that in verse 18 Paul reminds the Church to persevere in prayer for him so that he might preach the gospel with boldness. Someone once said that prayer is firing the winning shot against powers and principalities in high places.

Wearing the Armor of God applies to all Christians. Again, we’re defending ourselves against wicked evil deceptive demons who mean business, and they never take a nap.

Clearly, professing Christian Sara Raztresen hasn’t read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. If she had she’d know that Satan’s minions have zeroed in on her – ready, aim, spiritual blindness!

Since Sara is spiritually blind and biblically illiterate, she doesn’t understand the true meaning of God’s protective armor.

You ask, who’s Sara Raztresen? Sara is a Slovene-American writer who penned Where the Gods Left Off: A Dialogue with Jesus, Angels, Demons, Saints and Gods About Our World. The book’s title reveals a lot about this woman.

Where the Gods Left Off can be purchased on Amazon (but don’t bother). I visited Amazon and read quite a few reviews. SusanK wrote that she first spotted the book a few months ago. “It immediately went onto my Wishlist! I have been treasuring and savoring this book. I read a chapter or interview each night or every other night, to absorb the wisdoms of each Deity (and to somehow make this book last longer). Where The Gods Left Off has made quite the impression on me and it has opened and expanded my perspectives, this book has given me hope: that the Gods really do care, that They get frustrated. They have hope, etc. I was struck by Their revelations that Their wish for us humans is that we start believing in ourselves and enough of our endless fighting, our wars, etc!!…”

Hailey thinks the book is especially good “if you are struggling to figure out who you want to work with (if you want to work with anyone), even if none of the entities that intrigue you are in here. It presents simple ways to reach out to deities and entities that aren’t unnecessarily and overly ritualistic.”

Amazon Best Sellers rank Sara’s book #154 in “Witchcraft Religion & Spirituality.”

Christian Witchcraft Is An Oxymoron

No doubt Sara is a pretend Christian. I know this because her latest book is titled Discovering Christian Witchcraft: A Beginner’s Guide for Everyday Practice, co-authored by Emyle D. Prata.

The book is not satire.

I’m including more purchaser reviews because short of reading Sara’s books myself, this seems to be the best way to provide insight into the content. First up, MeganFair. “This book is a trove of information! Really a lovely resource for those of us who are exploring our spirituality outside of traditional Christian theology! Each chapter also extensively lists the sources used, and thus becomes a great reference list in and of itself!

Clementine found the book “extremely helpful…to find my starting point in this part of my practice. It had some viewpoints that I didn’t personally agree with or play a major role in my practice, but what works for others may not work for me and vice versa. I highly recommend this book, and I highly recommend following both authors on social media, they give a lot of good tidbits on this particular path.”

EllenintheBluegrass commented that on her journey of deconstruction from “Man’s religion” she “discovered the authors on Tik Tok and was immediately inspired by their knowledge and experiences. I have waited a long time for this to be published and I’m happily reading and noting away! Christianity and the ways I was taught by my Appalachian ancestors can and do coincide. Leave the fear mongering to the hypocrites and listen to God and your heart. Only then will your spiritual journey become clearer and elevated.”

Is that not jaw dropping?


The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds” (Jeremiah 17:9-10).

Thankfully a couple of discerning Christians commented. Amazon Customer thought the cover was beautiful “but… If you don’t know the Bible in context, you might be easily led astray by this awful, “wolf in sheep’s clothing” book. Beware “true” Christian’s! There are so many warnings in the Bible about false teachers and warnings to those who teach falsely. They will be held more accountable. Unless they repent and remove this book…books like these will open the door to the enemy who we are told prowls like a lion and comes to steal, kill, and destroy you and your family. You can’t serve two masters. The Bible is very clear that witchcraft is NOT okay, and for good reason.”

Loved Kenneth L’s snark: “How to be a vegan carnivore. How to be a Jewish Pagan. How to be a sprinting turtle. Just knock it off.”

Amazon Best Sellers rank Sara’s second book #186 in “Witchcraft Religion & Spirituality.” No doubt the book will climb to #1.

Those who haven’t spent time reading the Bible are unaware of what God says about using “magick” techniques, spells and rituals. For example, in Deuteronomy 18:9-12, He says:

When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations…anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. (emphasis added)

Pretty clear, right?

Witchcraft Tips For The Undiscerning

On the site Witches Lore (not recommended) I stumbled on 100 Beginner Witchcraft Tips. Here are several practices that undiscerning Christians are involved in, hopefully because they’re unfamiliar with the occult origins:

  • Start with Meditation: Cultivate mindfulness and enhance your connection to the spiritual realm through regular meditation. It’s the cornerstone of many magical practices. [Buddhist meditative technique that changes one’s perception of reality.]

  • Eco-Magic: Engage in eco-magic by participating in environmental conservation efforts and dedicating your magical work to the well-being of the planet.

  • Learn Divination: Choose a divination method that resonates with you, such as tarot, oracle cards, or scrying. Dedicate time to honing your intuitive skills. [Destiny Cards are Bethel Redding’s version of tarot cards.]

  • Celebrate Sabbats: Explore the Wheel of the Year and honor seasonal celebrations. Each Sabbat holds its own significance and magical themes.

