Marsha West
Are you a member of the HFIB Club?
By Marsha West
Many Bible believing Christians are members of the HFIB club. The acronym stands for hate, fear, ignorance and bigotry. To be inducted into HFIB all one has to do is oppose homosexual "marriage" or – gasp! – proclaim that homosexuality is a sin against a holy God.
For example, talk show host Montel Williams labeled social conservatives hateful bigots for disagreeing with the High Court's broad interpretation of the U.S. Constitution regarding same-sex "marriage." Montel has chosen sides, it seems – he's taken the side of the totalitarian and intolerant left.
In a piece by ChristianExaminer columnist Michael Foust entitled Talk show host Montel Williams compares gay marriage opponents to ISIS, Taliban, Foust writes:
Williams made the comments Friday, hours after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. On Facebook he criticized those on the "uber-right," which apparently is a synonym for most if not all social conservatives. In the same context he referenced Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. Williams said that "hate, ignorance, fear and bigotry" had lost when the Supreme Court handed down its decision.
"In its typical fashion, the uber-right that so many of us on the center right find to be akin to the American version of #ISIS or the Taliban, frezilly predicted the end of the world, including several members of Congress, who with all the style and hyperbole of an ISIS recruiting video, yes, let's start with Louie Gohmert, proved they lacked the mental fortitude and emotional stability to hold elected office.
"Some members of this, the American Taliban known as the far-right, even threatened to move to Canada without realizing GAY MARRIAGE HAS BEEN LEGAL THERE FOR IONS. Frankly, I'd be happy to see them go, I just think it would be akin to an act of war to dump the uber-right on another country, sort of like dumping radioactive waste on a neighbor's yard."
Some of his fans were miffed by his remarks. One fan wrote: "Montel – the Taliban would whack the heads off of you and all gays. You have disgraced yourself in saying that any American who disagrees with YOUR opinion is the Taliban or ISIS."
Good point. There are pictures circulating on the Internet of ISIS thugs in Raqqa throwing a man accused of being gay off a building while a crowd of people watched the atrocity. Many of them climbed buildings to get a better look.
Fouts also fills us in on Montel's tantrum on Twitter:
"Those who went into full scale freak out today over #LoveWins threatening to leave USA ARE AMERICAN ISIS/TALIBAN," Williams wrote.
Later, he retweeted a Tweet from someone who agreed with him: "Montel, I agree with u completely They hate the same people ISIS hates 4 the most part & they ignore Christs words 2."
One person, Mike McIntyre (@mcintyremike), wrote, "Montel, I have long respected you. You don't think someone can like the outcome but hate the way it came to be?"
Another follower, TJ (@chinn_tj), replied, "WOW! I may be on the right but I've never threatened to blow somebody up!"
A third person, "Janilyn" (@Geckogal55), wrote, "So I see the persecution of #Christians has now started."
Billy Hallowell of The Blaze wrote, "YOU CALLED ANGRY AMERICANS MAKING A SILLY COMMENT ISIS. I'm perplexed." Williams retorted, "feel free to unfollow me then. Don't let the door hit you." (bold theirs)
When he railed against Louie Gohmert (R-Tx), what was it he said? Oh, I remember. Rep. Gohmert "proved [he] lacked ... mental fortitude and emotional stability." Is this not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
No matter what you may think of Louie Gohmert and Tony Perkins, to compare them to Islamic terrorists that line innocent people up and behead them for the crime of professing a belief in Jesus Christ goes beyond the pale. What Williams conveniently forgets is that words have power. Words can inflame unstable people to violence. I mean, think about it. What if a Christian media personality used the same words as Montel chose to describe the five Supreme Court Justices who shredded the U.S. Constitution because they'd like to see sexual deviants marry anyone they want to. The backlash would be horrific.
It's too late for an apology from Montel Williams, not that one will be forthcoming. The damage has already been done.
