J. Matt Barber
Liberal tyranny and the cluck heard 'round the world
By J. Matt Barber
Writer Sinclair Lewis is credited with saying, "When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross."
Close, but not quite. Truth is, fascism has come to America; but it's wrapped in a rainbow flag and waving, well, let's just say it sure ain't waving a cross. With its latest wave of scorched-earth malfeasance, the radical left has awakened freedom-loving America to this reality.
Liberals learned a hard lesson on Wednesday. While the generally silent majority was showing exuberant support for free speech, the institution of true marriage and Chick-fil-A, "progressives" were gorging themselves on crow sandwiches doused in bitter hate. While Chick-fil-A was eating at liberals, millions of God-fearing Americans were eating at Chick-fil-A.
It was glorious. Those who would silence free speech were shouted down through an unprecedented — dare I say miraculous — show of unity in the body of Christ. Millions of God-fearing Americans took part in the "buy-cott" as Chick-fil-A's cup runneth over.
It was a beautiful thing to behold. It made you proud to be an American. Most of the characteristically cocky "progressive" blogs and "news" sites observed radio silence as left-wing elitists — media, activists, politicos and pundits — sat in stunned disbelief.
Their wrongheaded Chick-fil-A boycott had backfired catastrophically.
Quite troubling, however, was when this predictable "progressive" hissy left the realm of comedy and breached the realm of tyranny. Multiple elected officials — all Democrats — disgraced both themselves and the offices they hold by pledging to shut Chick-fil-A down, simply because they disagree with its leadership's biblical viewpoint.
But the American people stood strong. In response to illegal threats by the mayors of Chicago, Boston, San Francisco and Philadelphia to ban Chick-fil-A from their respective jurisdictions, the residents of those great cities rebuked these Constitution-dumping donkeys with "freedom chicken" lines that wrapped-around city blocks. "Mayor Emanuel," they declared, "your godless values are not 'Chicago Values!'"
In fact, Pastor Rick Warren tweeted that Chick-fil-A COO Dan Cathy called him to say that sales for Wednesday smashed all records. (Put that in your "progressive" pipe and smoke it, lefties.)
Still, not to be outdone, liberals were determined to beat a dead chicken. As liberty-loving folks peacefully showed support for real marriage with nuggets and waffle fries on Wednesday, "gay" activists held a pathetically attended "kiss-in" at various Chick-fil-A locations on Friday.
We couldn't ask for a starker contrast. Whereas marriage supporters peacefully patronized Chick-fil-A to demand tolerance for varying viewpoints, homosexual activists engaged in gross, sexually charged public displays deliberately designed to shock and offend children and families. (Warning: vile and profane. Click here for report).
Disgusting. (Please, do keep it up, though, liberals. True colors are brightest. America is watching. Oh, and the vandalism, bomb threats and bullying of teenage girls working at Chick-fil-A? Nice touch!)
Nonetheless, I believe "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" was just the appetizer — a foretaste of things to come. In November, America serves Obama and Democrats the main course.
And the Democratic Party is helping itself not one little bit. Leading up to Wednesday, a platform change was announced. Hard-left extremists within the party are moving to endorse what some have dubbed, with plain-spoken accuracy, "sodomy-based marriage."
At a time when record numbers of Democrats in the House and Senate face the very real threat of ouster, the DNC has inexplicably opted to put its stamp of approval on the radical redefinition of marriage — the fundamental cornerstone of any healthy society.
Already nervous, Democrats in at-risk districts are now popping anti-depressants like Pez. They have reason to freak out; especially when you consider that the Democratic Party itself remains robustly divided over this highly controversial issue.
Republicans' response? Oh please, please don't throw us in that briar patch.
Of course, Wednesday's massive outpouring of support for Chick-fil-A provided a visual reminder to all concerned that the vast majority of morally minded Americans reject the oxymoronic notion of so-called "same-sex marriage." It proved with earthshaking resonance that liberals' whole "gay-marriage-is-inevitable" thingy remains as sterile as the fraudulent concept itself.
Don't forget, we live in a constitutional republic where "we the people" are the sovereign, and elected officials are the hired help. When "we the people" have spoken on marriage, we've spoken without stuttering.
Thirty-two states have voted on it, and 32 states have protected it via constitutional amendment. Marriage is as marriage was and will be forevermore: the joining of man and wife.
But hey, Democrats made their silly mock-marriage bed, they can sleep in it.
Still, there's another white paper bag full of goodies to take home from Chick-fil-A. Executives from corporations, large and small, should sit up and take notice. Don't be intimidated by insufferable homo-fascist organizations like the incongruously tagged "Human Rights Campaign" and GLAAD, the "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation." Their bark is much, much worse than their bite.
No, you've just seen a highly successful business model in action. It's simple: 1) Publicly acknowledge God's objective, transcendent truth; 2) Infuriate the toothless "progressive" establishment, prompting calls for boycotts and empty threats to ban you; and 3) Rake in the cabbage.
Stand up for what's right, good and true, and America's got your back.
So be encouraged. Despite liberals' best efforts, freedom of speech, God's design for marriage and reverence for sexual morality are alive and well in America. There is still hope for this great nation.
But not without a fight.
The line in the sand has been drawn.
It's perverse "pride" versus patriotism. Liberal lies versus truth. Tyranny versus freedom.