  • Work with Deities: If you’re drawn to specific deities, research their attributes and stories. Develop a respectful and reciprocal relationship with them. [The theme in Sara’s first book, Where the Gods Left Off]

  • Anointing and Blessing: Learn to create magical oils and infusions for anointing yourself, tools, or candles to add an extra layer of intention to your rituals.

  • Practice Kitchen Witchery: Infuse your cooking with intention and magic. Explore the herbs and spices that can enhance both flavor and energy.

  • Learn about Chakras: Explore the chakra system and how it relates to your magical and energetic well-being. Balance and align your chakras for optimal magic. [Unscientific malarky]

  • Sacred Baths: Incorporate sacred baths into your routine, using herbs, salts, and essential oils to cleanse your energy and connect with your inner self. [Cleanse your energy? LOL]

  • Dream Magic: Set intentions before sleep to receive guidance or insights through your dreams and keep a dream journal by your bed to capture their messages. [Demons offer guidance. Ever heard of a spirit guide? Danger, Will Robinson!]

Before I proceed, turn to Romans 11:33 in your Bible and read how Paul describes hidden wisdom. He taught that the Holy Spirit reveals things to Spirit filled Christians (certainly not to witches) that is not otherwise obvious. As I stated here “Magic potions, charms, crystals and any other form of witchcraft is off limits. Avoid the esotericism (mystical branches of Christianity that study the “inner teachings” of early Christianity). Sadly, many professing Christians are attracted to the above occult beliefs and rituals, like a moth to a flame.

Taylor Swift’s Syncretism Stew

Following are excerpts from a piece I wrote titled Taylor Swift May Be Causing Her Fans To Stumble Into Witchcraft:

So-called Jesus followers choose to ignore His very words, which are clearly stated in Scripture. Instead, they go through life rarely looking to the Lord for guidance. What they’ve created for themselves is “Have it your way Christianity.” These people see nothing wrong with cooking up a batch of Syncretism Stew that contains ingredients for a plethora of religious beliefs and refer to the odious concoction as “Christianity” or “Evangelicalism.” When a tried-and-true Christian attempts to steer them away from the mess they’ve made of their lives and point them to the Word of God, they become defensive. Since most of these people are unteachable, instead of going to the Holy Spirit inspired scriptures for wholesome ingredients to make a batch of Authentic Christianity, they create a stew lacking spiritual nourishment instead of heart-healthy Truth that sticks to the ribs and virtually guarantees to make believers strong in the Lord.

I later warned:

Those who practice the magic arts are out of God’s will. However, many professing Evangelicals take their marching orders from the god of this world, namely Satan. “Satan is the major influence on the ideals, opinions, goals, hopes and views of the majority of people. His influence also encompasses the world’s philosophies, education, and commerce. The thoughts, ideas, speculations, and false religions of the world are under his control and have sprung from his lies and deceptions.”

In articles I’ve penned over the years I hoisted a red flag warning:

When a Christian participates in occult practices such as witchcraft (Wicca), spell casting, fortune telling, crystals, astrology/horoscopes, contacting spirit guides (angels, ascended masters, entities), Lectio Divina (contemplative or centering prayer), numerology, the Ouija board, the Enneagram or any tool of the occult that God expressly forbids, they become a target for demonic oppression.

The way things are going in America (wickedness abounds) true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be surprised to learn that the witchcraft movement is gaining momentum. According to ReligionLink “Wiccans are smashing stereotypes as their movement matures. Throughout the country Wiccans are organizing congregations and youth groups, training clergy, pursuing charity work, sharing pagan parenting tips, and fighting for their civil rights.” (emphasis mine)

Keep in mind that those who dabble in the world of the occult are going against God. If you’re a Christian and you’re involved in occult practices in any way shape or form, you’re sinning. You have no choice but to repent. Do it now because you’re in the grip of evil. I urge you to flee from the Kingdom of Darkness!

Break Free Of Tik Tok

I’ll close this out with one last excerpt from my column on Taylor Swift:

It’s important to know about all the supernatural hullabaloo that has become such a huge temptation for the TikTok generation because God condemns such activities. Sure, it’s a bummer since playing around with potions and charms and spells can be fun. But the Lord keeps us from such things for our own good, not because He’s a party pooper who ruins the fun. The Father knows what’s best for His children. The Bible could not make it more clear that sorcery is dangerous. Surprisingly, many folks aren’t concerned about the things God condemns. In the not-too-distant past, society frowned on dabbling in witchcraft. Most Christians didn’t play around in it because they had a healthy fear of the Lord.

Why is it wrong to participate in a séance? I mean, what’s the big deal about contacting your deceased brother, or having an astrologer calculate the astrological compatibility between you and another person? Because the god of the underworld and his legions lurk on the other side of the protective guardrail put up by God. Once a person becomes ensnared by evil forces, it’s difficult to break free!


Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be? by Marsha West

Taylor Swift may be causing her fans to stumble into witchcraft by Marsha West

Does Taylor Swift CAST SPELLS On Her Listeners?!

Stevie Nicks & Taylor Swift Witchcraft Influencers – Doreen Virtue

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© Marsha West


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