Linda Kimball
Luciferian New Age spirituality, Carl Jung, Abraxas, Baphomet, and evolution
By Linda Kimball
August 1, 2023

It is no exaggeration to say that the highly respected psychologist, Dr. Carl Jung, is the father of neo-Gnosticism and the New Age movement, which is why Dr. Jeffrey Satinover remarked,

"One of the most powerful modern forms of Gnosticism is without question Jungian psychology, both within or without the Church." (Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 27)

Because of his great influence in propagating gnostic philosophy and morals in churches and synagogues,

"...Jung deserves a closer look. The moral relativism that released upon us the sexual revolution is rooted in an outlook of which (Jung) is the most brilliant contemporary expositor." Jung "blended psychological reductionism with gnostic spirituality to produce a modern variant of mystical, pagan polytheism in which the multiple ‘images of the instincts’ (his ‘archetypes’) are worshipped as gods." (Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, p. 238)

Though many Christians mistakenly embrace Carl Jung, the truth is that Jung was a heavily demonized occult Gnostic magician whose familiar spirit guide Philemon,?appeared to him?as an old man with the horns of a bull and the wings of a fisher. Jung rejected Jesus Christ in favor of the gnostic god Abraxas.?Like all gnostic magicians ancient and modern, Jung sought to combine good with evil and male with female, thus for Jung it was regrettable that Christ in his goodness and maleness lacked a shadowy feminized side, and God the Father, who is the Light, lacked darkness.

Abraxas: The Abyss (Luke 8:31; Rev. 9:2; Rev. 9:11; Rev. 17:8; Rev. 20:1)

In his 1916 book, "The Seven Sermons to the Dead," Jung called Abraxas a god higher than the Christian God?that combines all opposites into one being. He?said Abraxas is?a polymorphous world spirit, a coiled knot of winged serpents?which permeates the very fabric of existence.

?Two?primary characteristics of ancient and modern Gnostic pagan ideology?revolve around two?ideas.? The first is?that this world is a horrible mistake.??The world and our bodies are places of suffering and evil that should never have existed.? The second is that the?Creator God of Scripture is?the?malevolent being responsible for both this evil world of matter and our evil bodies of matter while the winged serpent Satan is the?enlightener and?liberator of man.

Abraxas comes from ancient Egypt and Greece and is associated with the earliest beginnings of Gnosticism, which according to the Jewish Encyclopedia originated in ancient Chaldea with some of the Jews during their Babylonian exile.? It was then that?some Jews invented?the mystical Babylonian Kabbalah which they modeled on the Babylonian Mystery Religion, the mother of all mystery religions and evolutionary anti-creation origin accounts throughout the history of the world.?? According to modern occult Mason Albert Pike,

"The Kabbalah is the key to the occult sciences; and the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists." (Morals and Dogma, p. 626)

The Gnostic Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit teaches that?Abraxas is an Aeon dwelling with other Aeons of the Pleroma (Abyss).?? Pleroma generally refers to the totality of divine powers contained within and emanating (evolving) as energies from the Realm of Light (Ein Sof?of the Kabbalah/Divine One Substance/Void).??

In?"The Dictionary of Mind and Spirit" (1991),?we learn that?for the second-century Alexandrian Gnostic Basilides, Abraxas was the Supreme Being or Realm of Light?from which emanated?the following energies: Mind, Understanding, Wisdom, Power, and a whole succession?of powers, principalities, and Aeons.? Basilides believed there were 365 Aeons, all of them?personifications of the energies emanating from the Supreme Being.? The first of these Aeons was Christ, or Nous.???

?According to ancient Gnostic texts, Abraxas is?the astral serpent (Satan)?on the tree who gives the illumination of both good and evil to the automatons Adam and Eve whose eyes were then opened.?

The powerful occult symbol, the?Oroboros (snake biting its' tail), signifies Abraxas, the?king worm who rules this?world. Abraxas is the maker of good and evil rolled into one?persona described by?the?Gnostic?Basilides?as "the greatest God" (De vir. ill. 21), "the highest God" (Dial. adv. Lucif. 23), "the Almighty God" (Comm. in Amos iii. 9), and "the Lord the Creator" (Comm. in Nah. i. 11).

In modern Gnostic accounts such as the popular movie "The Matrix," Abraxas is the Cosmic Mind, a mysterious Divine One Substance, an "immeasurable light which is pure, holy and immaculate." (Apocryphon of John).?? On the other hand, the Holy Trinity is represented by the evil Machine Overlords.??(Wake up! Gnosticism and Buddhism in The Matrix, Frances Flannery-Daily and Rachel Wagner, Journal of Religion and Film)

Gnostic accounts generally demote the Holy Trinity to one of the lesser?Aeons, and portray Him as an evil, malformed, ignorant deity sometimes called Yaldabaoth who mistakenly believes he is the only god.?

Although traditions vary, Yaldabaoth is said to have breathed the divine spark of his mother Sophia (another Aeon)?into the human being (Apoc. of John) resulting in the human dilemma: man is not fallen and in need of a Savior but rather a divine spark trapped by Yaldabaoth in an evil material body in a false world of evil matter. The astral?Pleroma is his true home, but he is in exile.

