Kurt Kondrich
Christmas LEAP of faith
By Kurt Kondrich
Each year during the Christmas season we celebrate the virgin birth of Jesus Christ who entered this world to deliver the most priceless gift to humanity that only God can give – Eternal Life. When Jesus' virgin mother Mary received news from the Angel Gabriel that she was pregnant with a son, she was overwhelmed with fear and questions. Mary accepted the news from the Angel and began the greatest LEAP of Faith ever. Gabriel told Mary that her older relative Elizabeth who past child bearing age was pregnant in her 6 month, and Mary hurried to her house to verify this miracle. When Mary entered the home of Elizabeth, Elizabeth's unborn baby would have been about 12 inches long and Mary's unborn Baby Jesus would have been the size of a tiny seed. God's Word has an incredible account of this meeting between Mary and Elizabeth which verifies that the first human being to recognize Jesus on this Earth was Elizabeth's unborn child who would bear the name John the Baptist: "When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby LEAPED in her womb" Luke 1:41 John was the first person prenatally to recognize Jesus the Son of God, and John was the first person postnatally to recognize Jesus when John loudly proclaimed "Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29
Many in today's deceived culture debate the issue of when Life begins and when Life can be terminated in the womb. In the account of Mary's meeting with Elizabeth, God's Word makes it crystal clear that Life begins the moment of conception when an unborn child is a distinct, unique, miracle human being created in the image of God. Prenatal Jesus was no larger than a tiny mustard seed when prenatal John recognized the Creator of the Universe and LEAPED for joy, and Jesus would later make this Faith statement about a mustard seed: "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20 The undeniable LIFE Truth is in the WORD and not the World, and I often remind people that there is a one letter difference "L" between these 2 words and the "L" will get you Lost with Lies about Life.
My amazing daughter Chloe was born in 2003 with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, and her daily LEAPS of Faith have transformed the world. Chloe has planted more positive seeds in 16 years than most people do in a long lifetime, and her favorite place to visit is the Christmas Nativity scene which we leave up year-round. Chloe daily embraces the baby Jesus telling Him how much she loves Him, and she is captivated by the fact that Jesus was a Baby once. Chloe's LEAP of faith and understanding of the miracle of Christmas is truly a glimpse of Heaven, and this beautiful child that the world is waging a prenatal genocide against fills our misguided society with unconditional Love, Joy, Peace and Faith we all desperately need.

During this Christmas Season of Miracles let us never forget the LEAP of Faith Mary took when she received Angelic news about her virgin pregnancy, and may we always remember the unborn LEAP of Faith John the Baptist took when he recognized prenatal Jesus who was no larger than a tiny seed. Now more than ever our lost world needs to LEAP into God's WORD and shine a bright Light of Truth on the dark lies of the world concerning the most priceless, precious treasure God has created – Human LIFE! Merry Christmas!

© Kurt Kondrich
December 12, 2019
Each year during the Christmas season we celebrate the virgin birth of Jesus Christ who entered this world to deliver the most priceless gift to humanity that only God can give – Eternal Life. When Jesus' virgin mother Mary received news from the Angel Gabriel that she was pregnant with a son, she was overwhelmed with fear and questions. Mary accepted the news from the Angel and began the greatest LEAP of Faith ever. Gabriel told Mary that her older relative Elizabeth who past child bearing age was pregnant in her 6 month, and Mary hurried to her house to verify this miracle. When Mary entered the home of Elizabeth, Elizabeth's unborn baby would have been about 12 inches long and Mary's unborn Baby Jesus would have been the size of a tiny seed. God's Word has an incredible account of this meeting between Mary and Elizabeth which verifies that the first human being to recognize Jesus on this Earth was Elizabeth's unborn child who would bear the name John the Baptist: "When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby LEAPED in her womb" Luke 1:41 John was the first person prenatally to recognize Jesus the Son of God, and John was the first person postnatally to recognize Jesus when John loudly proclaimed "Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29
Many in today's deceived culture debate the issue of when Life begins and when Life can be terminated in the womb. In the account of Mary's meeting with Elizabeth, God's Word makes it crystal clear that Life begins the moment of conception when an unborn child is a distinct, unique, miracle human being created in the image of God. Prenatal Jesus was no larger than a tiny mustard seed when prenatal John recognized the Creator of the Universe and LEAPED for joy, and Jesus would later make this Faith statement about a mustard seed: "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20 The undeniable LIFE Truth is in the WORD and not the World, and I often remind people that there is a one letter difference "L" between these 2 words and the "L" will get you Lost with Lies about Life.

During this Christmas Season of Miracles let us never forget the LEAP of Faith Mary took when she received Angelic news about her virgin pregnancy, and may we always remember the unborn LEAP of Faith John the Baptist took when he recognized prenatal Jesus who was no larger than a tiny seed. Now more than ever our lost world needs to LEAP into God's WORD and shine a bright Light of Truth on the dark lies of the world concerning the most priceless, precious treasure God has created – Human LIFE! Merry Christmas!

© Kurt Kondrich
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