Gina Miller
Daily Beast lies: American Family Association is "hate group"
By Gina Miller
January 28, 2015

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There is no doubt that many, if not most, conservatives could not care less what those on the hard Left have to say. I understand this, but I also know that the lies of the Left (and lies are all they have to push their demented, tyrannical agenda) should be noted and refuted, because if left alone, they will become the "truth" that dictates the policies of our nation. This will make the second column in a row in which I have featured some outlandish lies of liberal columnists. Last week, it was ludicrous claims from the New York Times editorial board about Obama's lawless, executive amnesty for illegal aliens, which the Times amazingly claimed was on "rock-solid legal footing."

Tuesday, I stumbled on a column from the Daily Beast website in which the writer, Dean Obeidallah, hurled such lunatic accusations at the American Family Association (AFA) that you would think no one would give his thoughts a second glance. Sadly, that's not the case, because his kind of twisted thinking is what is being spread and amplified across all "mainstream" media outlets in our nation, and it's what is widely accepted as "truth" among the deluded minds of the low-information Left. Let me show you some of the insanity in his column.

In, "Bobby Jindal's Love Affair With Hate" (the title of which was later changed to "Bobby Jindal Wants to Fistfight Your God") he writes:

"Our God wins!" Who do you think made this statement on Saturday in the hopes of rallying a group of religious fundamentalists? A. The leader of ISIS; B. A Yemeni militant commander; C. A radical Islamic cleric; or D. Louisiana Republican Governor Bobby Jindal.

The correct answer is Jindal. He made the "our God wins" statement as the keynote speaker at an event sponsored by the conservative Christian organization, the American Family Association. (AFA.) Now, Jindal's "our God wins" is a more impressive boast than you might first realize. Jindal, who is now a Christian, was raised a Hindu, a faith that features literally millions of Gods. So for Jindal's new God to win, he is surely fully aware that it has to beat throngs of Hindu Gods. That would likely entail a massive, NCAA March madness-type bracket system pitting God versus God for years of battles.

In any event, the God Jindal and the AFA members worship has apparently been working out and is ready to kick some deity ass. And the way the crowd cheered Jindal's notion that "my God can beat up your God" tells you a great deal about the AFA.

Now for those unfamiliar with the AFA, here's a primer. They are a hate group. It's really that simple. And that's not just my opinion, but the view of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which named the AFA a hate group for its vicious anti-gay statements over the years.

Putting aside Obeidallah's cringe-worthy, foolish flippancy and his gross ignorance about the Lord and the transforming power of His Spirit, his claims about the AFA are not only damnable lies, but they're dangerous lies. I know we suffer from "hate" fatigue brought on by the flood of false accusations of "hate" from dark-minded people like Obeidallah who lob that ridiculous invective at anyone who tells the truth about their evil ideology and the agenda behind it. Simply telling the Lord's Biblical truth about the "proud" sin in our reprobate culture and its danger to our God-given freedoms is falsely labeled as "hatred" by these God-despising liberals.

Lies like these are dangerously reckless. Floyd Corkins, a deranged homosexual, cited the same "hate" list from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as his inspiration to target the Family Research Council headquarters in Washington DC when he unsuccessfully attempted to murder people there in 2012. Of course, the SPLC did not commit that crime – Corkins did – but their detestable lies about the Family Research Council fed the preexisting violence in the warped mind of Corkins.

A broader danger from such grotesque mischaracterizations of a peaceful Christian organization like the AFA is the giant cloud of false witness being created against Christians. I have long warned that "hate speech" laws will be imposed on the people of the United States, because of the aggressive homosexual movement and the desire of its members to crush any voices of dissent against their agenda, which is tyrannical at its heart. We are now at a point in our nation and world where people will not tolerate sound truth and reason. They have rejected the moral foundations for humanity created by God, the same moral groundwork upon which our Founding Fathers built the federalist system of the United States. This is spiritual rebellion, and as a result, there is a powerful delusion that engulfs the minds of people who reject God's Word. These deluded people have a pathological hatred for God and for those of us who support God's design for living in true freedom. That is why they work feverishly to silence those of us who tell the truth and speak against the evil tyranny that lies at the heart of the Left's agenda for our nation.

A major battle front in the war against Christian expression comes from the radical homosexualists who have been vigorously laboring to create the illusion in people's minds that anyone who is publicly honest about the immoral, unnatural and unhealthy behavior of homosexuality is displaying "hatred" against homosexuals. They falsely portray as being against "civil rights" anyone who points out the danger to our freedoms from the homosexual movement's fake "rights" campaign to destroy the meaning of marriage and to force Americans, against their consciences, to participate in and accommodate the sham of same-sex "marriage." If they are not stopped, it will become illegal to simply tell the truth about homosexual behavior or refuse to accommodate it.

This Daily Beast writer, Dean Obeidallah, is telling vicious lies. Whether he is fully deceived and truly believes what he writes, or he still retains knowledge of the truth somewhere deep in his heart, he is still lying. The AFA is not a "hate group," and the SPLC is a group of actual hate-filled, anti-Christian liars that has "credibility" only among the Godless deluded among us. Obeidallah also subtly compares Governor Bobby Jindal's speaking at the AFA event to another politician speaking before a white supremacist group, an outrageous conflation. Obeidallah further labels AFA's Bryan Fischer as "hateful," because Mr. Fischer also tells the truth about the threat to our freedoms posed by the militant homosexual movement and the threat to our nation posed by devoted followers of Islam.

In a column full of libelous sewage against a fine Christian group, one stellar quote from Governor Jindal stood out: "Our God wins!" While I could clearly see Obeidallah's very foolish view of the God of all creation, the truth is that our God does win, because there are no other gods above Him, and Jesus, Who is God, sealed the victory at the cross. One fine and terrible Day, every person will acknowledge that he knew this truth all along.

© Gina Miller


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