Rather than Yaldabaoth, modern Gnostic Transhumanists such as Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, one of the founders of the World Transhumanist Association?together with?like-minded physicists suggest that the Holy Trinity is an evil alien supercomputer. In this account, the world we live in is a computer simulation in the minds of Robotic Overlords who are using humanity as playthings.? This is the "scientific" theory put forward by Bostrom and a?number of physicists whose?Gnostic account of the evil alien supercomputer is reminiscent of entities depicted in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey: "It is perhaps a ripe coincidence, that the Coptic word for simulation found in Gnostic texts is hal, recalling HAL the rebellious computer in Kubrick's 2001." (3)

In?Bostrom's?account, the Holy Trinity is the expression of an ego-driven consciousness, the evil Lord Archon, a?counterfeit spirit (Apoc. John III, 36:17) who?has entrapped humanity through deceit and parasitism in a simulated world of matter to prevent human beings from remembering that they are divine spirits whose real home is the Gnostic Pleroma.

Celebrated by the Satanic Temple as well as by Masons, Wiccans, and certain Global banker families including Baroness Philippine de Rothschilds [1] the devilish goat-headed Baphomet, known as the phallic god Pan, the ancient hermaphrodite god of nature, is another?representation of the Gnostic Abraxas. As Pan, the goat-headed deity is the first principle or essence of nature while in astrology,

" also equated with Satan and its base aspects." (J.E. Cirlot, A Dictionary of Symbols, 1971)

In a?Presentation at Norwood Lodge No. 90 in 1991, Master Mason Eugene Plawiuk?revealed the Chaldean pedigree of Baphomet and its close connection to astrology's elemental spirits in 'Liber Capricornus: the Symbolism of the Goat.' Plawiuk explains that the goat is known to all of us through,

"...the ancient science of Astrology first developed by the Chaldeans, or as they are commonly known; Babylonians. The Goat symbolizes male fertility (and is represented by) the astrological sign of Capricorn...In fact the...Babylonians who gave us this symbol of Capricorn and the science of Astrology were the first Temple Builders, and the goat for them symbolized the essence of the Temple or Lodge...According to a research monograph on the Dionysian Artificers and Early Masonry edited by Manly P. Hall, the symbolism of the goat relates to the prechristian God Pan, Dionysius. The Goat-God was accepted by the later Greek Mystery Schools as the symbol of the Temple Builders." (Presentation at Norwood Lodge No. 90, A.F. &A.M.G.R.A., Sept. 3, 1991, Masonic World)

Luciferian New Age Spirituality

Today's Luciferian New Age, or what Dr. Peter Jones describes as neo-Gnostic pagan spirituality,?relies heavily on spirit revelations channeled through Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey,?Neale Donald Walsh, and?many other contemporary mediums (including Carl Jung) some of them occupying positions at the UN.? (Deuteronomy 18: 10-12)

Satan is the great deceiver (Rev. 12:9). He uses his servants of deception to manipulate, confuse, and mislead (Ephesians 4:14), and one of?his most?important servants, the evangelical apostate Alice Bailey (1880-1949), is a major architect of today's rapidly spreading, morally relative, transgender embracing serpent-powered?neo-Gnostic Luciferian New Age movement, a spiritual juggernaut effecting a counter-conversion of consciousness that closes the soul to Jesus Christ while opening it to powers of darkness.

According to Bailey's contemporary apostles,?a master?'Plan' telepathically revealed to Bailey for the coming New Age millennium can be traced back to the fall of Lucifer and his angels from heaven. Bailey's demon-master, the Tibetan, described the revolt of the angels against the Holy God as part of the "divine plan of evolution," by which angels,

"…descended from their sinless and free state of existence in order to develop full divine awareness on earth." (Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, Fr. Seraphim Rose, p. 224)

In this total reversal and inversion of the Revealed Word of God, the Fall of man was really an evolutionary ascent to liberating knowledge by which man's eyes were opened to good (Satan) and evil (the Holy God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit). Thus Helena Blavatsky, another important servant of Satan and architect of New Age spirituality concluded that it is but natural to view Satan, the Centrifugal Energy of the Universe,

"... the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind. For it was he who was the 'Harbinger of Light,' bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah...Indeed, (mankind) was taught wisdom and the hidden knowledge by the 'Fallen Angel." (pp. 224-225)

As man's benefactor, Lucifer continues to assist man's evolution. In the words of the apostate evangelical, now New Age theologian David Spangler, a disciple of both Blavatsky and Bailey, Lucifer is 'the angel of man's evolution' and all who seek entry to the NWO must submit to the Luciferian initiation.

Spiritual Warfare

Satan's servants are out in the open today. They have successfully launched devastating spiritual warfare upon the whole body of the Christian church and by extension, upon Western and American society in ways that to previous generations would have seemed unthinkable.

Our conflict is spiritual, therefore, put on,

“…the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”, Ephesians 6: 13-17

And though we live in the world, remember that “we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor. 10:3-5


[1] Baroness Philippine W.P. Rothschild’s Creepy Jewelry

Linda writes on worldview, the occult, and related subjects.

© Linda Kimball


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