A Slap In The Face To Conservatives
After the decision came down, that same night the White House was lit up like never before. Red, blue, green and yellow lights stood out against a dark backdrop, giving the appearance of a gigantic rainbow flag. It was impressive to be sure. But we all know that the rainbow is the LGBT symbol. This celebratory display at the people's house no doubt offended the majority of those that pay the electricity bill. For President Obama to make this sort of statement is a slap in the face to traditional Americans who support Normal Marriage. The administration is well aware that a large number of people in this country oppose redefining marriage. What struck me is that the president chose not to use his high office to unite Americans; he chose to gloat over judicial activism that ushered in counterfeit marriage.
What some Americans may not be aware of is that back in 1996 when Barack Obama was running for Illinois state senate he said he was in favor of same-gender "marriage." (Here's a video of Anderson Cooper taking him to task on flip-flopping on gay "marriage.") As it turns out he supposedly "evolved" on the issue and decided that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Let us not forget that during a 2008 debate held at Saddleback Church he looked Rick Warren squarely in the eye and said, "For me as a Christian it's [marriage] a sacred union." Sacred union is a religious term that describes a union between a man and a woman. Now he's back where he started in 1996, supporting counterfeit marriage.
Mr. President, I have news for you. You have rejected the clear teaching of Scripture on homosexuality.
Leviticus 18:19-22:
You shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness while she is in her menstrual uncleanness. And you shall not lie sexually with your neighbor's wife and so make yourself unclean with her. You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the LORD. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion.
Romans 1:26-28:
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Mr. President, you've made a choice to reject God's unambiguous command not to engage in homosexual acts. Bear in mind that anyone who rejects what God expressly says is in essence calling Him a liar.
Woe to you.
Mr. President, you can instruct your staff to light up all the monuments in Washington D.C. to celebrate the left's victories over the "uber right" but that won't change the fact that whatever victories they achieve will be short lived. I say this with confidence because I count on the FACT that in the end, God wins.
Homosexual Agenda – Berean Research
The US Supreme Court "gay marriage" ruling – how we got to this, and what do we do now? – MassResistance
© Marsha West
July 3, 2015
Many Bible believing Christians are members of the HFIB club. The acronym stands for hate, fear, ignorance and bigotry. To be inducted into HFIB all one has to do is oppose homosexual "marriage" or – gasp! – proclaim that homosexuality is a sin against a holy God.
For example, talk show host Montel Williams labeled social conservatives hateful bigots for disagreeing with the High Court's broad interpretation of the U.S. Constitution regarding same-sex "marriage." Montel has chosen sides, it seems – he's taken the side of the totalitarian and intolerant left.
In a piece by ChristianExaminer columnist Michael Foust entitled Talk show host Montel Williams compares gay marriage opponents to ISIS, Taliban, Foust writes:
Williams made the comments Friday, hours after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage. On Facebook he criticized those on the "uber-right," which apparently is a synonym for most if not all social conservatives. In the same context he referenced Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. Williams said that "hate, ignorance, fear and bigotry" had lost when the Supreme Court handed down its decision.
"In its typical fashion, the uber-right that so many of us on the center right find to be akin to the American version of #ISIS or the Taliban, frezilly predicted the end of the world, including several members of Congress, who with all the style and hyperbole of an ISIS recruiting video, yes, let's start with Louie Gohmert, proved they lacked the mental fortitude and emotional stability to hold elected office.
"Some members of this, the American Taliban known as the far-right, even threatened to move to Canada without realizing GAY MARRIAGE HAS BEEN LEGAL THERE FOR IONS. Frankly, I'd be happy to see them go, I just think it would be akin to an act of war to dump the uber-right on another country, sort of like dumping radioactive waste on a neighbor's yard."
Some of his fans were miffed by his remarks. One fan wrote: "Montel – the Taliban would whack the heads off of you and all gays. You have disgraced yourself in saying that any American who disagrees with YOUR opinion is the Taliban or ISIS."
Good point. There are pictures circulating on the Internet of ISIS thugs in Raqqa throwing a man accused of being gay off a building while a crowd of people watched the atrocity. Many of them climbed buildings to get a better look.
