Tabitha Korol
The game plan of C-Span
By Tabitha Korol
March 12, 2018

C-Span has a dedicated propagandist program that reaches millions of viewers. It works on the basis of having the viewing audience call in, vilifying Israel or world Jewry, for all the world to hear, while the host broadcasters remain silent and blameless. The accusations go unopposed, the lies unchallenged, the slander uncensored, and the audience has digested a full dose of uninterrupted, unexpurgated hate speech against Israel, with defamation of the US for our friendship with the sole middle-eastern democracy that shares our values. So Islam and the left, the enemies of Jews and Christians worldwide, have their own kind of Lord Haw-Haw, the Fascist mouthpiece of World War II, protected from all censure. The callers should be screened out and the hosts should be ethical and better informed to disallow the vilification and falsehoods.

Here are just a few of about one hundred damaging comments by callers in 2017, to which the journalists were either silent, ineffective or in agreement.
  • 12/23, "Israel attacked the USS Liberty to get the US into a war with Egypt; I really don't think that it is a really good ally. Who knows whether they (Israel) coaxed us into war with Iraq and Syria." This is a persistent false accusation. Numerous inquiries and reports have concluded that the Israelis could not properly identify the ship in international waters and had reason to fear an Egyptian attack. It was human error. Israel apologized for the harm, and paid millions in compensation to the US government, as well as to the wounded and to families of the men killed.

  • 12/06, "Truman took the European Jews and set them right on top of the Palestinians, now that is our problem today." The historical connection and legal rights, by international law, of the Jewish people in all of Palestine were defined in 1922 by the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, the name used by the Romans. The identification, "Palestinians," was fabricated in 1967 after the Arabs lost their aggressive war against Israel; the myth of an ancient Arab link to the land was created to undermine Israel and is part of their world jihad, holy war, and al-hijrah, conquest by migration.

  • 11/09, "The best way to stop terrorism [in the world] is to get control of Israel." Islamic terrorism is mandated in their scriptures and terrorists have carried out more than 32,651 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 to date, March '18. The persecution and killing of Muslims by other Muslims is a severe problem throughout the world. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Muslims live in peace and thrive, and this caller has given voice to making Israel the problem.

  • 05/10, "Basically what we're doing over there in the Middle East is taking care of Israel – we are in like a proactive war for Israel. They do absolutely nothing as far as the Coalition is concerned and we give them money and arms and they still don't help us." America does not protect Israel; the annual aid helps Israel purchase weaponry for its own defense, much made in America, keeping our manufacturing humming and our workers paid, and it is far less costly than deploying US troops to protect other US allies. Considered the "policeman of the world," Israel provides us with invaluable intelligence to fight terrorism, combat-tests weapons and makes beneficial modifications. We benefit from their superior innovation and creativity, frontline of defense, cutting-edge technology in agriculture, cyber-security, medicine, military, and in water technology to Third-world countries and California; they deal with Islamic countries so we can concentrate on North Korea. Israel's First Responders helped us track the Boston Marathon bombers; helped with California and Texas floods, Mexico and Haiti after their earthquakes, Japan after their tsunami, and provided post-trauma training to Parkland community members. Our biggest high-tech companies depend on a strong, independent Israel.

  • 04/20, "Hamas, Hezbollah, these are the people who are Palestinians just trying to get their country back. It's not a difficult situation at all. My opinion is – it is not Israel, it's occupied Palestine. China has North Korea. Russia has Syria. We have Israel." There is/was no "occupied" or "country" of "Palestine"; it was a pejorative name given by the Romans against the Jews. There was never a government, constitution, monetary system, language, culture, art, architecture or literature unique to Palestinian people. The Arabs identified as The Arabs identified as southern Syrians until they assumed the name Palestinians after losing their aggressive war in 1967, to create for themselves a bond to the land. A Jewish kingdom existed in the land between 1050 and 930 BCE and a Jewish presence for 3,000 years. The Balfour Declaration (1917), San Remo Conference (1920), the League of Nations (1920), carved out the Palestine Mandate for the Jewish homeland; Israel was established as the Jewish state (1948) with Jewish majority on purchased, settled land, with full civil, political and cultural rights to all its minorities.

  • 04/07, "But the United States didn't have any problem with Israel killing 3,000 people in Gaza. I mean, we have also to look at our own government where we're poisoning our own people in Michigan." Where are the bodies to support this outrageous statement? These are blatant lies and defamation against Israel and America, said out of sheer ignorance, with no one to refute the malicious condemnations.

  • 03/04, "I am strongly opposed to Israeli policy towards Palestinians. Why is it I am constantly labeled as anti-Semitic?" Palestinians who live peacefully within Israel are treated equally to other Israeli citizens under the law, but Palestinians are teaching hate of Jews; encouraging stabbing and throwing stones and bombs at Israeli targets; demanding land to which they have no DNA connection, archaeological or historical evidence of attachment as have the Jews. Palestinians, like other Arabs, are pursuing jihad just as Muslims are overtaking many of Europe's countries. The caller is justly labeled anti-Semitic for demonizing and delegitimizing Jews within their own country, but not condemning the Muslims who are invading and attacking the people of other countries.

  • 03/03, "[Israel's Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu hated President Obama. I don't think it was because of him being President. It was because of his color. That is one thing we have to deal with." Israel is home to Jews of every country of origin and color skin, from Africa, China, and more. Israel rescued dark-skinned Ethiopian Jews to Israel, in Operation Solomon.
C-Span has repeatedly aired events that denigrate America and Israel, such as Noura Erakat of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in September, known Louis Farrakhan in November, and propagandist Salam Al-Marayati of the Muslim Public Affairs Council in December. They primarily concentrate on resistance to Jews in Israel and the West Bank (Judea, Samaria), and the ethnic cleansing of Jews from their historic homeland. The Cable- Satellite network continues to air Palestinian propaganda films as factual, and hosted Palestinian panelists who spread anti-Israel propaganda.

C-Span is wreaking harm against Israel and America by providing the venue for the fueling of hate against these keepers of the world's moral clarity and tricking the uninformed to support the aspirations of totalitarianism to their own detriment. How does such an organization take it upon itself to work against the very survival of democracy and their own descendants! If C-Span and Time Warner Cable cannot stop their unprofessionalism and hate mongering and police themselves, perhaps it is time for Congress to step in.

© Tabitha Korol


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Tabitha Korol

(Editor's Note: Tabitha Korol Zuckerman passed away on January 14, 2022. Her obituary can be read here. She was preceded in death by her husband Sheldon Zuckerman on December 20, 2021.)

Author of "Confronting the Deception," Tabitha Korol began her political career after 9/11, with letters to the editor and essays, developing a readership and earning two writing awards along the way. Her work appears on, Christian Action Network, Conservative News and Views, Dr. Rich Swier, iPatriot, Liberty News & Views,; Published Reporter, Renew America, Ted Belman, The Noisy Room, Trevor Loudon's New Zeal, Virginia Christian Alliance, WebCommentary, and others. Korol revised David Silberman's book of Holocaust survivors' accounts, "And You Saw That," for publication, and edited David Pristash's book, "Essay on Moral Philosophy in Western Civilization." She also proofreads/edits a monthly city magazine.


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