Desmond McGrath
I am back on the Island of my birth, Newfoundland, for 5 weeks after my mother’s memorial service. She passed in Florida last April, but late September was chosen as the best time to have a celebration of life. I had not been back here since August of 2019, due to the Canadian Turd’Eau Covid nonsense, and while some things change, some old traditions never fully fade away. Nov. 5th is Guy Fawkes (bonfire) night, and while subdued by government regulations, there are still official celebrations organized by comminutes, particular volunteer fire departments.
One of my family's backyard traditions was making an effigy of Guy Fawkes with large parboiled vegetables: potatoes (usually Long Blues), carrots for arms and legs, and a red onion for a head skewered together, and laid in a portion of a Halloween pumpkin with lots of butter wrapped in aluminum foil and a chicken wire cage to retrieve it with a poker. Each of us had their own Guy Fawkes to roast and we would write our letters to Santa in crayon and hold them over the fire with our poker (Dad had a real poker), so we would use an alder branch and watch the charred paper head skyward. I might note that our vegetables were home grown in a small garden plot we had on Nichols Farm in Nicholsville, Deer Lake. See Bonfire Night could get a little wild back in the day. From 17th-century roots, this tradition had long been designated for making mischief.
It will be eight years since Donald J. Trump’s upset over Billary (intentional) Clinton and the ensuing violence that I wrote about in The Donald tsunami angers George Soros's useful idiots in the urban swamps. From the Beat Generation to the Beat You Generation!, the graphic I used eight years ago has had a few additions since.
While the forgoing does not show the WEF or the UN there is ample evidentiary fingerprints of their presence.:
“the appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first.” (Lord Acton, Lectures on the French Revolution, p. 97.)
I also used the Soros Graphic in my Jan 15 2019 Article; The Invasion at the US Southern Border is not what it seems. Of course the Flood Gates opened in January 2020 all fueled by The Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, will be held in Marrakech, Morocco on 10 and 11 December 2018.
In ‘STARTLING STATS FACTSHEET:’ Fiscal Year 2024 Ends With Nearly 3 Million Inadmissible Encounters, 10.8 Million Total Encounters Since FY2021 October 24, 2024. The historic Biden-Harris border crisis has “devastated our safety, security, and sovereignty” Plus “Via just the CHNV and CBP One programs, the Biden-Harris administration has released more than 1.4 million inadmissible aliens into the United States and as the New York Post reported 1.7 million 'gotaways' have sneaked into US under Biden. To put those numbers into context:
Guy Fawkes was convicted of treason for Gunpowder Plot of 1605, an attempt to blow up Parliament. He was not Burned at the Stake but rather Hanged Drawn and Quartered: See: 'Hanged, Drawn and Quartered' Execution Was Even Worse than You Think. But burning his effigy was a more public friendly demonstration of remembrance. When Donald J Trump wins Election night, how violent will the left’s anger get? Consider that there are over 3 million up for immediate deportation and the Deep State Apparatchik already allegedly implicated in two assassination attempts, will not go gently into that good night! Most assuredly they will not be harmlessly burning effigies but use Agents Provocateur try and complete what the French Revolution started.
© Desmond McGrathThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.