Marsha West
Planned Parenthood urges students to share their sex-perience
By Marsha West
Most Americans are unaware that National Condom Week has been going on since the 1970s commencing the week of February 14th — and I'm not making this up. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) did not give out the customary flowers and chocolates; instead they distributed condoms to students at universities in the Pacific Northwest. In its effort to promote safer sex the organization launched WhereDidYouWearIt.com and passed out 55,000 condoms wrapped with smartphone scannable QR codes that link to the site so that students can "check in" to their booty call locations. Happy Valentine's Day!
Tucker Cummings fills us in on the details:
When they check in, users can note their location (ie, "Shower," "Party," etc.) and rate their erotic encounter on a scale from 1 to 5. Users remain anonymous when checking in, but can reveal details such as gender and relationship status.
Working with the tag line "Safe sex happens. Find out where!", the program gave the condoms away in only a few select locations. However, based on the map of check-ins, the condoms traveled across the Canadian border and all but two US states.
Users were asked to describe their sex-perience and some choices included "It was Ah-maz-ing"... "Rainbows exploded — mountains trembled" ... "Things can only improve from here." Users are also asked, "Where did you wear it?" PPFA urged students to share their entire experience through Facebook and Twitter.
Nathan Engebretson, PPFA's New Media Coordinator in the North West, chirped:
We hope the site promotes discussions within relationships about condoms and helps to remove perceived stigmas that some people may have about condom use. Where Did You Wear It attempts to create some fun around making responsible decisions.
Let me get this straight. PPFA wishes to send the message to young people that rating their overall sex-perience online is something they can do for fun? The organization believes that someone sharing their sex-perience on Facebook and Twitter for the whole world to know is acting responsibly? This begs the question: What does PPFA consider irresponsible behavior? What do these people consider out of bounds, if anything?
While I'm on the subject of acting irresponsibly, PPFA chooses not to inform the public that using a condom does not provide100% effectiveness against some STDs. Moreover, the public is not told that birth control and contraception are not effective in reducing the number of abortions. According to Life News:
In Sweden, between 1995 and 2001, teen abortion rates grew 32% during a period of low-cost condoms, oral contraceptives and over-the-counter emergency contraception. Similarly, National Review recently reported that "out of 23 studies on the effects of increased access to ECs, not one study could show a reduction in unintended pregnancies or abortions."
A recent ten-year study in Spain was reported to have found the same thing:
[C]ontraception use increased by about 60%, the abortion rate doubled. In other words, even with an increase in contraception use, there weren't fewer unwanted pregnancies, there were more.
Planned Parenthood's own affiliate, the Guttmacher Institute, showed simultaneous increases in both abortion rates and contraceptive use in the U.S., Cuba, Denmark, the Netherlands, Singapore, and South Korea. Guttmacher cites other countries as evidence of the opposite relationship, but it is noteworthy that many of those countries already had high abortion rates, often as part of existing coercive government policies.
The only 100 percent effective method of birth control is abstinence. Women who seek an abortion should be told that having an abortion can impact her emotional and psychological well being. It also has that affect on men.
Here's the bottom line: There's a growing number of drug resistant sexually transmitted diseases. The only way to prevent dreaded diseases such as HIV and the HPV virus is by abstaining from sexual relations.
But instead of acting responsibly, what does PPFA do? They distribute condoms to university students, making it not only easier for them to "hook up," they also come up with a system students can have "fun" with and suggest that they use social networking to advertise where they're having "safe sex"!
What we must not lose sight of is what PPFA does and where their primary source of revenue comes from. The money does not come from "general health care," more specifically family planning, dispensing contraceptives, the morning after pill (RU486), providing pregnancy tests and breast exams (PPFA does not do mammograms). No, the bulk of their earnings come from aborting babies. The PPFA abortion mill kills over 300 thousand babies a year! For this they received "government health services grants and reimbursements" totaling $487.4 million in 2011. Why, when this "non profit" is worth more than 1 billion? In 2009 PPFA raked in $155 million by performing more than 322,000 abortions. So in essence tax payers are giving money to a lucrative operation! Does this make sense?
What makes no sense at all is that some women not only expect tax payers to pay for abortions and the abortion pill, they demand we pay! This is deeply disturbing to Americans who oppose lining the pockets of abortionists, yet pro-aborts have the gall to shout "get over it!"
Easy for them to say. Getting over the fact that every day 4,000 womb babies are murdered by abortionists is not going to happen.
I'll close with an excerpt from a piece I wrote titled Throwaway Human Beings:
According to science, life begins at conception. So, pro-lifers must urge those who haven't gotten the message yet to take a look at the scientific evidence. For example, ultrasound technology proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that a tiny human person is growing inside a mother's womb. He/she is not developing into a person; he/she is already a person albeit an extremely small person, especially during the first-trimester. He/she is not a "blob of tissue" as many pro-aborts insist. Pro-aborts deliberately hide the fact that at10 weeks a fetus bends, stretches, opens and closes her hands, lifts her head, squints, swallows and wrinkles her forehead. More and more people now recognize that women who choose to have an abortion are signing a person's death warrant! Still, over 4,000 babies are killed in America every single day. The latest polls show that Americans are finally starting to come to their senses. According to a 2011 Gallup poll "By a 24% margin, 61-37 percent, Americans take the pro-life view that abortions should either be legal under no circumstances or legal only under a few circumstances."
