Lloyd Marcus
Everyday Americans betrayed by George W
By Lloyd Marcus
As a precinct chairman, I walked neighborhoods in the blazing Florida sun, heat, and humidity – sweating like crazy – campaigning for George W. Bush. I hated knocking on strangers' doors, but I did it anyway.
Hearing Bush include "white supremacy" in his trash-Trump speech was horrifying – extremely disappointing. http://bit.ly/2ivI6s5 Why on earth would a former Republican president play along with America-hating Leftists? President Bush gave credibility to the despicable Leftists' lie that white supremacy is such a big problem in our country that he had to denounce it in his speech. There are barely enough white supremacists in America to fill a phone booth. And yet, Bush joined Leftists in dissing and lying on Trump supporters by inferring that they are a bunch of bigots.
President Bush, that was a horrible thing to do. Despite my best efforts to educate my black relatives to the truth that Trump is not a racist and is actually helping blacks http://bit.ly/2kJJ1FV, young family members firmly believe Trump and his white supremacist voters hate them.
President Bush, haven't you been watching the news, witnessing the devastating consequences of the Leftists' lie which claims white supremacists are running the country since Trump was elected? President Bush, cops are being assassinated. Trump supporters are physically assaulted. The NFL is absurdly discussing launching a white-cops-stop-murdering-blacks month. http://bit.ly/2gwgZZz
White guilt and fear has caused politicians to allow paid George Soros thugs to drag down historical monuments in the name of social justice. Soros has spent $18 billion hiring operatives to bring down America via racial division, hate, destruction of property, and violence in our streets. http://bit.ly/2xLCsUC
Eighteen billion dollars buys tons of political mercenaries. Soros' paid army of anarchists probably far outnumber the handful of white supremacists in America. Soros' Antifa is planning a Nov. 4th civil war to overthrow the Trump Administration. http://bit.ly/2zwoZky We are hearing talk of an impending race war. The last thing our country needs is a former president joining Leftists in promoting their lie that hate America groups have a legit beef. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. Anything else is an evil lie.
I get it, President Bush. You hate Trump. You and your Washington DC establishment elites are still fuming that a commoner, an everyday Joe like Trump, kicked ya'll's butts winning the White House. I suspect it was pretty humiliating seeing Trump, who in comparison spent a nickle on his presidential campaign, defeat your brother Jeb, who spent $130 million. http://nyti.ms/2guxFAu
But President Bush, how could you throw our country under the bus by furthering Leftists' lie which has ignited racial division, hate, and violence? Read my lips, white supremacy is not an issue in America! President Bush, by furthering Leftists' Trump-voters-are-racist narrative, you have placed cops and white American lives at risk. Are you so out of touch with real America that you do not realize the evil and dire consequences of furthering Leftists' bogus narrative about Trump, cops, and his supporters? Or, have you and your establishment buddies joined Leftists in deeming national race relations and American lives acceptable collateral damage in your demented quest to get Trump out of the Oval Office? Wow!
With America's airways filled with talking heads badgering everyday Americans about how much black lives matter, Washington elites and Leftists are sacrificing black lives in their vendetta against Trump. http://bit.ly/2zwaPA2 By falsely portraying Trump supporters and cops as threats to black lives, Washington elites and Leftists are ignoring the elephants in the room of black-on-black homicide http://bit.ly/2wEi9I3 and disproportionate black abortions. http://bit.ly/2zuaeid
While spreading their fake concerns for social justice and racial equality, Washington elites and Leftists refuse to tackle real issues plaguing American blacks. Leftists seek to destroy anyone who suggests common-sense changes blacks can make to help themselves. Blacks are mere useful idiots in Washington elites' and Leftists' mission to kick Trump out of the White House.
President Bush, I campaigned hard for you. You truly disappoint me, bro.
© Lloyd Marcus
October 25, 2017
As a precinct chairman, I walked neighborhoods in the blazing Florida sun, heat, and humidity – sweating like crazy – campaigning for George W. Bush. I hated knocking on strangers' doors, but I did it anyway.
Hearing Bush include "white supremacy" in his trash-Trump speech was horrifying – extremely disappointing. http://bit.ly/2ivI6s5 Why on earth would a former Republican president play along with America-hating Leftists? President Bush gave credibility to the despicable Leftists' lie that white supremacy is such a big problem in our country that he had to denounce it in his speech. There are barely enough white supremacists in America to fill a phone booth. And yet, Bush joined Leftists in dissing and lying on Trump supporters by inferring that they are a bunch of bigots.
President Bush, that was a horrible thing to do. Despite my best efforts to educate my black relatives to the truth that Trump is not a racist and is actually helping blacks http://bit.ly/2kJJ1FV, young family members firmly believe Trump and his white supremacist voters hate them.
President Bush, haven't you been watching the news, witnessing the devastating consequences of the Leftists' lie which claims white supremacists are running the country since Trump was elected? President Bush, cops are being assassinated. Trump supporters are physically assaulted. The NFL is absurdly discussing launching a white-cops-stop-murdering-blacks month. http://bit.ly/2gwgZZz
White guilt and fear has caused politicians to allow paid George Soros thugs to drag down historical monuments in the name of social justice. Soros has spent $18 billion hiring operatives to bring down America via racial division, hate, destruction of property, and violence in our streets. http://bit.ly/2xLCsUC
Eighteen billion dollars buys tons of political mercenaries. Soros' paid army of anarchists probably far outnumber the handful of white supremacists in America. Soros' Antifa is planning a Nov. 4th civil war to overthrow the Trump Administration. http://bit.ly/2zwoZky We are hearing talk of an impending race war. The last thing our country needs is a former president joining Leftists in promoting their lie that hate America groups have a legit beef. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. Anything else is an evil lie.
I get it, President Bush. You hate Trump. You and your Washington DC establishment elites are still fuming that a commoner, an everyday Joe like Trump, kicked ya'll's butts winning the White House. I suspect it was pretty humiliating seeing Trump, who in comparison spent a nickle on his presidential campaign, defeat your brother Jeb, who spent $130 million. http://nyti.ms/2guxFAu
But President Bush, how could you throw our country under the bus by furthering Leftists' lie which has ignited racial division, hate, and violence? Read my lips, white supremacy is not an issue in America! President Bush, by furthering Leftists' Trump-voters-are-racist narrative, you have placed cops and white American lives at risk. Are you so out of touch with real America that you do not realize the evil and dire consequences of furthering Leftists' bogus narrative about Trump, cops, and his supporters? Or, have you and your establishment buddies joined Leftists in deeming national race relations and American lives acceptable collateral damage in your demented quest to get Trump out of the Oval Office? Wow!
With America's airways filled with talking heads badgering everyday Americans about how much black lives matter, Washington elites and Leftists are sacrificing black lives in their vendetta against Trump. http://bit.ly/2zwaPA2 By falsely portraying Trump supporters and cops as threats to black lives, Washington elites and Leftists are ignoring the elephants in the room of black-on-black homicide http://bit.ly/2wEi9I3 and disproportionate black abortions. http://bit.ly/2zuaeid
While spreading their fake concerns for social justice and racial equality, Washington elites and Leftists refuse to tackle real issues plaguing American blacks. Leftists seek to destroy anyone who suggests common-sense changes blacks can make to help themselves. Blacks are mere useful idiots in Washington elites' and Leftists' mission to kick Trump out of the White House.
President Bush, I campaigned hard for you. You truly disappoint me, bro.
© Lloyd Marcus
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