On which side will you stand?
© J. Matt Barber
August 6, 2012
Writer Sinclair Lewis is credited with saying, "When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross."
Close, but not quite. Truth is, fascism has come to America; but it's wrapped in a rainbow flag and waving, well, let's just say it sure ain't waving a cross. With its latest wave of scorched-earth malfeasance, the radical left has awakened freedom-loving America to this reality.
Liberals learned a hard lesson on Wednesday. While the generally silent majority was showing exuberant support for free speech, the institution of true marriage and Chick-fil-A, "progressives" were gorging themselves on crow sandwiches doused in bitter hate. While Chick-fil-A was eating at liberals, millions of God-fearing Americans were eating at Chick-fil-A.
It was glorious. Those who would silence free speech were shouted down through an unprecedented — dare I say miraculous — show of unity in the body of Christ. Millions of God-fearing Americans took part in the "buy-cott" as Chick-fil-A's cup runneth over.
It was a beautiful thing to behold. It made you proud to be an American. Most of the characteristically cocky "progressive" blogs and "news" sites observed radio silence as left-wing elitists — media, activists, politicos and pundits — sat in stunned disbelief.
Their wrongheaded Chick-fil-A boycott had backfired catastrophically.
Quite troubling, however, was when this predictable "progressive" hissy left the realm of comedy and breached the realm of tyranny. Multiple elected officials — all Democrats — disgraced both themselves and the offices they hold by pledging to shut Chick-fil-A down, simply because they disagree with its leadership's biblical viewpoint.
But the American people stood strong. In response to illegal threats by the mayors of Chicago, Boston, San Francisco and Philadelphia to ban Chick-fil-A from their respective jurisdictions, the residents of those great cities rebuked these Constitution-dumping donkeys with "freedom chicken" lines that wrapped-around city blocks. "Mayor Emanuel," they declared, "your godless values are not 'Chicago Values!'"
In fact, Pastor Rick Warren tweeted that Chick-fil-A COO Dan Cathy called him to say that sales for Wednesday smashed all records. (Put that in your "progressive" pipe and smoke it, lefties.)
Still, not to be outdone, liberals were determined to beat a dead chicken. As liberty-loving folks peacefully showed support for real marriage with nuggets and waffle fries on Wednesday, "gay" activists held a pathetically attended "kiss-in" at various Chick-fil-A locations on Friday.
We couldn't ask for a starker contrast. Whereas marriage supporters peacefully patronized Chick-fil-A to demand tolerance for varying viewpoints, homosexual activists engaged in gross, sexually charged public displays deliberately designed to shock and offend children and families. (Warning: vile and profane. Click here for report).
Disgusting. (Please, do keep it up, though, liberals. True colors are brightest. America is watching. Oh, and the vandalism, bomb threats and bullying of teenage girls working at Chick-fil-A? Nice touch!)
Nonetheless, I believe "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" was just the appetizer — a foretaste of things to come. In November, America serves Obama and Democrats the main course.
And the Democratic Party is helping itself not one little bit. Leading up to Wednesday, a platform change was announced. Hard-left extremists within the party are moving to endorse what some have dubbed, with plain-spoken accuracy, "sodomy-based marriage."
At a time when record numbers of Democrats in the House and Senate face the very real threat of ouster, the DNC has inexplicably opted to put its stamp of approval on the radical redefinition of marriage — the fundamental cornerstone of any healthy society.
Already nervous, Democrats in at-risk districts are now popping anti-depressants like Pez. They have reason to freak out; especially when you consider that the Democratic Party itself remains robustly divided over this highly controversial issue.
Republicans' response? Oh please, please don't throw us in that briar patch.
Of course, Wednesday's massive outpouring of support for Chick-fil-A provided a visual reminder to all concerned that the vast majority of morally minded Americans reject the oxymoronic notion of so-called "same-sex marriage." It proved with earthshaking resonance that liberals' whole "gay-marriage-is-inevitable" thingy remains as sterile as the fraudulent concept itself.
Don't forget, we live in a constitutional republic where "we the people" are the sovereign, and elected officials are the hired help. When "we the people" have spoken on marriage, we've spoken without stuttering.
Thirty-two states have voted on it, and 32 states have protected it via constitutional amendment. Marriage is as marriage was and will be forevermore: the joining of man and wife.
But hey, Democrats made their silly mock-marriage bed, they can sleep in it.
Still, there's another white paper bag full of goodies to take home from Chick-fil-A. Executives from corporations, large and small, should sit up and take notice. Don't be intimidated by insufferable homo-fascist organizations like the incongruously tagged "Human Rights Campaign" and GLAAD, the "Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation." Their bark is much, much worse than their bite.
No, you've just seen a highly successful business model in action. It's simple: 1) Publicly acknowledge God's objective, transcendent truth; 2) Infuriate the toothless "progressive" establishment, prompting calls for boycotts and empty threats to ban you; and 3) Rake in the cabbage.
Stand up for what's right, good and true, and America's got your back.
So be encouraged. Despite liberals' best efforts, freedom of speech, God's design for marriage and reverence for sexual morality are alive and well in America. There is still hope for this great nation.
But not without a fight.
The line in the sand has been drawn.
It's perverse "pride" versus patriotism. Liberal lies versus truth. Tyranny versus freedom.
On which side will you stand?
© J. Matt Barber
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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