© Marsha West
March 3, 2012
Most Americans are unaware that National Condom Week has been going on since the 1970s commencing the week of February 14th — and I'm not making this up. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) did not give out the customary flowers and chocolates; instead they distributed condoms to students at universities in the Pacific Northwest. In its effort to promote safer sex the organization launched WhereDidYouWearIt.com and passed out 55,000 condoms wrapped with smartphone scannable QR codes that link to the site so that students can "check in" to their booty call locations. Happy Valentine's Day!
Tucker Cummings fills us in on the details:
When they check in, users can note their location (ie, "Shower," "Party," etc.) and rate their erotic encounter on a scale from 1 to 5. Users remain anonymous when checking in, but can reveal details such as gender and relationship status.
Working with the tag line "Safe sex happens. Find out where!", the program gave the condoms away in only a few select locations. However, based on the map of check-ins, the condoms traveled across the Canadian border and all but two US states.
Users were asked to describe their sex-perience and some choices included "It was Ah-maz-ing"... "Rainbows exploded — mountains trembled" ... "Things can only improve from here." Users are also asked, "Where did you wear it?" PPFA urged students to share their entire experience through Facebook and Twitter.
Nathan Engebretson, PPFA's New Media Coordinator in the North West, chirped:
We hope the site promotes discussions within relationships about condoms and helps to remove perceived stigmas that some people may have about condom use. Where Did You Wear It attempts to create some fun around making responsible decisions.
Let me get this straight. PPFA wishes to send the message to young people that rating their overall sex-perience online is something they can do for fun? The organization believes that someone sharing their sex-perience on Facebook and Twitter for the whole world to know is acting responsibly? This begs the question: What does PPFA consider irresponsible behavior? What do these people consider out of bounds, if anything?
While I'm on the subject of acting irresponsibly, PPFA chooses not to inform the public that using a condom does not provide100% effectiveness against some STDs. Moreover, the public is not told that birth control and contraception are not effective in reducing the number of abortions. According to Life News:
In Sweden, between 1995 and 2001, teen abortion rates grew 32% during a period of low-cost condoms, oral contraceptives and over-the-counter emergency contraception. Similarly, National Review recently reported that "out of 23 studies on the effects of increased access to ECs, not one study could show a reduction in unintended pregnancies or abortions."
A recent ten-year study in Spain was reported to have found the same thing:
[C]ontraception use increased by about 60%, the abortion rate doubled. In other words, even with an increase in contraception use, there weren't fewer unwanted pregnancies, there were more.
Planned Parenthood's own affiliate, the Guttmacher Institute, showed simultaneous increases in both abortion rates and contraceptive use in the U.S., Cuba, Denmark, the Netherlands, Singapore, and South Korea. Guttmacher cites other countries as evidence of the opposite relationship, but it is noteworthy that many of those countries already had high abortion rates, often as part of existing coercive government policies.
The only 100 percent effective method of birth control is abstinence. Women who seek an abortion should be told that having an abortion can impact her emotional and psychological well being. It also has that affect on men.
Here's the bottom line: There's a growing number of drug resistant sexually transmitted diseases. The only way to prevent dreaded diseases such as HIV and the HPV virus is by abstaining from sexual relations.
But instead of acting responsibly, what does PPFA do? They distribute condoms to university students, making it not only easier for them to "hook up," they also come up with a system students can have "fun" with and suggest that they use social networking to advertise where they're having "safe sex"!
What we must not lose sight of is what PPFA does and where their primary source of revenue comes from. The money does not come from "general health care," more specifically family planning, dispensing contraceptives, the morning after pill (RU486), providing pregnancy tests and breast exams (PPFA does not do mammograms). No, the bulk of their earnings come from aborting babies. The PPFA abortion mill kills over 300 thousand babies a year! For this they received "government health services grants and reimbursements" totaling $487.4 million in 2011. Why, when this "non profit" is worth more than 1 billion? In 2009 PPFA raked in $155 million by performing more than 322,000 abortions. So in essence tax payers are giving money to a lucrative operation! Does this make sense?
What makes no sense at all is that some women not only expect tax payers to pay for abortions and the abortion pill, they demand we pay! This is deeply disturbing to Americans who oppose lining the pockets of abortionists, yet pro-aborts have the gall to shout "get over it!"
Easy for them to say. Getting over the fact that every day 4,000 womb babies are murdered by abortionists is not going to happen.
I'll close with an excerpt from a piece I wrote titled Throwaway Human Beings:
According to science, life begins at conception. So, pro-lifers must urge those who haven't gotten the message yet to take a look at the scientific evidence. For example, ultrasound technology proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that a tiny human person is growing inside a mother's womb. He/she is not developing into a person; he/she is already a person albeit an extremely small person, especially during the first-trimester. He/she is not a "blob of tissue" as many pro-aborts insist. Pro-aborts deliberately hide the fact that at10 weeks a fetus bends, stretches, opens and closes her hands, lifts her head, squints, swallows and wrinkles her forehead. More and more people now recognize that women who choose to have an abortion are signing a person's death warrant! Still, over 4,000 babies are killed in America every single day. The latest polls show that Americans are finally starting to come to their senses. According to a 2011 Gallup poll "By a 24% margin, 61-37 percent, Americans take the pro-life view that abortions should either be legal under no circumstances or legal only under a few circumstances."
© Marsha West
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