Fouts also fills us in on Montel's tantrum on Twitter:
"Those who went into full scale freak out today over #LoveWins threatening to leave USA ARE AMERICAN ISIS/TALIBAN," Williams wrote.
Later, he retweeted a Tweet from someone who agreed with him: "Montel, I agree with u completely They hate the same people ISIS hates 4 the most part & they ignore Christs words 2."
One person, Mike McIntyre (@mcintyremike), wrote, "Montel, I have long respected you. You don't think someone can like the outcome but hate the way it came to be?"
Another follower, TJ (@chinn_tj), replied, "WOW! I may be on the right but I've never threatened to blow somebody up!"
A third person, "Janilyn" (@Geckogal55), wrote, "So I see the persecution of #Christians has now started."
Billy Hallowell of The Blaze wrote, "YOU CALLED ANGRY AMERICANS MAKING A SILLY COMMENT ISIS. I'm perplexed." Williams retorted, "feel free to unfollow me then. Don't let the door hit you." (bold theirs)
When he railed against Louie Gohmert (R-Tx), what was it he said? Oh, I remember. Rep. Gohmert "proved [he] lacked ... mental fortitude and emotional stability." Is this not a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
No matter what you may think of Louie Gohmert and Tony Perkins, to compare them to Islamic terrorists that line innocent people up and behead them for the crime of professing a belief in Jesus Christ goes beyond the pale. What Williams conveniently forgets is that words have power. Words can inflame unstable people to violence. I mean, think about it. What if a Christian media personality used the same words as Montel chose to describe the five Supreme Court Justices who shredded the U.S. Constitution because they'd like to see sexual deviants marry anyone they want to. The backlash would be horrific.
It's too late for an apology from Montel Williams, not that one will be forthcoming. The damage has already been done.
A Slap In The Face To Conservatives
After the decision came down, that same night the White House was lit up like never before. Red, blue, green and yellow lights stood out against a dark backdrop, giving the appearance of a gigantic rainbow flag. It was impressive to be sure. But we all know that the rainbow is the LGBT symbol. This celebratory display at the people's house no doubt offended the majority of those that pay the electricity bill. For President Obama to make this sort of statement is a slap in the face to traditional Americans who support Normal Marriage. The administration is well aware that a large number of people in this country oppose redefining marriage. What struck me is that the president chose not to use his high office to unite Americans; he chose to gloat over judicial activism that ushered in counterfeit marriage.
What some Americans may not be aware of is that back in 1996 when Barack Obama was running for Illinois state senate he said he was in favor of same-gender "marriage." (Here's a video of Anderson Cooper taking him to task on flip-flopping on gay "marriage.") As it turns out he supposedly "evolved" on the issue and decided that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Let us not forget that during a 2008 debate held at Saddleback Church he looked Rick Warren squarely in the eye and said, "For me as a Christian it's [marriage] a sacred union." Sacred union is a religious term that describes a union between a man and a woman. Now he's back where he started in 1996, supporting counterfeit marriage.
Mr. President, I have news for you. You have rejected the clear teaching of Scripture on homosexuality.
Leviticus 18:19-22:
You shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness while she is in her menstrual uncleanness. And you shall not lie sexually with your neighbor's wife and so make yourself unclean with her. You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the LORD. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. And you shall not lie with any animal and so make yourself unclean with it, neither shall any woman give herself to an animal to lie with it: it is perversion.
Romans 1:26-28:
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
Mr. President, you've made a choice to reject God's unambiguous command not to engage in homosexual acts. Bear in mind that anyone who rejects what God expressly says is in essence calling Him a liar.
Woe to you.
Mr. President, you can instruct your staff to light up all the monuments in Washington D.C. to celebrate the left's victories over the "uber right" but that won't change the fact that whatever victories they achieve will be short lived. I say this with confidence because I count on the FACT that in the end, God wins.
Homosexual Agenda – Berean Research
The US Supreme Court "gay marriage" ruling – how we got to this, and what do we do now? – MassResistance
© Marsha West
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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