James Lambert
While the media (and leftist groups) are extremely upset about some of our President’s efforts to lessen the staffing of various federal agencies in Washington D.C., it should be clear what his objective is. By exposing many of the federal projects as well as the various places where the federal government is spending millions (if not billions) of our federal money, it should be clear that we need to be more frugal with our federal funds.
The national federal budget has reached an all-time high: over 33 trillion dollars. Just annually servicing this debt is costing tax payers close to a trillion dollars a year.
Such increasing debt is seriously hurting our economy. Finding ways to lowering this debt and looking for ways of improving our national economy is something President Trump and his staff are working on.
Most corporations and private businesses do the same thing. They look for ways to save money so as to avoid more corporate debt. Our country needs to find ways to lower its debt as well as lowering or even eliminating their wasteful spending.
This is not only a federal problem, but it is some states' problem as well. As for individuals and families across the country, it has now particularly important for all of us to be more frugal in our spending.
In some cases, it might require some of us to have several jobs to service our debt. Ultimately, taking action like this will help us all.
And, the federal government also needs to more careful in its spending and budget. All three branches of the federal government (Presidential, Congress, and Judicial) has to understand this and carry out the simple plan of living within their means.
Hopefully, it would nice to see if Congress and our president will fulfill this plan of spending NO MORE than the funds that receive in taxes each year. It hasn’t been done since the 1990s. It’s time that our federal government (and both political parties) FULLY takes this up!
© James LambertThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.